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Signed Up May 21, 2014
Last Posted June 12, 2014 at 2:59 PM
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#121 notoHUD in Customization
omniunleashyCan you help me out again? :-)

Remember the fonts "disappearing" problem I mentioned earlier on the thread? So yeah, I found more places where this is also happening. I found it on the MvM buy upgrades panel (in the description of upgrades) and on the competitive spectator scoreboard (that one that shows the health, uber etc when on competitive, the same glitch that happened to the 'normal' scoreboard).

Can you guide me to "fixing" this? Thanks! I can post screenshots if you need, bye!

I know the font sizes this is probably happening with the most, and it's sizes 8 and 10. That's because these are tiny. Best way to fix this problem temporarily (I guess) is to open up resource/ClientScheme.res and find:
And replacing all their "tall" values with 12

However, due to some HUD panel sizes, 12 might cut off the bottom of some of the text. But unfortunately, there's not much I can currently do about it. This is the best option, I'm afraid.

Ahh dammit. Well ok I'll try this and edit this later. Anyways, thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#119 notoHUD in Customization

Can you help me out again? :-)

Remember the fonts "disappearing" problem I mentioned earlier on the thread? So yeah, I found more places where this is also happening. I found it on the MvM buy upgrades panel (in the description of upgrades) and on the competitive spectator scoreboard (that one that shows the health, uber etc when on competitive, the same glitch that happened to the 'normal' scoreboard).

Can you guide me to "fixing" this? Thanks! I can post screenshots if you need, bye!

posted about 9 years ago
#112 notoHUD in Customization
omniunleashyHow can I change semibold on the scoreboard and killfeed? (It's happening on the killfeed too). I tried to change things on Scoreboard.res but no success. Thanks!
For the scoreboard, open up resource/ClientScheme.res and ctrl+f to find "default". Should look like this:
				"name"		"Open Sans"
				"tall"		"12"
				"antialias" 	"1"
				"name"		"Open Sans Bold"
				"tall"		"72"
				"antialias" 	"1"


Just change where it says "Open Sans" to "Open Sans Semibold"

With the killfeed, open up scripts/HudLayout.res and ctrl+f to find "HudDeathNotice". Find and change the "TextFont" from "Noto12" to "NotoSemibold12"

Thanks a lot! It worked gracefully. Thanks!!

posted about 10 years ago
#110 notoHUD in Customization
EricunleashyHello, I have a strange-ass bug to report.


Yea. The letters "u" and "i" won't show up. The "i" is invisible, and the "u" is half of it. Yeah, i installed all the fonts. Do you know what it is?

It's a bug with the way the text renders at certain resolutions and sizes. The easiest fix is to replace Open Sans with Open Sans Semibold, as the Semibold weight doesn't have this issue and won't result in as much displaced text as larger sizes or other weights. You might only have to do this when the "height" value is 12, but who knows.

Feel free to shoot me a message if you need more assistance.

Yeah, thanks for responding! And yes I do need some assistance. How can I change semibold on the scoreboard and killfeed? (It's happening on the killfeed too). I tried to change things on Scoreboard.res but no success. Thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#106 notoHUD in Customization

Hello, I have a strange-ass bug to report.


Yea. The letters "u" and "i" won't show up. The "i" is invisible, and the "u" is half of it. Yeah, i installed all the fonts. Do you know what it is?

posted about 10 years ago