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Last Posted November 13, 2016 at 7:29 PM
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#1 eXtv and evlTV collaborate on UGC coverage in TF2 General Discussion

It brings me great eXcitement to announce that evlTV and eXtelevision will be collaborating to bring you top notch coverage for the rest of the UGC Highlander season!

evlTV has brought in Dashner, one of the best live producers in TF2, as well as top casters Sigafoo and Grizz to finish out this season of Highlander Platinum. Last week's scheduling conflicts sparked an idea between evlTV's jeeringsole and eXtelevision's eXtine that the two should bring together the best of their resources in order to pull off one epic cast of UGC Platinum highlander. Instead of two competing channels, there will now be co-branded coverage pulling the best from both casting organizations.

This amazing cast will be broadcast live on evlTV's twitch channel, with the post-game VOD's distributed on eXtelevision's youtube channel.

This new collaboration will make its debut tomorrow for the mTs vs Muma match on at 9:30pm EST.

In addition to Platinum coverage, evlTV hopes to provide a second evlTV2 stream which will cover the top UGC Gold matches on a consistent basis. This second channel should be going live within the next few weeks!

posted about 8 years ago
#15 UGC Gold: vs. Artotkza in Events

Unfortunately we will be cancelling this re-broadcast. Sorry folks.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 UGC Gold: vs. Artotkza in Events

To clarify folks, we are rebroadcasting the game because it was not casted live. Since we're also bringing on Dashner for our Monday HL casts this is a technical run to make sure everything goes smooth (though we already know it will, cuz Dashner).

Also we may have some eXciting hints to share EVentuaLly.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 ESEA Open: Bird Noises vs. Clam Bake in Events
matt-5-0 bird noises
also the match page hyperlink goes to the wrong match

Fixed, soz about that ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#29 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events
brooky12Of course, it appears EVL is being the better man and moving their casting intentions (edit: i got post-sniped forget that), but overall it comes down to people perceiving EXTV as just not caring about what EVL does and says (which you practically admitted to by saying the quoted text above), and not liking it.

Actually we'll be sticking with our original plan to cast the match. We put some effort into this match already, and we're not going to change the match we're casting, and neither should eXtv.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events
eXtineI don't appreciate this being framed as an issue of morality. We have been covering what we think will be the best UGC match of the week for over four years.

EVL is more than welcome to cast whatever they want but we are not going to change what we cover because of other people's plans for streaming.

I have been public about going through some shit in the last months. If EVL had reached out to me in the off season and said they were hoping to cover the best platinum games every week, which again is what we've been doing for four years, I would have gladly stepped aside then and let them take the whole season.

There were obviously some bumps in Communication this off season between Ugc evl and myself, but there is no I'll will anywhere. I didn't wake up this morning conspiring to nudge evl off this cast. I hope they also run a production tonight and don't switch plans.

I think everyone wants the same thing so let's cut the hostility.

Grizz Sigafoo and myself are committed to putting together eXcellent coverages of UGCs best match every week of season 16. We'd appreciate your viewership, but as it's been pointed out there are many ways to watch it already. The vod will be on YouTube.

We won't be changing our plans, we put in the extra effort to get this game setup, and I don't see a reason for us to switch it up, nor should you guys since you did the same.

While I don't agree that its completely on us for not reaching out pre-season, I don't want anyone to think there is some kind of feud between us and eXtv. On the contrary, competition is good, it keeps us all on our toes, any economics book will tell you that. eXtv definitely is doing a lot of good for TF2, and we hope we're doing the same.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events
CorsaSince it seems like extine is being stubborn and also doesn't have time to change the match, you guys (evl) can be the better people and cast another game like silver savages vs fb despite picking mTs vs ginyu first.

