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Signed Up December 30, 2014
Last Posted October 2, 2017 at 7:37 PM
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#17 School & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

nvm it's aleady been said

(work at school play at home)

posted about 7 years ago
#245 Personality Types in Off Topic

INTP same as flatline p much

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Running Enthusiasts in Off Topic

Yeah I love running

posted about 7 years ago
#1271 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Oh ok I'll probably need lightboost since my framerate should be good enough to not fall below the monitor's refresh rate

posted about 8 years ago
#1264 PC Build Thread in Hardware
I don't think you'll need 16GB RAM, but it's well within budget so why not. 500GB SSD is an obvious upgrade, so if you think you'll need more than 250GB for OS + programs definitely go for it.

The BenQ XL2411Z is definitely good, it's got the BenQ Motion Blur Reduction Utility (basically lightboost with a bit more options) but it doesn't support FreeSync.
The AOC G2460PF and Nixeus NX-VUE24A (the NX is a bit better) do support FreeSync, but don't support Lightboost.

Unless you're going to buy two monitors you have to choose.
Well there is one option, the BenQ XL2730Z does support both, though not at the same time, but it's far more expensive and it's a 27" 1440p monitor, whereas you were looking for a 24" 1080p monitor.

I'd probably have to test this to know, but which is better; lightboost or freesync? I'll only be getting one monitor, and it'll be a choice of the 24 inch ones (no point in getting the 27" if it can only do 1 at a time). People say lightboost is better if you have a stable framerate, but freesync is good with AMD cards?

posted about 8 years ago
#1260 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Wow, that's alot cheaper than I expected. If I hadn't asked here I would've gotten an i7 or even the 9590.

Thanks for the advice! I'll be buying these exact parts (maybe 16gb of ram and a 500gb ssd instead of hdd). Yes I do want lightboost and freesync, so which of those monitors would be best? I've heard good reviews about the Benq one.

Edit: oh the Nixeus Vue has freesync

posted about 8 years ago
#1258 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Oh and this is something that really baffles me: how is AMD's 9590 8-core 4.3ghz processor sold for $200 while Intel is selling the i7 5960K 8-core 3.0ghz processor for $1,000?

Are intel processors/graphics cards innately better in some way? Or are they just purely more expensive? Please explain this to me.

Since TF2 is CPU bound then I'll probably get the i7 6700k or the top AMD one.
And for the monitors I meant the VG248QE and the XL24-something. The 24 inch 144hz monitors.

posted about 8 years ago
#1255 PC Build Thread in Hardware
1./8. is not ideal since there will be new AMD cards in June which should be interesting.
2. Same
3. Easy in Borderlands 2 and Skyrim, but not really happening in The Division anyway.
4. Ok.
5. Hard to know if you'd like if you've never seen it.
6. I don't think you know what G-Sync/FreeSync are. You should probably read up on it.
7. Ok.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean with "Price range (minimum for TF2): ~1300$".

Regarding 3.,6.html
A 300-400$ GPU right now gets you ~60fps, if you were willing to wait you could get >80 at the same price. Your choice.

Good build for what?

Ok I did some research on Lightboost and Gsync/Freesync. I definitely want those, I was thinking either the Benq or Asus 144hz monitor for that?
Also I'm more open to overclocking as long as its not complicated.
I'll probably be buying mid-June just to wait and see the new GPUs, and by minimum for TF2 I meant "What's the minimum I would need to play TF2" but nevermind that since I'd rather save and run more gfx intensive games

posted about 8 years ago
#1251 PC Build Thread in Hardware

1. I'm planning to buy the parts in June, either on the 1st or near the end of the month, and I probably won't get the new 1080 card (if that's why you asked)
2. No
3. I'd be happy with 100 in other games
4. yeah just 1080p
5. I've heard a little bit about lightboost, is it worth it and does it really help?
6. Isn't Gsync bad for gaming/general?
7. Probably not
8. ASAP, my situation is a person promised me a budget for getting a new pc as a gift. If they can't afford to help me out or don't for whatever reason then I have to work for it (3 weeks earnings)

posted about 8 years ago
#1249 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi, I was pointed to this thread by a friend because I'm getting a new pc soon (building from scratch)
Currently I get about 40 fps when staring at a wall, and 20 when a rocket explodes in my face, so I'd be satisfied with a constant 200 fps. I can save for anything under $3000 basically, but I wanna know the min and max I should spend.

So I want to ask Setsul: what pc parts would you recommend for me with this criteria,
Price range (minimum for TF2): ~1300$
Price range (for high-graphic pc games): ~2500$
Main game: TF2, but I also want to play high-gpu games on high-ultra settings like The Division, Borderlands 2, maybe Skyrim, etc.
Also of course I plan to game on 144hz.

The only thing I need besides the pc is a monitor and a mouse.

posted about 8 years ago
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