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Signed Up February 26, 2013
Last Posted March 23, 2017 at 9:54 PM
Posts 174 (0 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 9 10 11 12
#85 Warsow in Off Topic
Awfulcage-MuerteSmytherShould be the same. If it's 2.1 in TF2, set it to 2.1 in quake/warsow, assuming direct input and the mouse settings don't change.
Also keep an eye on your FOV though. Adjustments to your FOV will make it seem like your sensitivity is higher/lower (although it remains exactly the same).
I am using 90 fov, like in tf2 and the sensitivity is not consistent. It is significantly lower in Warsow. I'll just guess around.
noticed the same thing. I think it has something to do with raw input.

90 fov_DESIRED in tf2 is not actually fov 90, your fov changes depending on your aspect ratio. You can use this (http://www.casualhacks.net/Source-FOV-calculator.html) to calculate your actual fov in tf2 and use that as the fov value in warsow if you want your mouse sensitivity to feel the same as tf2.

posted about 10 years ago
#108 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Why not just a simple nominate system? E.g. all items are allowed by default but if a player feels that a weapon is overpowered/unbalanced they can nominate it for a vote by the players in the lobby. It could have a simple popup screen similar to when you find an item with an option to ban or allow. Once a player is happy with the weapons they have nominated they can "ready up", and the process continues until everyone is ready. If someone trolls by nominating every item in the game they can surely be removed by a votekick?

A player can nominate any item as many times as they want (although repeat nominations are not allowed). This accommodates for people who have a) aren't familiar with the system in place or b) item x being overpowered had not occurred to them/they had forgotten about.

However, this system doesn't yield any data regarding which items people consistently want to use (the proposed "pick" function). But surely statistics regarding in game item use of the remaining weapons will give enough data for them to work from, since it is a "play to win environment" people will pick the "best" items rather than the most fun ones like they would in public.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 CPMA in TF2 General Discussion

Any europeans play? Used to play this a lot about a year ago, but the guy I played with went inactive.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Can't rocketjump anymore in Q/A Help
ErenJaydisable raw mouse input


Depends on your desktop environment as far as I can tell. Simply switching to full screen worked for me in xfce4.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 grape hud in Customization
grapeHmm, it looks like the font isn't weighted on linux, I may be able to use a bolded font for the HP/Ammo, I unfortunately can't test it on linux so that may be a later project.

I'm pretty sure it's using Verdana instead of HelveticaLTStd-Roman

m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 Verdana
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 Verdana
- console output after launching game
I installed the Helvetica font to ~/.fonts dir idk if that makes any difference. It's odd that only this font isn't showing properly since all the others seem to work fine (e.g. hud xhairs). Maybe it's because it's an OpenType font?

I can test it for you if you want, add me on steam. Least I can do since I'll be one of very few to benefit from you adding this functionality.

edit: https://github.com/omp/tf2hud/issues/33 might be of some help
Yeah, installed font system wide and now it's displaying but not weighted.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 grape hud in Customization
PlatypuskosNo idea why but the font's are messed up using Linux (ubuntu 12.10), doesn't make it unusable but is a bit annoying. Really nice HUD btw, i like it a lot.


How's performance in linux? I wanted to give it a try, seeing as I pretty much only play TF2.

Haven't noticed any difference from running on Windows tbh, and I'm using an AMD (Radeon HD 7770) card which are generally not as well supported by Linux. There are a few random glitches/errors such as certain HUDs not working properly and I get a ~30fps drop when I'm jarated??? But if you have an Nvidia card they are supposed to work so much better (fps increase compared to Windows). There are a lot of variables though, certain distros/Desktop environments work better than others.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 grape hud in Customization

No idea why but the font's are messed up using Linux (ubuntu 12.10), doesn't make it unusable but is a bit annoying. Really nice HUD btw, i like it a lot.


posted about 11 years ago
#14 Chris_Down in TF2 General Discussion
skyrideAnimal will continue to maintain them. Do not despair.


posted about 11 years ago
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