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SteamID64 76561197999168097
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Country United States
Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted February 18, 2018 at 1:13 PM
Posts 511 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 34
#3 TF2 / Steam Cfg? Comparing Tool v1.0 in TF2 General Discussion

Get me a list of em and I can :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 / Steam Cfg? Comparing Tool v1.0 in TF2 General Discussion

So as some may have seen I posted an image of a GUI that I was working on that would compare to configs. I have completed the GUI and the backbone of the code to compare the two I just haven't thrown them together. I will do this soon. But I wanted to get the comparing tool out there and have people test it with various configs and what have you to make sure its working correctly.

Here is what the finished GUI will look like


Here is a YouTube Demo


Download Link

What the parser does is:

First you are asked to open the first Cfg and then the second (In the final project you can do it straight from clipboard as shown in the image above)

1: Removes All Comments
2: Remove All Spaces
3: Removes All "
4: Removes All '
5: Split Commands/Variables
6: Puts Commands/Variables back together all in same format: command "variable"
7: Finds all unique convars in Cfg A
8: Finds all unique convars in Cfg B
9: Finds duplicate convars between Cfg A + B
10: Outputs it in three different windows (This will of course all go into the GUI window)

First window = Cfg's A unique convars
Second window = Cfg's B unique convars
Third window = duplicates

The source is located here

Show Content
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Dim $CfgACommands[0], $CfgBCommands[0], $CfgAUnique[0], $CfgBUnique[0], $SameCommands[0]
Global $ReadCfgA, $ReadCfgB, $FoundComments = 0, $String, $Found = 0

$CfgA = FileOpenDialog("Cfg A", @DesktopDir, "All(*.*)")
$CfgB = FileOpenDialog("Cfg B", @DesktopDir, "All(*.*)")

_FileReadToArray($CfgA, $ReadCfgA)
_FileReadToArray($CfgB, $ReadCfgB)

For $i = 1 To UBound($ReadCfgA) - 1
$Null = 0
$FoundComments = 0
$ReadCfgA[$i] = StringStripWS($ReadCfgA[$i], 8)
$ReadCfgA[$i] = StringReplace($ReadCfgA[$i], "'", "")
$ReadCfgA[$i] = StringReplace($ReadCfgA[$i], '"', "")
If StringInStr($ReadCfgA[$i], "//") Then
$RemoveComments = StringSplit($ReadCfgA[$i], "//")
$FoundComments = 1
$String = $ReadCfgA[$i]

If $FoundComments = 1 Then
$String = $RemoveComments[1]

If StringLen($String) < 1 Then
$Null = 1

If $Null = 0 Then

$GetLen = StringLen($String)
$Count = 0
$Null = 1
For $a = 1 To $GetLen
$Trim = StringTrimLeft($String, $a)
If StringIsDigit($Trim) Then
$Count = $a
$Null = 0

If $Null = 0 Then

$Variable = StringTrimLeft($String, $Count)
$GetLen = StringLen($Variable)
$Command = StringTrimRight($String, $GetLen)

If StringInStr($Command, ".") Then
$Command = StringReplace($Command, ".", "")
$GetLen = StringLen($Command)
$TrimOffNumbers = StringTrimLeft($Command, $GetLen - 1)
If StringIsDigit($TrimOffNumbers) Then
$Command = StringTrimRight($Command, 1)
$Variable = $TrimOffNumbers & "." & $Variable
$Variable = "." & $Variable

If StringInStr($Command, "-") Then
$Command = StringTrimRight($Command, 1)
$Variable = "-" & $Variable

$String = $Command & " " & '"' & $Variable & '"'

_ArrayAdd($CfgACommands, $String)


For $i = 1 To UBound($ReadCfgB) - 1
$Null = 0
$FoundComments = 0
$ReadCfgB[$i] = StringStripWS($ReadCfgB[$i], 8)
$ReadCfgB[$i] = StringReplace($ReadCfgB[$i], "'", "")
$ReadCfgB[$i] = StringReplace($ReadCfgB[$i], '"', "")
If StringInStr($ReadCfgB[$i], "//") Then
$RemoveComments = StringSplit($ReadCfgB[$i], "//")
$FoundComments = 1
$String = $ReadCfgB[$i]

