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Last Posted September 13, 2021 at 2:48 AM
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#561 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
jnkihi, not feedback but rather a request
there are certain server hosting services that dont really have a dedicated map upload feature, but allow synchronizing in with the steam workshop
i was gonna perform this but your workshop version of logjam is way out of date(cp_logjam_rc6)
could you push the update of your workshop version?

So it never really seemed to me before that the workshop page got much attention, so I didn't bother updating it. Kind of an annoying process to go through, really. I didn't realize this fact though. It's updated now. :D

-snipped nerd essay here-

Uberchain, I appreciate the fuck out of what you wrote here. It is nice to know that people understand where I'm at. I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing but I will say that logjam is just about done with actually level changes.

I'm not going to stop. I'll see the map to the end and that will be that. Likely graphical changes at this point, unless RC11 is a giant pile of garbage - we'll just have to see on that one.

posted about 4 years ago
#552 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

It's on me too for sure - I've been out of contact with the scene for several months (probably jan-may or so) so I didn't really have a good grasp on season timelines.

For what it's worth, the test versions have been out for about a month and nobody had anything to say, so I went ahead with it.

There's definitely an issue of ETF2L / ozfortress players playing the map and the vast majority of people I associate with and talk to being NA TF2 players anymore, which also doesn't help.

I suppose my quest for updating the map was always in the hope of getting the map broken into the NA TF2 scene, which I've still not managed to accomplish after 5 years. If NA still doesn't want to accept it, there must be something wrong, right? Couple that thought with just looking at the map and there are some things that I can see that are objectively wrong (which drove some of the changes this time around), that said they probably weren't fixed the best way they could've been because of a lack of testing / etc.

I probably should have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Maybe it's time.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 RGL 6s- Survey Results and Changes in TF2 General Discussion
DrHappinesscentralizing other parts of the game like Map Pool

tossing my own biases aside I do think this is a good idea. Even if it means ETF2L and ozfortress ditch logjam in favor of the NA pool.

posted about 4 years ago
#549 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

Thanks for the feedback guys! I wish I caught those spots. Playerclip is an endless job.

PJC, I want to see how this mid turns out. You've got good ideas. Definitely have considered something a la Gran catwalk before. We'll see how this one goes before I muck about with it further.

VirtualSoda, thank you for the list of details. They do matter. The map is still in RC, even if it's not as polished as others. When someone comes up with a list like this (HOI comes to mind... hehe) I tend to work through all of it for the next version regardless. Always good feedback.

Sidenote, I hate lighting in the source engine.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Koth_clearcut_b9b Feedback in Map Discussion

I ran around the map and gave it my mapmaker / subpar open player feedback on my stream. About 43 min worth or so, both for details and gameplay elements.

Here's my quick summary of the whole video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/442968220

Here's the whole vod, if interested: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/442952243

I'm not trying to intentionally be a dick or anything but in the short video summary I was trying to go fast so it comes off as a lot more rude than it actually is.

There's a fair amount of good design going on, but a couple big issues I didn't like.

The tl;dr is the vision of entrances is too strong for defenders.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 TFCL unveil league reboot with Season 5 in News
Hycerest of the world plays cp_logjam

... what did I do to piss off my own country

god dammit sid

can we at least play my obstacle course I made for you for a half time game show during finals or something

posted about 4 years ago
#545 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

cp_logjam_rc11: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7uqtngoebrb9n2t/cp_logjam_rc11.bsp?dl=0

Didn't hear much from anyone against these changes - so here is RC11!

-removed the window at last
-added low fence on mid bridge
-tweaked cover on mid
-adjusted the high ground on mid
-adjusted choke ramp on mid side to make slides easier
-rotated spire on 2nd to make climbing to the point make more sense
-added a new small passage from the bridge on 2nd to choke





posted about 4 years ago
#4 RGL unveils Traditional Sixes League details in News

rest of the world plays cp_logjam

... what did I do to piss off my own country

posted about 4 years ago
#543 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

The above changes for rc11pre1 are all gameplay things largely - so I've been working a bit on details, here's some pics of how RC11 will look once actually released:





Also, with the new tweak to choke ramp it's very easy even for bad jumpers like myself to do the following:


posted about 4 years ago
#542 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

cp_logjam_rc11pre1 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/fjtrjcvteajujw4/cp_logjam_rc11pre1.bsp?dl=0

Little slow on the draw here. Life things keep happening! Haha. Putting out one pre-version, if things look OK and no one is hot about the changes I did make we'll ship RC11 for real by the end of the week.

-removed the window at last
-added low fence on mid bridge
-tweaked cover on mid
-adjusted the high ground on mid
-adjusted choke ramp on mid side to make slides easier
-rotated spire on 2nd to make climbing to the point make more sense
-added a new small passage from the bridge on 2nd to choke









posted about 4 years ago
#32 map tier list in TF2 General Discussion
Failw1zardHyceI'm personally offended by thisDon't be Hyce, these fools will never the pleasure of Hyce map nights.

Fail is actually 100% right, you haven't actually played TF2 until you've come to see the probably ~30 messed up maps I've made.

One of these days I will actually organize an event for it. Lol. Who wants in?

posted about 5 years ago
#21 map tier list in TF2 General Discussion

I'm personally offended by this

posted about 5 years ago
#541 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

So I've had an idea / image in the back of my head for a while, and decided to mock it up. By no means is this guaranteed to be RC11 at this time but I wanted to see if people think it's worth pursuing.

Download (changes made on RED side only - note no playerclip or optimization:

Essentially - remove cave, move choke more towards where cave is presently, as well as changes on 2nd and mid. A new upper exit on 2nd from logroom satisfies the 2.5 entrance thought process.

Interested to hear what people think. I'm actually probably going to change mid more akin to this version for the actual RC11 (assuming these changes are a bit drastic for right before the season).








posted about 5 years ago
#28 Announcing ETF2L Season 33 in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll probably toss a new test version out later this week.

The only advice I can give you is ask for feedback earlier. Last season ended more than one month ago, and next season is already starting in two weeks. So it might be a bit too late to ask for feedback and implement that before next season starts. Pretty sure ETF2L even needs to announce the map pool within one week because the prem qualifiers will be next week, so that's even less time to make changes on the map.

Regarding this - I tend to kind of check in and see if anything's going on related to the maps every few weeks these days - so I didn't realize it was going to be new season time in ETF2L 'til I saw this thread. Lame excuse, but here we are.

That said, you underestimate the speed at which I can make changes... :P. That and the admins of all the leagues have always been super helpful as far as letting me put out versions after announcements (so long as I don't do anything too crazy).

posted about 5 years ago
#22 Announcing ETF2L Season 33 in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998Logjam was good I just didn't like the last area

I see this and I see the downvoted comment about logjam being actually good - anyone who's played it in season - please let me know what feedback you have. I have a wonderful list from ozfortress to work through for next season - so changes are coming.

If you have any points to make - now would be a good time.

posted about 5 years ago
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