Account Details
SteamID64 76561198046694824
SteamID3 [U:1:86429096]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:43214548
Country Germany
Signed Up February 3, 2014
Last Posted December 11, 2022 at 5:54 PM
Posts 88 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4.0
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
144 Hertz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK2
Keyboard Coolermaster CM Storm (MX Browns)
Mousepad Steelseries QTC Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser 518
Monitor BenQ XL2411
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#17 Competitive TF2 - Where to begin? in Q/A Help
Zar- 144hz monitors are essential

You can play high level TF2 without a 144hz monitor (just take a look at SDB^^)

posted about 8 years ago
#15 New NASA picture of Andromeda in Off Topic
MarxistDon't worry Bonafide, in about 4 billion years, the atoms which comprise your body will be *in* some part of Andromeda as the Milky Way and Andromeda are expected to collide in ~4 billion years! :D

Fun Fact: The resulting galaxy will be called "Milkdromeda"

posted about 8 years ago
#3941 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Does anyone know if omni is still working on this HUD: ? I really like the idea and would like to play with it. :D

posted about 8 years ago
#62 i55 Fundraiser: Ascent + Froyotech! in News

Any information about the i52 documentary? Would be amazing if it could be released just prior to i55 like last year with the fragumentary.

posted about 9 years ago
#63 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

omni for everything? knows/can everything?

posted about 9 years ago
#3339 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

It only took about a million years but I've finally finished that HUD I was working on. Here are the features of it:

- Only edits the in-game elements and the scoreboard and those elements are mostly just repositions, meaning that it's both incredibly vanilla and artstyle in appearance and isn't as prone to breaking (and more importantly, if it breaks, it's easily fixed)
- Works only in minmode, meaning that you can use the regular stock HUD or this one with one cvar
- Its centered arrangement means more information, more immediately
- Uses only stock fonts, meaning that it can be packed neatly into a vpk for easy installation and deletion
- Eliminates as many unnecessary elements as possible, resulting in a clean, minimalist look while still maintaining the distinctive TF2 artstyle
- Narrower hit indications, bolder fonts, "last damage done," and other standard custom HUD tweaks

You can get it here. I'll probably submit it to GameBanana or at some point, but I'm way too tired right now.

Thanks alot!

posted about 9 years ago
#3327 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SchmuddelI got tired of custom HUDs breaking all the time after updates, never being updated, and/or changing shit that just didn't need to be changed, so I decided to tweak the stock HUD a bit. Almost nothing is changed, I just removed and rearranged a few things. Health has been changed to a number, overhealing flashes that number a light green colour, low health and ammo flash red, the backgrounds for health and ammo were removed, health and ammo were moved away from the corners and closer to the crosshair, the chat window was moved to the lower left corner, the "last damage done" thing was added next to the health, the stock backgrounds for the metal and ubercharge meters were removed and replaced with plain black versions then the meters were stuck in the center under the crosshair, and the damage numbers were made yellow. That's it. It also only works in cl_hud_minmode 1; if you turn that cvar off, you can use the regular HUD. I'll eventually get around to arranging the other meters and counters and whatnot (I only changed the killstreaks one because it's the only one I know of on the left side near the health; all the others are on the right near the ammo), but other than that, it's pretty vanilla.

Very nice, I would totally use it if you`d release and update it, my problem with most custom HUD`s (alongside with them breaking after updates) is that most of them, while providing an easier to read interface, don't actually visually fit the style of the game. Currently using eveHUD, but would switch!
(I suck at editing HUD`s otherwise I would try to do the changes myself^^)

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Most players EVER in TF2 General Discussion
ObiThis might have something to do with Markiplier streaming tf2 a couple days ago? There were like 14k people watching his stream.

Please tell me he atleast mentioned that there was a competitive side to the game...

posted about 9 years ago
#83 9/10/14 update in TF2 General Discussion

I have the most shitty laptop and havent got any of those problems somehow (havent tested prec yet though)
its refreshing to not always be the one having problems after updates :3

posted about 9 years ago
#3 vabeHUD in Customization

Wow, I like it, will try out as soon as i can :D

posted about 9 years ago
#27 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. Classic Mixup in Events

5-4 mix^ I am just a fanboy, dont mind me^^

posted about 10 years ago
#91 MangacHUD in Customization

Hey dudes, I have a strange problem with the HUD, I really like it, but the main menu is broken (upper version) and when i spectate someone i only see a grey screen (both versions). Also I would like to know what I have to edit if I want to get rid of the "Pyroeasyclass" aswell.

I will add some screenshots later on, I hope you can help me, this HUD is really good for me and I would use it if there wouldnt be these problems...

Here are the Screenshots now: (16:9, 1360x760)

Also, as I told already, the main menu looks really broken, it looks like a mix between 2 HUD menus but I only have yours installed, also it works fine if I install other HUDs, so the installation should be totally correct. Maybe there is just something wrong with the folders?

I need help, please fix, I really want to play with this HUD :P

posted about 10 years ago
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