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Signed Up October 10, 2015
Last Posted November 6, 2017 at 5:25 AM
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#10 weird problem in Q/A Help

Could just be that your GPU is on its last legs... Do you know what GPU it is, or how old it is? One last thing you can try is making sure your graphics drivers are updated, but that shouldn't cause the issues you're having

If it is your GPU, and you're not really looking to get a new computer just yet, it might be worth investing in a new GPU, since those can be easily transferred to a new computer if/when you get one. For TF2, a neat little card is the GTX 1050. Not too expensive, and easily powerful enough to run all games out rn on at least low/medium settings. TF2 isn't a graphically intensive game, so a 1050 would be more than enough. Maybe look at a 1050 Ti if you've got the money. A little more in price, but a decent upgrade from the standard 1050

posted about 6 years ago
#5 weird problem in Q/A Help
WFlashI will keep an eye out on them, althought I don't have anything OC.

How old is the computer? 3rd generation intel cpu is pretty old, but tbh, it sounds like something to do with the RAM... If it were the cpu, you'd get warning and crashes

posted about 6 years ago
#3 weird problem in Q/A Help

Keep an eye on your cpu speeds, temps, and usage, as well as your gpu speed, temps, and usage. If this happens outside of TF2, then it seems like a hardware issue. If it's slowing your computer down once it's stopped then it sounds like either the cpu or gpu are suddenly running at a lower speed (When I was testing OCing my old graphics card, it often crashed, and the speeds went down to like 10% what they should have been), or it could be that the ram is faulty or getting clogged up with something.

To find out if your RAM is full, you can check in task manager, under the processes tab. Also, to make sure the RAM is running fine, follow these steps. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff700221.aspx

Just saying again, it sounds like a hardware issue, but nothing too serious. Keep an eye on your temps and stuff

posted about 6 years ago
#28 What instrument do you want to learn to play? in Off Topic

I got to grade 4 in violin, but I always wanted to learn the piano. Piano is an instrument that sounds great alone or with a group, whereas I feel violin sounds best with a group or duo or something, it just lacks texture for anything substantial. Additionally, you don't have to worry about your fingers being in exactly the right place - not too far up, or not too far down - with piano.

Final part of my rant is that my violin teacher wasn't awfully friendly with me, and so that put me off.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 i61 Arden Hotel in LAN Discussion

Alright, that puts my mind at ease a bit :) I was just worried slightly because the route to the hotel includes an underpass or overpass, which can be quite dodgy at night in big cities

posted about 6 years ago
#1 i61 Arden Hotel in LAN Discussion

Okay, so I was recommended the Arden Hotel as a cheap option by someone, so I know other TF2 people are actually staying there, but I was just wondering if I can get to know some people?

Main reason is that I'm rather uncomfortable walking back from the NEC at night, alone and in a place I don't know. Additionally, a few people to have a drink with at the bar before bed wouldn't be bad!

Let me know, and we can meet up at the event :)

posted about 6 years ago
#18 i61 snapchats in LAN Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#2 [stream] Streep36 in Requests

yes this is a good streamer I approve xD

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Can TF2 run on 2 gigs of ram? in Q/A Help

Unfortunately you've also got to get an operating system, HDD, power supply, motherboard, case, and so on. Your probably looking at a bit more than $150 for a low end pc, but I'll see if I can make a build when I get home or something

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Can TF2 run on 2 gigs of ram? in Q/A Help

That's a similar cpu to what I use to have before I recently upgraded, and it worked nicely with tf2. 2GB isn't much, but it might do if you're not running any other programs. Could be a problem with mumble or discord.. is that cpu compatible with ddr2 ram though? That's very old ram. I'd suggest trying to invest in 4 or 8GB, and maybe a cheap GPU. A GTX 600 series will be perfect if they still sell those

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Accommodation for i61 in LAN Discussion
ShooshManaged to snag a room at Arden hotel with Callum for £100 each from Thursday to Monday across 3 people.
(We also still need a third to join us and pay so if someone is looking for a room and doesn't mind sharing with 2 others let me know)

Damn, if only I'd known sooner! Already booked mine. At least I know there's gonna be a lot of people to chill with at the Arden hotel

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Accommodation for i61 in LAN Discussion

Cheers! I didn't quite get as good a deal as you, but I got 4 night at the same place for £260, which is much better than I was thinking I'd have to pay. Thank you!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Accommodation for i61 in LAN Discussion

It's only a few months off now, but what are people doing for accommodation? It looks like I'm going to be paying about £100 a night for a hotel near the NEC. Anyone else got better offers or doing things differently?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 ping skyrocketing after ~30 mins ingame in Q/A Help
yaynosmy ping will be fine, then after around 30 minutes spent ingame my ping will rapidly climb higher and higher until the game is completely unplayable - once i tab out to check my ping/dl speed, after 2-3 seconds both will drop to their normal rate, and once i tab back in itll instantly start climbing again

this happens with every single other (multiplayer) game i play, i have nothing running in the background while im playing other than discord or mumble,

help me

Shitty internet maybe? :thinking: Try using that program I gave you, even if just to monitor the internet usage in your house. The whole download speed thing dropping when you're tabbed out just sounds like the program has been moved to a lower priority, and so isn't requiring as much bandwidth.

If it legit is your computer fucking things up for you, there's some retarded loop DoSing you or some shit like "Hey, I just got this package from the server. I'll just send back what changed client side AND a load of other useless data to clog up the internet! Glad I could help! -network card xoxo"

Yeah, that last point is very unlikely unless you've literally got a troll virus. I've never even heard of anything that retarded though

posted about 7 years ago
#36 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion
SnackWhenver I play 6s I do everything in my power to improve, learn from my mistakes and perform well. I review my own demos and get as much help from fellow gamers as possible, and every time I make mistakes, I often know what went wrong and how I could have avoided doing so. However I feel like I don't know how to learn from my mistakes and am unable to apply what I've learnt from demo reviews and such in actual matches. I end up making the same mistakes over and over again, regardless of how much effort I put into improving my gameplay.

tl;dr I don't know how to get better pls help ;-;

What I did to improve was make rules for myself to work on those key flaws. Just simple things like "always go in after someone else" or "always have a sticky trap up while holding". I put those things at the front of my mind while playing, and saw improvements pretty quickly. After a while, you start breaking those rules, but you've got much better game sense at that point.

posted about 7 years ago
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