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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted November 14, 2014 at 10:03 PM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
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#220 age in Off Topic

oPlaiD and I are both 28. age sneaks up on you pretty fast.

posted about 10 years ago
#268 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#52 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

WTF what a weird coincidence. oPlaiD has been talking about fatal1ty (awkwardly, while we're in bed together) nearly every night for the past week -- just wondering out loud what he's up to and talking about wanting to write something about him, things like that.

In any case, this should be amazing to watch.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Samuel "Oplaid" Lingle in TF2 General Discussion

"so there's a thread about me again"

posted about 11 years ago


posted about 11 years ago

All of you are cute. And many of you need haircuts.

SPEAKING OF CUTE - this guy right here.



posted about 11 years ago
#2 ESEA S12 LAN Preview: Classic Mixup in News

mix^ for the lan thanks in advance.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Anyone want a big box of computer cables? in Hardware

Thx marisa for buying my processor. Still have other stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 Fuck this hurricane in Off Topic

Fuck every hurricane. I really wish Katrina evacuation wouldn't have ended me up in this shithole East Texas town.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Anyone want a big box of computer cables? in Hardware

I'm moving and I don't want like 90% of my stuff. I'll probably actually have some hardware I'd like to get rid of once I dig it out (I think maybe a motherboard or two and a video card perhaps) but in the meantime I've come across the inevitable box of computer cables'n'shit that anyone who has ever built a computer in their life (or 3-4) has. I have no idea what half the shit in this box but I'm sure it's probably useful to people who would actually use it. Maybe. Perhaps. I don't know/care.

Inside you'll find the past 8 years worth of internal cables, power cables, random parts, screws, more cables and whatever else.

I'd like to sell the whole box of pieces and shove it all into a large USPS Priority flat rate shipping box so I'm looking for like $30 including said shipping. If you can actually identify the shit in the box and tell me, "Hey, fuck you, none of that is even worth that go screw yourself." I'll lower it and care even less. I just want to give the opportunity for this to go to someone who may actually have some use for it rather than me dropping it off on the doorstep of the local PC repair place like an abandoned baby.

I've thrown away most all of the driver CDs and shit of that nature so it's mostly all wires and cables and adapters and whatevers. SURPRISES.

I can't find my SD card reader so here's a high quality iPhone pic:

EDIT: I found some other shit!

I found an old i7 processor. It works.
Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz LGA 1366 130W Quad-Core Processor BX80601920 - $80 +ship

I don't feel like taking another picture of it now but I found this motherboard:
Intel BOXDX58SO2 LGA 1366 Intel X58 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
Works fine, was used for around 6 months and purchased earlier this year I think. Offer please. :)

20-Key USB X-Keys Desktop, unused (see here) - $60 +ship

Gunnar Optiks Paralex in Gloss Onyx/Amber, pretty much unused - $30 +ship

Zerglings and Marines (7 of each, different poses) - $10 +ship

GG Button, unused - $10 shipped

I own the stupidest stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Post your mouse pad in TF2 General Discussion
maidoswow is that shiden kai and how long have u used it

Yeah, it's a SHIDEN-KAI MID M and I've been using it since February. I don't really play anything very hardcore so it doesn't have too much use but it does stain strangely, hates liquids, and started fraying on the edges very shortly after I got it. I also realized the picture above was awful because my phone's flash reflected off all of the glass particles and made it look ridiculous so I took another picture just for you.


IDK, I don't really like it very much. :<

posted about 11 years ago
#47 Post your mouse pad in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#78 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion

I really wish HL players would stop acting like all of the invite players are higher-grade bullies picking on them at recess. Grow up, all of you. If they don't like it and they don't respect it and you do, who gives a fuck. Keep your shit alive, you don't need invite TF2 players to keep HL popular or further the future of TF2 or any of that shit. Kill the bad attitudes and just roll with it and just see where shit goes. I'm sure both sides would be amazed at how little the other side actually cares about this pointless elitism and quarreling.

The truth of the matter is that some people are not going to respect a format. They aren't going to like a certain way to play a game. I'm sorry, that's how it works. To be honest, I rarely see invite players making global statements about how HL is some sort of inferior game type and that they're just super special amazing people because they like to conform to 6v6. Is this really such a widespread issue? No offense to any HL players, but I see the accusations way more than I see the actual insults. I'm not even trying to defend invite players or anything but what in the fuck, it's just an endless stream of whining. If they don't like it, WHO CARES? They aren't killing TF2, this endless bickering and elitism attitude (from both sides) is.

It'd be cool if the the players on both sides would stop being dicks about everything and just play the game the way they want to play it.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion
mghughlauriemost of the new invite players on mTs and GG don't know how highlander is supposed to be played yet.

For some reason this statement annoys me. How Highlander is "supposed to be played"? What exactly does this mean?

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Favourite concept albums? in Off Topic

The Antlers - Hospice

posted about 11 years ago
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