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Signed Up December 31, 2013
Last Posted July 14, 2023 at 12:19 PM
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#10 How tall are you? in Off Topic

6' 1"

And guy hit the gym and take their attention off your height

It works

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Frat boys in Off Topic

Thank you for the votes everyone appreciate it

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Frat boys in Off Topic

Settle an argument I'm having with someone

When you think of fraternity boys as a stereotype, do you think rich ones wearing pastel shorts, or just drunk boisterous ones


posted about 7 years ago
#10 design-and-build project in Off Topic

Are go karts science related

posted about 7 years ago
#43 post ur ideal gf in The Dumpster

Who's going to be the guy to take the risk and post a normal girl

posted about 7 years ago
#11 NA ugc team numbers compared to esea in TF2 General Discussion

HL is dying because every team leader would rather get forfeits than play, 18 people can never connect in a timely manner, and it is filled with sandbaggers

Before playing 6s, I tried joining 3 HL teams to play casually, and none of them really worked out for me because I didn't spend a lot of time online and didn't really have any friends, I just came to play

I started as a soldier in steel and was cut for someone objectively worse

Then I tried playing sniper in silver and got cut for a known hacker who was VACed during the season

Then I tried playing as a soldier in Gold and was cut for an IM player as soon as the possibility of playoffs rolled around

posted about 7 years ago
#78 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion

B4nny, Starkie, Shrugger are good
Lansky or Mike, but kaptain is sick
Termo, duwatna, bdonski
Shade or Raymond

Clockwork and blaze are the only players who are definitely the best

posted about 7 years ago
#13 good android games in Other Games

Super stick golf

posted about 7 years ago
#17 What culture do you associate tomatoes with? in Off Topic

For sure Latin American but I could see Mediterranean

posted about 7 years ago
#37 what ever happened to ruwin? in TF2 General Discussion

Most people either focus on becoming adults and starting families and careers and shit

I know I don't play much at all since I started college

The people who keep playing games usually move to ones that aren't so lifeless

posted about 7 years ago
#49 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic

Hey powerlifters in this thread: I started doing some bodyweight stuff when I was a teenager and my first year in college I've been lifting in a gym and trying to gain some weight

Right now I'm about 170 and although I don't really train for strength and have never really properly maxed, the heaviest I have lifted is 185 bench, 275 squat, and 365 deadlift

I have been thinking about focusing more on strength training next year and I'm wondering what your paths were for that. Did you join a club or a team? Did you have a friend who was more experienced to help you, or a friend you learned with? I have a buddy who is about as strong as me and we did track together in highschool and I was thinking about doing this with him. I don't really have the mental toughness to lift really heavy or stick to a plan without someone pushing me.

I probably won't do this seriously enough to compete but I'd like to get into the gym more than a few times a week and get more from it

posted about 7 years ago
#28 TF2 update for 5/15/17 in TF2 General Discussion

At least it didn't make the game noticeably worse yet

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Quick survey for stats class in Off Topic

70 and 0 sorry if I end up being a weirdo

posted about 7 years ago

How much do you weigh these days

posted about 7 years ago
#2285 PC Build Thread in Hardware

He doesn't need ECC, and he wont overclock it it will raise the price more than like 20 bucks.

He has looked at a lot of used monitors in the area and doesn't really like the selection.

Thanks for responding so quickly, I'll send this to him and we can look more for a monitor

posted about 7 years ago
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