We're considering cutting our losses and dropping down to gold. We're really pushing for twitch partner and are close, and typically plat has not delivered the viewers we need unless its one of the more demanded matches. While that sounds a bit selfish, another TF2 casting org having partner is good for the entire community and helps to get TF2 higher on the radar. Usually top gold matches bring in a good amount of viewers.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events
eXtineThis is the match we decided to cast last week. grizzly communicated this to mambolay and we moved forward with plans. It's nice to have evlTV offering coverage this season (and last). It's too bad we didn't get together before the season to concentrate our efforts. I reached out to mambo/Ugc about plans for this season's coverage right after last season wrapped but otherwise the eXtv decision to run coverage this season was rather last minute.

We are gonna cover the best games of Ugc platinum every week, just like we have been doing for the last 4 years. I wish evl the best of luck with their casts but won't budge off games based off what they cover. If they do 6s/ultiduo coverage I'm down to show up on their stream if I'm free and they and I can discuss collaboration for neXt season.

I realized two event postings is kinda spammy but I still hope my promotional posts are welcome. What would be a better way?

I would love to keep an open line of communication with you guys if at all possible so that this overlap doesn't happen. It's not fair to anyone involved by doing a double match coverage.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 evlTV staff singup (and new summer intro!) in TF2 General Discussion
brooky12that signup sheet is really hard to see

Fixed it!

posted about 8 years ago
#2 evlTV staff singup (and new summer intro!) in TF2 General Discussion

Also, regarding the video. Mad respect for Goldfish for telling us like it is for our opener!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 evlTV staff singup (and new summer intro!) in TF2 General Discussion

Hello Ladies and Mentlegen

evlTV is in need of more casting staff. We are looking to train, and support new production staff, graphic designers, schedulers, marketers, and of course casters!

These efforts to help boost our staff to help support the upcoming Summer Battle Royale which will be bigger than ever, and require more staff.

Also I want to post our new summer opener video! It's a pretty nice piece that reflects our stronger than ever hopes for TF2 as an e-sport thanks to Valve's recent matchmaking news.

Before you signup...

  • Casting is a huge time commitment. You'll need to dedicate a few hours per week, even on weeks you aren't covering any matches. If you can't do this, don't signup!
  • We have a bootcamp program which will help new casters get started, but you must invest much of your own time and effort. We don't have a magic wand to turn you into an epic caster, you must practice!
  • Camera / Production staff should have a strong foundation in using computers and software, and also need at least 2.3mbps of upload speed.

Signup here, you brave and worthy people.

Huge thanks to our entire evlTV team. None of them get paid, and are doing this because they love the game, and enjoy producing a show. Its not always perfect, but I've never seen a more passionate group of people before. Huge props evlTV casting team!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 UGC Plat: Ginyu Force vs. Dunning-Kruger Effect in Events

*actual roster

posted about 9 years ago
#26 and DDoSing in TF2 General Discussion

I'll chime in here on how to find out who launched a DDoS attack.
First there is a big difference between a DDoS and a DoS. DDoS is a distributed denial of service attack. Distributed because there's usually thousands of botnets sending traffic to your IP address and flooding your network pipe. Even if you had all of their IP's none of them are usually your attackers.

Most routers don't log every single packet that flows through your router either, its not feasible to store hundreds of gigs worth of logs on a little router.
So TL:DR you won't find out who attacked you, because typically its a black hat service that people pay for in bitcoins.

Now if a server gets a DDoS attack, it can be moved over to a DDoS filtering service. This can add 15-20ms of latency to everyone's connection but it does a good job of thwarting the attack.

A player who is attacked often can use a VPN to protect their IP address. VyprVPN has a service meant for eSports with DDoS protection. Unfortunately it does increase the cost of entry for playing in matches.

Although I'm biased about since we sponsor them, shutting them down is not the solution.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 DESERTBASH LAN TF2 Finals in Events

This has gotta be the best thing that happened during the entire stream! Just awesome

posted about 9 years ago
#4 UGC Silver HL: All Stars in Events
MiNiI feel as if the people casting the all star game should be more in touch the division since they would know more about the players.

We haven't had anyone in the division come to us about this, and would be open to it.

posted about 9 years ago
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