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Signed Up January 27, 2021
Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 7:57 PM
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#16 RGL S7 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
jetzu get more money for last place invite than for 1st in advanced for like past year lmao


I had to double check this because I could've sworn that the entry fee for Advanced was lower and the Participation Prize was lower. Then I guess disregard my point, there literally is no reason why an Invite player would bother sandbagging in Advanced, so Phobia is right.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 RGL S7 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
phobia...but if a person that is able to play invite should be able to play in advanced lol

People on the lower end of Invite usually can without restriction. But top Invite teams can't otherwise a consistently #4 Invite team would make more sandbagging in Advanced for the #1 prize pool and just ruin the division for the rest.

posted about 2 years ago
#45 rainoflight lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Rain is a cool guy, good aim, plays well with his teammates, knows how to make a needed pick on Sniper during disad or stalemates.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Valve is getting in contact with Mod Devs in TF2 General Discussion

Make PropHunt official.

posted about 2 years ago
#33 spoon meta in TF2 General Discussion

It's not fun dying (and especially dropping) to a OHKO weapon from a skilled soldier who does a speedshot jump towards you where the reaction time needed to kill the Soldier before he touches you is so fast, it's unrealistic, but I also don't want the MG banned because those insane moments are far and few between. The more likely scenario is a Soldier just going up in the air and coming down, and those are fairly easy to either dodge or snipe him out of the air.

I think the MG provides the Soldier some alternative ability to make some of the big plays needed, otherwise he would only have four rockets to work with and playing him would be even more textbook and predictable than it is now. Soldier already has a tedious enough time being the one who breaks stalemates, and often having to kill himself for two minutes straight just to try and make something happen, I don't want to gimp him further without offering a replacement in his utility. The only thing I detest are bunny hop crits, which feel like you did everything right in dodging the Soldier but still died. But those are baked into Valve's engine, so there's no real way around that.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 nightmare fuel. in The Dumpster


posted about 2 years ago
#14 why is it just acceptable when people dont talk in TF2 General Discussion
  • Some players might not be friends with people in the pug, so they feel like they're playing with strangers.
  • Some teammates are so chatty with calls and comms, that sometimes you find yourself saying very little because so much is already being said.
  • Some people are just really bad at multi-tasking with attacking and talking at the same time.
  • Some people just want to listen to music while they zone out, DM, and maybe listen to teammate calls.
  • Sometimes you get a team who is so annoying to listen to, you want to locally mute half of them and just play by feel instead of talking to them.

Pugs are chaos 80% of the time and thrive more on DM than textbook coordination or playing-your-role. I get why some people just wanna zone out and play 6's like it's a pub.

posted about 2 years ago
#10 HUD Merger in Customization

This may be one of the best contributions to the community alongside things like tf2logs and masterconfig.

posted about 2 years ago
#25 LFT YOUNG SANITY in Recruitment (looking for team)
Young_SanityI have decided that Im not going to play in s7 of rgl traditional 6's. Im going to start playing high school basketball. Im not quitting the game Im just not playing this season. The reason I've decided to make this decision is because my reputation is too controversial and I think it's just smart to just let people forget about me for a while then come back. This is some fake ass shit I'm writing to be honest I'm just giving up I got 3rd place and people still don't give me a chance.

Join me on my "scrim only no RGL joining" team. So far I got a maybe from Insom.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Discord Pug Server Templates in Projects
suprawhat's the point of doing 999999 pug servers instead of hosting a few ones with different skill groups/gamemodes?

Because sometimes people don't join pug servers depending on who is admin, what players are active, what the rules are, how big the skill gap is between members, or whether or not they themselves are banned from most pug groups and have to make one themselves just to play.

It's not as easy as inviting the entire TF2 comp community into one big pug group and then separating them by divisions, at least not using a Discord or Mumble layout.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Discord Pug Server Templates in Projects

Since pug servers are basically pop-up stores, I figured I would make it easier for people and create general templates. These templates are best for NA SIXES PUGS, but can work for any type of pug or any region.

If you are non-NA or non-6's, the only changes you would have to make are:

  • Changing div names
  • Changing "Post your RGL" to "Post your <League Name>"
  • Changing user limit of Picking-Teams to 18, and Red+Blu to 9 each.
  • Adding other TF2 classes under Roles (But this is only if you plan on using Reaction Roles).
Public Pug Server Template (With Ephemeral Roles Bot)
This template is best for pug servers with open invite links and NEEDS "Ephemeral Roles Bot" to function.
* Players must get the "Verified" role before being able to post and join.
* The ER bot makes it so only players in the pug are able to see connect. Helpful in big public servers to avoid raids.
* The ER roles are baked into the pug channel names. If you change any of the PUG-A or PUG-B channel names (Connect, Red, Blu, Picking Teams), it will break the bot.

Download Ephemeral Roles Bot HERE:
Public Pug Server Template (Without Ephemeral Roles Bot)
This template is for pug servers with open invite links and does not need "Ephemeral Roles Bot" to function.
* Players must get the "Verified" role before being able to post and join.
Private Pug Server Template
This template is best for private servers with closed invite links.
* Only Admins and Pug Runners can generate invite links.
* There is no verification role and people can pug immediately upon joining.
* To temporarily ban someone, give them "Time-Out" role.

If you want a simple server with few roles and only want to keep the necessary ones that have permissions, you can delete these without breaking the server:

Show Content
  • Bots
  • Warned
  • Dodged Med
  • Played Med
  • Invite
  • Advanced
  • Main
  • Intermediate
  • Amateur
  • Newcomer
  • Scout
  • Demoman
  • Soldier
  • Medic

If anyone ever plans on using Reaction Roles for divs, here are some images you can upload to your server.

Show Content

Here is a large image showing each template so you don't have to make a server just to see what it looks like.

Show Content
posted about 2 years ago
#3 rgl skills challange in TF2 General Discussion

We should have jump map speedrun races during the off-season, like when people speedrun Mario 64 against other speedrunners in a race.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 I miss the old b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

i get kritz
every mid
cause i'm the shit
yes i did

my aim is trash
i play splash
i'm the worst in main
ain't the one to blame

my comms are ass
my ego's glass
push to talk
jump the med? no thanks, i'll walk.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 What do you look for when shopping for unusuals? in TF2 General Discussion

What is your thought process behind it? Do you go for a theme, look for anything that's cool, look for the cheapest non-ugly effect, go for something incredibly goofy looking.

I try to collect any golden pompadour with hearts for my "Johnny Bravo" theme and any class that doesn't have a pompadour hat yet, I looked for a semi-cheap unusual that went well with my pink tomb readers and bear.


posted about 2 years ago
#11 rgl merch in Off Topic
StaticVoidthey really have this as an option, even though they refuse to add badlands to the map pool...

Just think of it as a hoodie for Ultiduo Champs or MGE Lords.

posted about 2 years ago
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