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"didn't i ban you" - a moratorium
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weird i love having deep and thoughtful discussions like "would you rather fight a raccoon everytime you open your car door or fight a gorilla unannounced once a year." in b4nnys chat all the time

weird i love having deep and thoughtful discussions like "would you rather fight a raccoon everytime you open your car door or fight a gorilla unannounced once a year." in b4nnys chat all the time
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EnzoDBI catch a permaban with the ban reason being, "phd"

mine is "PH r" i've long hypothesized that zeekaptain uses secret code to keep track of who did what

[quote=EnzoDB]I catch a permaban with the ban reason being, "phd"[/quote]

mine is "PH r" i've long hypothesized that zeekaptain uses secret code to keep track of who did what
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finmanweird i love having deep and thoughtful discussions like "would you rather fight a raccoon everytime you open your car door or fight a gorilla unannounced once a year." in b4nnys chat all the time

maybe if the gorilla was announced i'd do it. it's all about the spectacle

[quote=finman]weird i love having deep and thoughtful discussions like "would you rather fight a raccoon everytime you open your car door or fight a gorilla unannounced once a year." in b4nnys chat all the time[/quote]
maybe if the gorilla was announced i'd do it. it's all about the spectacle
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