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Country Bermuda
Signed Up November 20, 2012
Last Posted May 26, 2024 at 2:57 PM
Posts 863 (0.2 per day)
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#33 ESEA-O S21 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

What are the odds of any surprise maps in the pool? If I'm not mistaken it should be:


posted about 8 years ago
#263 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayerLove him or hate him, I thought this was pretty funny: www.jebbush.com


posted about 8 years ago
#260 Donald Trump in World Events

Anybody who is genuinely curious why Trump is doing so well in the polls, Scott Adams (Dilbert cartoonist, not a Trump supporter if you're worried about bias) has been blogging for months about his rhetorical strategies & why they are so effective:

some of the better ones imo
or TL;DR in Adams' words: "Does the boring candidate ever win? No."

Love him or hate him, the reality is that Trump is manhandling the media in the way that has possibly never been seen before in ANY country's elections. He might seem bumbling but I would hazard that every aspect of his public image is completely intentional. The usual political pundits and whatnot don't get it simply because they've never seen it before. You have to keep in mind that this man has been in the media for many many years, he understands public perception on a very deep level. Also worth noting that until some point in the 80s, Trump's public persona was much more subdued. It wasn't until he started clowning around with pro wrestlers that he became the loudmouth Trump we see today. That was surely intentional too.

An example - I doubt many of you watched the most recent Republican primary debate (I did, it was way too long and boring) - but for those who did, 90% of people will only remember one part: Jeb Bush telling Trump "you can't become president by insulting everybody" and Trump responding "I'm at 42% and you're at 3%, so tell me if it's working" or something along those lines.

edit: sorry I'm getting boring here, but another thing - if Trump was an idiot he would never be able to pull this off


poor Jeb...

posted about 8 years ago
#258 Donald Trump in World Events


posted about 8 years ago
#38 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

FWIW Billdozer was a good coach the time I did a newbiemix. Explains things well, and he obviously understands the game or he wouldn't have been playing in IM

but he asked me to make this post lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#240 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

What's the console command to use ping numbers instead of images?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 LFP Iron 6s (Med & subs) in Recruitment (looking for players)

why is bwelp on an iron 6s team?

posted about 8 years ago
#8 loot LFT low- in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've found a team, thanks for all the tryouts

posted about 8 years ago
#59 ban the looser cannon in TF2 General Discussion
messiahremember when EU was vanilla?

can we do that with the NA scene that would be neat wouldn't it????

Funboats, escape plan, crossbow and boston basher are far too engrained in the meta now

posted about 8 years ago
#7 loot LFT low- in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#13 Iron Pugs 2015 Winter Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

What is the deadline for signups?

posted about 8 years ago
#12 144hz screen tear/jitter on Chrome? in Hardware
flatlineSeems to be fine at 120hz. My old-ish GPU probably can't handle (or wasn't built for) 144hz.

Sounds like the same problem I have, no matter what I try (changing cables, drivers, reconnecting everything, reseating video card...) my monitor always stutters on 144 Hz but works perfectly on 120 Hz. Just need to upgrade soon I guess.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 loot LFT low- in Recruitment (looking for team)

looking for some tryouts this upcoming weekend

posted about 8 years ago
#105 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion

I played pugs with Katie's (or whoever's) previous couple of pug groups, she (he? still not sure on that, sounds like a 15yo girl) keeps making new groups with the same players and same mumble for some reason. Last time I was there several people accused s/he of wallhacking, I didn't pay enough attention to notice.

s/he also wanted me to play on her ugc silver team, but played absolutely terrible in the 2 scrims we had before splitting up - trying to play without hacks there, or what? performed much better in pugs. Repeated claims of being a gold or IM player aren't supported by gameplay, lacks a lot of basic knowledge about pushes and positioning.

I'm not sure what to make of all this but I know it's sketchy enough that I've removed him/her from my friends list

posted about 8 years ago
#106 How did you guys got introduced to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

I used to play Pirates Vikings and Knights with several people who also played comp tf2 - cri.nge, roth, zinmaster, tranchemusic and thief, off the top of my head

posted about 8 years ago
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