Account Details
SteamID64 76561198067079068
SteamID3 [U:1:106813340]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:53406670
Country Korea, Republic of
Signed Up November 4, 2013
Last Posted July 11, 2020 at 1:46 AM
Posts 34 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire TK
Mousepad Puretrak Stealth
Headphones Koss Pro DJ 100
Monitor LG IPS-LED
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#57 7 eleven frequenters thread in Off Topic

All these comments make me realize how lucky east asians have it when their 7-elevens are stocked with everything you ever need for days (ex: ~$1.5/soju bottle in korea, or ~$2.5 for sake, or shot for ~$1.5 in Taiwan)

posted about 3 years ago
#29 omphud-redux in Customization
flatlineThat's the wrong code for the tracker in hudlayout:
                "ControlName"   "EditablePanel"
                "fieldName"             "HudAchievementTracker"
                "xpos"                  "0"
                "NormalY"               "0"
                "EngineerY"             "0"
                "wide"                  "f0"
                "tall"                  "480"
                "visible"               "1"
                "enabled"               "1"    
                "zpos"                  "1"

Thanks! That works now. I changed the value of "ypos" to "c-97" for OmpCrosshair entry in HudAchievementTracker.res so the crosshair labeled 9 was at the center of the screen 1920x1080 resolution.

Please consider adding this feature in the next release!

posted about 8 years ago
#27 omphud-redux in Customization


How do I toggle HUD Crosshairs (specifically the #9 in crosshairs.png) through HudAchievementTrackerItem.res?

I have the following in my HudAchievementTrackerItem.res file:


//crosshair start

		"controlName" 	"CExLabel"
		"fieldName" 	"OmpCrosshair"
		"font" 			"Crosshairs32"
		"fgcolor" 		"255 0 255 255"
		"labelText" 	"9"
		"xpos" 			"c-100"
		"ypos" 			"c-103"
		"wide" 			"200"
		"tall" 			"200"
		"visible" 		"1"
		"enabled" 		"1"
		"textAlignment" "center"
//crosshair end

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"HudAchievementTrackerItem"
		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"0"
		"zpos"			"999"
		"wide"			"f0"
		"tall"			"480"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"1"	

		"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"

		"ControlName"	"Label"
		"fieldName"		"AchievementName"
		"labeltext"		""
		"xpos"			"9999"
		"ypos"			"9999"
		"wide"			"170"
		"tall"			"10"
		"zpos"			"4"
		"textinsetx"	"5"
		"font"			"AchievementTracker_Name"
		"textAlignment"		"north-west"
		"ControlName"	"Label"
		"fieldName"		"AchievementNameGlow"
		"labeltext"		""
		"xpos"			"9999"
		"ypos"			"9999"
		"wide"			"170"
		"tall"			"10"
		"zpos"			"4"
		"fgcolor_override"		"235 226 202 255"
		"font"			"AchievementTracker_NameGlow"
		"textinsetx"	"5"
		"textAlignment"		"north-west"

		"ControlName"	"Label"
		"fieldName"		"AchievementDesc"
		"labeltext"		""
		"xpos"			"9999"
		"ypos"			"9999"
		"wide"			"120"
		"tall"			"18"
		"zpos"			"4"
		"textinsetx"	"5"
		"fgcolor_override"		"235 226 202 255"
		"font"			"AchievementTracker_Desc"
		"wrap"			"1"
		"TextAlignment"		"north-west"

		"ControlName"		"ImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"ProgressBarBG"
		"xpos"		"9999"
		"ypos"		"9999"
		"wide"		"100"
		"tall"		"6"
		"fillcolor"	 "250 234 201 51"
		"zpos"			"4"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"

	"ProgressBar" // current completed
		"ControlName"	"ImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"ProgressBar"
		"xpos"			"7"
		"ypos"			"19"
		"wide"			"0"
		"tall"			"6"
		"fillcolor"		"251 235 202 255"
		"zpos"			"5"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"

and this is what I have in my hudlayout.res under HudAchievementTracker

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"HudAchievementTracker"
		"xpos"			"5"
		"NormalY"		"10"
		"EngineerY"		"170"
		"zpos"			"2"
		"wide"			"200"
		"tall"			"280"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"	

After this, I'm not able to see the HUD crosshair. I'm basically following steps in this thread: http://www.teamfortress.tv/4134/how-to-use-multiple-hud-crosshairs

They worked for me in my previous HUD (Hudas Iscariote), but don't seem to work with omphud-redux.