If $FoundComments = 1 Then
$String = $RemoveComments[1]

If StringLen($String) < 1 Then
$Null = 1

If $Null = 0 Then

$GetLen = StringLen($String)
$Count = 0
$Null = 1
For $a = 1 To $GetLen
$Trim = StringTrimLeft($String, $a)
If StringIsDigit($Trim) Then
$Count = $a
$Null = 0

If $Null = 0 Then

$Variable = StringTrimLeft($String, $Count)
$GetLen = StringLen($Variable)
$Command = StringTrimRight($String, $GetLen)

If StringInStr($Command, ".") Then
$Command = StringReplace($Command, ".", "")
$GetLen = StringLen($Command)
$TrimOffNumbers = StringTrimLeft($Command, $GetLen - 1)
If StringIsDigit($TrimOffNumbers) Then
$Command = StringTrimRight($Command, 1)
$Variable = $TrimOffNumbers & "." & $Variable
$Variable = "." & $Variable

If StringInStr($Command, "-") Then
$Command = StringTrimRight($Command, 1)
$Variable = "-" & $Variable

$String = $Command & " " & '"' & $Variable & '"'

_ArrayAdd($CfgBCommands, $String)


$CheckLen1 = UBound($CfgACommands)
$CheckLen2 = UBound($CfgBCommands)

If $CheckLen1 > $CheckLen2 Then
$Length = 1
$Length = 2

If $Length = 2 Then
For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
$CheckString = $CfgACommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 0 Then
_ArrayAdd($CfgAUnique, $CheckString)
$Found = 0

For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
If $a > UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1 Then
$CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgACommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 0 Then
_ArrayAdd($CfgBUnique, $CheckString)
$Found = 0

For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
If $a > UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1 Then
$CheckString = $CfgACommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 1 Then
_ArrayAdd($SameCommands, $CheckString)
$Found = 0


If $Length = 1 Then
For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
$CheckString = $CfgACommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 0 Then
_ArrayAdd($CfgAUnique, $CheckString)
$Found = 0

For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
If $a > UBound($CfgACommands) - 1 Then
$CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgACommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 0 Then
_ArrayAdd($CfgBUnique, $CheckString)
$Found = 0

For $a = 0 To UBound($CfgBCommands) - 1
If $a > UBound($CfgACommands) - 1 Then
$CheckString = $CfgBCommands[$a]
For $b = 0 To UBound($CfgACommands) - 1
If $CheckString = $CfgACommands[$b] Then
$Found = 1
If $Found = 1 Then
_ArrayAdd($SameCommands, $CheckString)
$Found = 0


posted about 7 years ago
#6 Question On ConVar formats in Customization

Hmm. Quick question.

Does anyone know of any TF2 convars that have a variable that isn't a number?

Like in Comanglia's he has:

con_filter_text_out particle

Now I don't know what ^ does but I don't think its anything crazy important/FPS related (I could be totally wrong)

But are there any really big convars that people care about that do have text instead of numbers for variables?

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Question On ConVar formats in Customization

Alright. Thanks so far.

I guess it would be easier to ask it like this:

I'm writing a small software to compare two cfg's.

So I need to figure out all the type of formats for commands.

Here is what the GUI will look like.


So what I'll do is run checks through each line for a command.

I'll first split the lines by spaces and then split them by ", ' or a space. If it finds // it doesn't read anymore and goes to the next line.

Pretty straight forward.

But thinking about it now... I don't need to know all the types... the software can detect new lines.

So yeah, this is void and null now. I hadn't actually really thought about the way I'd rip each line from the cfg until now.

