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Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 23, 2014 at 2:18 AM
Posts 179 (0 per day)
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#52 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

Cut them.

Rip that shit off fast like a bandaid; don't let it fester.

posted about 10 years ago
#69 YouMustShowUpToMatches in TF2 General Discussion

Tri wasn't actually wrong

YouMustMike did sleep through the match

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Open world RPGs in Off Topic

"The Endless Forest"

Your character is a deer and you live in a forest with other deer. There are no objectives besides being a deer. Also, there's no text chat (you're a deer, so obviously you can't talk), although you can do emotes like "kneel" "sit down" etc. It's a pretty extreme RPG experience.

posted about 10 years ago
#68 HRG all female cod team in Off Topic

The only way that an appeal to commercial profiteering can be used to discredit Team Siren if you acknowledge that there's already a gender normative bias in play. That the userbase is masculine and that popular feminine images are consumed in the way you described. Surely there must be something wrong with that? And I'm pretty sure that they aren't marketing themselves on the basis of their sexuality, if anyone here is inserting meaning into other people's words (or rather, re-interpreting their intentions) it's the people making that assumption. Oh look, girls. I guess they're just exploiting the convention of sexual objectification for their own gains. Not a projection of any of my own (or the userbase's collective) inherent desires at all.

posted about 10 years ago
#65 HRG all female cod team in Off Topic

Yes, you're completely right. If those silly girls want to be taken SERIOUSLY like real professional e-sports gaming athletes they should stop acting like "novelties" and act more like normal gamers (aka nerdy white/asian guys). Man, why did they even admit to being girls? They should have just used voice-changers and male aliases instead of pissing off all the honest, hard-working gamer guys out there with their attention whoring female ways. I mean, a pro-circuit literally dominated by all-male teams isn't segregation, but as soon as there's a female team I guess it is?

How dare Team Siren act differently.

>they know how people are

Yeah, I guess I just forgot that it's just the natural status quo for people to be sexists. Hopefully Team Siren will soon apologize for this massive oversight on their part. What a noob mistake, to just, like, assume that people wouldn't be sexist assholes. The sheer audacity of putting all those girls on one team! Didn't they realize that it would make them into a "boob collection"? Why didn't they think of the guy gamers. WHY

posted about 10 years ago
#62 HRG all female cod team in Off Topic

And the Team Siren LoL team disbanded because the players were fed up with all the hate they were getting.

Good old sexism wins again. Maybe if you keep up the shitlordery you can convince the HRG COD team to quit too?

posted about 10 years ago
#65 Ruwin stream is best stream in TF2 General Discussion
spaceghostpurrpHe is gaming you guys for money.

That's how all major gaming streams work. They give you rad entertainment, you give them money.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion

Mixup sure goes through medics fast.

I wonder why there aren't enough top-tier medics out there to satisfy them.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Welcome to team fortress three everybody. in TF2 General Discussion
Whoopee_Cushionin all seriousness, people keep saying the worst that can happen is we have 6v6 and HL the same as it is with nothing new. That's not true; the WORST that can happen is Valve tries to make everything better and more balanced, but make it impossible for us to play 6v6 without a shit-ton of plugins and things to make weapons the same as they are now. If you nerf the sticky launcher, for example, there's no going back.

It's just a plot to nerf b4nny.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Ruwin joined HRG. in TF2 General Discussion
shruggerruwin will be MORE than a good enough replacement for me. gl with the season and europe, sven

Is this some kind of elaborate joke? Say it aint so.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 hitsounds in Customization

Call of Duty 4 hitsound. It's identifiable through the miscellaneous sounds of rockets, scatterguns, etc., and isn't annoying or headache-inducing in the same way that high pitched dings or beeps are when you've been listening to them for extended periods of time.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic
i guess i sort of regret ever playing this game. if i didn't, i might actually study, might maybe like do something with my life instead of video games. instead, here i am at 2:30 am, with an essay to write and 4 finals to study for, in this fort of escapism where i pretend there are no things to harass me from my future, my mind whispering sweet nothings to me, telling me that "YOUR GPA DOESN'T MATTER! YOUR GPA DOESN'T MATTER!" yet conflicting messages to me from all sides ultimately leave myself conflicted of what to do with myself and it's heartbreaking, knowing that i'll never excel at anything simply because i don't have the drive to and no matter how much i play i'll still always be shit at this game

my biggest regret is writing this, i had a really bad game night sorry team
-Octane-This game is probably the worst thing to happen to me in the whole of my life. The fact that every day I play it, just to see snails pace results, make me feel like shit and also makes me want to continue playing. As I'm reading in this thread, a good number of people haven't done well in school, probably and most likely directly correlating to tf2. Throughout my whole freshman year, I had
A GPA of 2.1 average. Skipped all my homework and everything else for this.

Not trying to sound like a fucking nerd but, if you enjoy this game too much, it will consume the shit out of you. This probably happens with all popular games, but tf2 seems to have the most effect on me personally. Honestly, seeing what this game's effect on me is, it's really insane to keep playing.

On the one hand, your GPA doesn't really matter as long as you meet the required minimums for graduating/getting into the programs of your choice. When you're looking for work with a Bachelor's degree your employers don't care about your grades. That said, deciding to get good (or bad) grades can limit future choices that you don't even know are available to you at the time you make said decisions; like deciding to play TF2 for another few hours each night, because you're already getting A's and B's, and that's enough to get that college/internship/something-or-other, right? But if you ever want to go to grad school or get good at something that isn't clicking on people or get that sweet, sweet scholarship money you'd better start prioritizing your schoolwork.

The way I see it is, if you're going to spend time playing TF2 you might as well go full b4nny and try the shit out of it, otherwise you aren't even getting a sense of achievement out of all the time you're wasting. Trust me, there are other ways to have fun that won't leave you with a hole in your resume and 15 pounds overweight and getting dumped by your girlfriend. Maybe some people can play this game and be consistently mediocre and still have "fun" but I don't think that's the majority, most people I talk to link in-game success with their level of enjoyment. And limiting your tf2 playtime will still distract you from other IRL priorities like grades, having friends, practicing your art or sports or whatever, and you still will be mediocre in game.

Anyways best of luck in the future, I hope things work out :)

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Stupid people in Off Topic

I can totally relate, this one time I was riding my fixie (and maintaining an appropriate space within my lane, as is proper bicycling protocol) and some douche in a BMW passed me on the right hand side with his window rolled down and flipped me off.

posted about 11 years ago
#182 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulThey are keen as fuck. GeaR back on roamer, Mike back on pocket.
Hell they even got a tactics spreadsheet!

Mike on pocket? Ohshit.

Sorry iM but I don't think there will be room on you for the grand stage this time 'round

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Hello fellas, and yes i am a mac user:( in Hardware
PistolaI really have a lot of problems with mac and its kind a big issue.

posted about 11 years ago
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