Any help would be appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago
#82 TF2: remember _____? in TF2 General Discussion

Fully Torqued!

(specially the Seagull + zbryan soldier combo)

posted about 8 years ago
#120 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion

If you guys are seriously going to put in effor to make a new website, here are some things that you need to consider:

  • The one way I see this new site taking off is by offering matchmaking from the beginning for 6s. This is because without this, you will pretty much offer an inferior service, and hence, there's no reason to use it (other than admins being better). Also keep in mind that Valve is going to release matchmaking in a few months, so your matchmaking needs to be better than theirs. Anyway, you now need someone who is good at algorithms, specially related to ELO. Luckily, you have tf2 player rankings to go off by, and even more nice, is that they offer API calls for a group of 12 players. However, I have personally no idea on how many API calls they can serve within a second, and this is critcal because people won't generally like waiting for more than 3 minutes for a proper match. You also have to consider the fact that people will keep joining and leaving, and that the player pool at any given time will be pretty small. Combining all of this, you have a very short time to determine a balanced game. So I would first suggest trying to get a balanced match, with help from TF2 Player rankings, within around 3 minutes.
  • Then, you wil have to decide on the design on the new site. What frameworks are you going to use? Are you providing an API? Your framework needs to be able to react with mumble and tf2 servers. Speaking of servers, it would be great to give free servers using the ones on na.serveme.tf, and they also have an API that you can use to reserve and end reservation once a match is over. Also, you would need a forum to discuss things about the site with everyone else. You can just get a steam group in the beginning, but you will eventually have to make this. Next, you should really thing about getting a nice logs page. Not like logs.tf, but more like dotabuff for TF2 using data from logs.tf. This would be another reason for people to start using your website at launch just to see their stats no matter where they choose to play.
  • Finally, once you are finished with making the product you would need to keep a PR team that not only does moderation and public announcements, but also gives the developers feedback on what the community wants. Luckily, you don't need marketing team because word of mouth and a post on tf.tv can go a long way in getting a good playerbase.

I don't really have time to code outside of work, but I could definitely help with designing the parts (for anything -- backend stuff or frontend UI).

posted about 8 years ago
#485 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
xattuuJust wondering when this HUD was last updated, would love to use it again it was just missing some of the newer elements and i was forced to switch

I turned off the health bar over other players, and it works fine without that feature. Use it mainly in 6s/pubs though, so not sure if MvM is supported decently enough.

posted about 9 years ago
#104 Favorite Album? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#12 Screen Tear? in Q/A Help

Seeing that your framerate is that high, try vsync with triple buffering?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 [Stream] A.R. in Requests


My alias is A.R. I currently don't play in a team, but used to play UGC Steel 6s for the past 3 seasons (UGC because I mostly played with IRL friends, and couldn't find anybody to play ESEA with me). Currently I just stream tf2centers/pubs, but am looking to stream my matches next season of UGC. I would stream almost daily playing mainly TF2/CSGO/Dota 2.

Your desired sidebar name: A.R.
Country of residence: USA
Twitch profile link: http://www.twitch.tv/areaper2
TF2 league profile page: http://ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198067079068

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Top 10 TF2 plays - December 2014 in Videos

Might as well have skipped putting all that good editing work for December. You really need good plays, not a Heavy and Pyro pressing W+M1.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 1/13/2015 Site Update in Site Discussion

Can we get the previous stream sidebar back? I used to come to tf.tv to see the Dota 2 and CS:GO streams too because they were easily accessible compared to the time it took for twitch pages to load (and that too individually for each game to see which are the current top streams).

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Bargain Mechanical Keyboards in Hardware

You could try out CM Storm Quickfire TK. I got one from Amazon for ~$80, and its a great one. It does not have a numpad, but has the arrow keys. If you don't mind not having backlight, then CM Storm QuickFire Rapid is a great one.

posted about 9 years ago
#219 Coolest Alias in TF2 in Off Topic

best: cutty sark, Shirley Fenette

worst: my own

posted about 9 years ago
#2 cp_badlands buzzing static noise in Q/A Help

Wow I thought I was going crazy, I heard the same noise on granary earlier today while playing a lobby. I shrugged it off because I could not hear the noise on my local client when I loaded cp_granary.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Favorite past teams? in TF2 General Discussion

Fully Torqued

posted about 9 years ago
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