Thanks anyways guys!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Question On ConVar formats in Customization

Got a question for you guys;

Are there any other type of commands in a cfg other than a binding that has multiple variables?


bind "v" "+voicerecord"

"v" = a variable
"+voicerecord" = a variable

Are there any other types besides that that has multiple vars or are all the other types just single like;

viewmodel_offset_x "1"


posted about 7 years ago
#1 Programming Question: COM / Networking in Off Topic

Hello there, I had a question for anyone who might know anything related to this.

I have a wireless transmitter / receiver that communicates with battery chargers that also have transmitters / receivers in them.

By default the modules come with some software to observe the chargers wirelessly but the data received and the data shown are incomplete. IE: It sends a lot more data that what it shows and I was able at one point to receive the data through some little programming but it suddenly stopped working.

Using a generic COM monitor like 232 Analyzer use to show me the data they were sending but now it does not. I think the reason being is the devices use a certain network to talk?

On the charger side (We'll refer to this as the server side) you can program a network ID. Through communication with the manufacturer I have found that they use a Gige???? network? But this network ID is simply "1234" and can be set to anything.

On the client side of the software you can then input a network ID to pull up the chargers to receive the information. I used 232 Analyzer for 2-3 days without any problems to write some software to display more data but as of yesterday it just stopped working. I'm thinking I got lucky initially and my PC / something had the right network or something and could communicate but now it can't.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#4 TF2 not launching in Q/A Help

Don't know if this will help you but randomly one day my TF2 wouldn't launch if I had Mumble open first. I now have to close mumble > Launch TF2 > Launch Mumble. Otherwise my TF2 won't launch. Show's on Steam that I'm playing TF2 for like 5 seconds and then just goes back to online without any messages or anything :P

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Prophete's programs in Off Topic

Updated to version 1.1 to correct a miscalculation in accuracy percentage!

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Prophete's programs in Off Topic

Aim Training Game!

I did it just kind of as a learning experience but also because I wanted something that didn't require an internet connection.

Simply put, its a game to help your mouse accuracy ect.

Two main modes at the moment:

Classic Mode - Must hit 120 targets in 3:00. Difficulty goes up at 30 targets hit and 80 targets hit (Target gets smaller).
Twitch Mode - Hit as many targets as you can without missing 6 times.

Each mode can be played at 4 different difficulties.

Easy Difficulty - You have 1.8seconds to hit target (Counts as a miss)
Medium Difficulty - You have 1second to hit target (Counts as a miss)
Hard Difficulty - You have .8seconds to hit target (Counts as a miss)
Expert Difficulty - You have .6seconds to hit target (Counts as a miss)

Each one has its own results screen and tracks your best results in each game. Show's Hit/Miss/Total Targets/Accuracy


MainGUI: (Selecting a difficulty write to your settings and will default to that always)


Classic Mode:


Classic Mode Miss / Last "Level" (Smallest target):


Classic Mode Results / Win (Loss has a red X in stead of a green checkmark):


Twitch Mode Results:




And there we have it!


Download: Download Link

posted about 8 years ago
#679 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

I have three remaining. Shoot me a PM on here with your steam link so I can know who asked first ect.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 esea premium code in TF2 General Discussion

What a guy.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Stress Test has begun in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#31 Programming language in Off Topic

Codecademy is actually really interesting and helpful. Very interactive. I'd play around on it.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Prophete's programs in Off Topic
DanceNumberLooks like you've got some interesting ideas, and i'm glad you share them with us. I think it would be REALLY beneficial though if you're making these for anyone but yourself if you spent some time studying UI design. Your programs look like they were designed by a 13 year old goth kid.

Just as a question, do you mean the overall design or just the color scheme? Because IMO I do well enough with the layout but your comment just was relating to the color scheme. Always looking for criticism ect. so just curious.


posted about 8 years ago
#13 Prophete's programs in Off Topic

I can see that but no, as of the moment and probably only by request I just write things that I need/think I'll use. And my favorite colors are red/black so that's kinda why everything is dark themed. But thanks for the words :)

posted about 8 years ago
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