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#1 Full Tilt bids farewell in News

"If there were more tournaments and lans etc. then yeah sure we might reform"

We finally know how Sideshow got the biannual LAN idea

(I hope you actually reform at some point)

posted about 7 years ago
#105 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
WARHURYEAHI don't think having bigger lans with bigger prize pools is going to help things, I'd rather see a heavier focus on making leagues a lot more healthy which will in turn spawn more regular high quality content, help teams stick together for longer and give newer teams and players more motivation to improve.

You are not completely wrong about that, but no matter what you do: people will always quit after LAN. Personally, I never played TF2 on LAN, but it's always the same: players come home from an i-series, some of them quit because they don't enjoy online TF2 anymore and because the next international LAN is one year away. Also, the prizepool is extremely low and you barely make plus considering travel expenses. The league quality drops. Now sometimes theres continental LANs but they usually end up an one-sided roll (the last two were the exception in this case)

A biannual international LAN would be a good solution, atleast for the pros. They can play the LANs, and play the next season and play the next LAN after it right away. Right now theres 2 seasons inbetween i61 and people don't bother sticking around for that long. Sometimes there's 1 or 2 old veterans returning for a LAN, but they're often gone again right away.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 EU shuffle: create your own team in TF2 General Discussion

Thaigrr isn't playing the next season (unless he changed his mind after i58)
Supposedly, Sil isn't playing either

posted about 7 years ago
#2 TF2 feels thread in TF2 General Discussion

It's great to see that the i58 outro already has more views than the i55 one.

posted about 7 years ago
#40 i58 Shoutouts Thread in LAN Discussion

Havent seen them getting love yet so here we go:
shoutout to all the people in the background who kept the stream entertaining during the technical issues in the ft. vs. crowns gullywash match.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 thalash in crowns? in TF2 General Discussion
cirloAm i wrong or Brego wanted to make a team for the upcoming season too?

Yes, he repeatedly said he wanted to make a new team
Doesn't look like it as of now.

posted about 7 years ago
#109 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News
SetsulHow much of an advantage was not having to play while maincalling?

Not having to play while maincalling enables you to focus completely on tactics, that's why people are upset about kaidus coaching as the 7th player. You don't have to manage personal things like positioning, ammo, health, spam et all while also focusing on tactical things when not playing. The players can focus on playing and kaidus can focus on maincalling even more.

They should have asked the other 5 teams before the LAN. This wasn't decided democratically.

However, at the end of the day, Full Tilt only have to blame themselves for losing this because they simply never played the point when they could. If they fix that they are probably the strongest team in the world at the moment, without needing a coach.

Still, congratulations to crowns.

posted about 7 years ago
#46 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
nykGazGot nothing to back that up tho.

As in "I dont memorize every said word at the exact timeframe of one of the many streams I watched in the past months so I cant pinpoint the exact location of the VOD i can't remember.

Nice reading comprehension anyway, I'd rather have this get back on the 20b topic tho because me and 10 b4nny subs furiously shitposting is getting out of hand autism-wise.
I laughed about pro-b4nny vs anti-b4nny arguments a few days ago and fell into that hole and cant get out now

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
Paprika_if you think b4nny didnt play well you are insane. You might not like the guy because of how he behaves but hes pretty nuts at tf2

Never said I hate him or he is bad at TF2, I said he performed the worst out of all scouts in top4. Take it as you will but he never really did anything meaningful. Maybe like 2 times, but thats still underwhelming considering the resources he got. Im pointing this out because he had much bigger impact on projectile classes and he is a crucial part of his team due to his experience so him being invisible in matches isnt good considering he could do so much more with his skillset. Thats all there is to it and Im done repeating myself like a retard

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
netwrkjrkGazFrom someone who rates himself the second best scout after clockworkwhen did he say this? not questioning, just curious

He once said on stream that he rates clockwork and himself very high. Of course Im interpreting a bit but considering he shittalked thalash and haffi and didnt acknowledge ppl like starkie him rating himself 2nd best scout isnt that far off. Got nothing to back that up tho. However if I would need to throw an answer into the room i think it was the stream after the thalash one

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfcall me a b4nny sub or whatever but i do not think that grant vincent was one of the worst scouts in top 4

I will get hate from actual b4nny subs for this, but he was.
From someone who rates himself the second best scout after clockwork, him being on the class at all was completely meaningless for froyos game. Many heals and ubers, no clean up apart from enemies sacking for 404 and it was not like him being on pocket scout made 404 untouchable. Freestate atleast secured the majority of froyos rounds by backcapping, b4nny had his moments but they were ultimately irrelevant to the match outcome.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
sopsi doubt b4nny will ever go back to demo with the class's current strength, he can carry harder on scout and soldier

B4nny should play demo or pocket, because he's terrible on scout. He often took the 2nd most heals, the majority of the ubers and his clean-up game was awful.

He probably was pressured into delivering which made him try to carry, but He didn't and He was probably one of the worst scouts in top4, if not the worst, because He took the majority of heals and ubers all while having the least impact on the game compared to the other scouts, because they did much more with much less. He only had good logs sometimes but that should be normal for a pocket scout with that many heals.

He would probably have the biggest impact on pocket or demo.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 TF2 ranked higher then Overwatch in TF2 General Discussion
FlickerWell at least they listen to their community

2 friends of mine who were actually really invested into OW quit and said theres a lot of balancing issues as of now so I don't think they listened to the community in that regard considering they are adding another hero to the game. The last one got released 1 month ago.

They are not listening, they are actively pandering to the casual part of the community because they noticed theres more money to be made there. Competitive isn't generating much interest whatsoever.
I honestly doubt the pro's want another hero in place of balancing changes.

posted about 7 years ago
#51 Everyone thank the production team ITT in TF2 General Discussion

I appreciate everything the production team has done, and I'm not sure who will quit producing competitive TF2 other than dashner but I'm so thankful and wish those people the best

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion

20b coming back in time to save NA TF2

posted about 7 years ago
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