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Signed Up July 28, 2015
Last Posted April 9, 2022 at 6:57 PM
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#38 Why must you hate me :C in TF2 General Discussion

Agreeing with hannah here in that I've played with/against a lot of high schoolers, and you would never know it unless they told you. I think that's where you want to get to....you don't have to spam binds, scream, or make a scene every time something little happens. It just makes you seem childish.

posted about 2 years ago
#241 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Indeed lads...it was a long, stressful, but fun game...gl rest of season

posted about 2 years ago
#3 RGL S6 IM W2B: gollywobbler - cant play medic vs. MAJOR LEAGUE SWAG OUT in Events

We worked out getting a ringer and are good to go for tonight.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 RGL S6 IM W2B: gollywobbler - cant play medic vs. MAJOR LEAGUE SWAG OUT in Events

They rescheduled to Friday to make it work for their team but forgot it was memorial day so they have 1 person missing and are having trouble finding a ringer. Sorry fam.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 RGL S6 IM W2B: gollywobbler - cant play medic vs. MAJOR LEAGUE SWAG OUT in Events

They might have to forfeit, working on it

posted about 3 years ago
#31 Young Sanity LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

I don't know anything about him other than pug scrims that he's played against my teams. After watching his POVs to see what their teams were thinking, I do think he has decent dm, and honestly not terrible decision making, but the fact that one of his other teammates suggested something he could do better and he started crying (fake or real idc) about being yelled at should tell you everything you need to know, and this was one scrim that I watched to try to improve my team. The amount of times that I heard, "you can't say that, he's a kid" from someone when it was something as simple as "Why would you go in there when their med was already dead and they were 2 up? Protect ours!!!!!"

I'll say the same thing as others before me...not terrible dm, but also not capable of playing consistently on a team that wants to improve. The first comment about something they could improve is always met with a I'm just a kid so you can't tell me anything I've done wrong, because that's a bullying perspective, whether from him or anyone else

posted about 3 years ago
#5 RGL S5 M QF: VideoGameHighSchoolDropouts vs. Poki Mains in Events

ggs gl further

posted about 3 years ago
#46 rgl anti sandbagging rules in TF2 General Discussion
lootalso not sure why this player is banned from soldier? https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198113969016&r=40 he hasn't played anything higher than ESEA-O

Being this player, I have the same question. I went 14-2 in Open 3 years ago and then played 8 matches with a 7-9 team in main last season after getting the itch to play again. If that is the criteria, then that is fine. I wasn't planning on playing soldier either way, so I don't really mind, but one of my teammates from that same team back then who also progressed and played in ESEA IM after is not banned on their main in RGL IM on my team this season, so I'm not sure if ESEA history matters much. We did get a response from an admin saying that "You went 7-9 in main (6-9 if you don't count our ffw), but you'll be much better this season, so you are not allowed to play that class in the division below."

I am on gollywobbler's (post from earlier) friend team and we only play our matches, so we got a lineup that works, but the one person that wanted to play their main was restricted because of a 7-9 record in main last season, since we will "be much better this season", despite us playing 2 scrims with our desired roster just to see if we could get 6 people together on classes they would be interested in playing, barely winning one against an IM team, and getting 5-0ed by a low main team. This same person is restricted on sniper because of their finish in highlander last season, but one of the snipers who finished ahead of them in their div is restricted on neither scout nor sniper. I, along with my whole team, are having fun and shooting the breeze about the good old days when playing, and just want to enjoy tf2 and talk with people that we haven't in a while. We cannot do that now because that restriction has caused all of us to switch around to classes that we didn't want to play, which is frustrating, and also didn't happen until we were already paid, so we don't really want to stop now either.

posted about 3 years ago
#118 The nicest player? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#75 ESEA Open S26 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Although I don't have time to play anymore, I'm excited to watch some of my friends and former teammates play some matches this season. Good luck all.

posted about 6 years ago
#402 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

this thread is brought to you by Gatorade Tiger

posted about 6 years ago
#35 Valve News Network: Pyro/Jungle Update News in TF2 General Discussion

BREAKING NEWS...pyro update to be released June 10th

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posted about 7 years ago
#176 ESEA-IM S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I would hope they don't do scheduling manually so I would think they could just run their scheduling program again, but fair enough if they do it manually...

posted about 7 years ago
#174 ESEA-IM S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

And although it would be a pain to have everyone pay again if IM got reinstated, I can't imagine it's more than an admin clicking on a team and setting their div to IM, so I dunno why they won't put it back in now. Oh well, sad to see it end like this...

posted about 7 years ago
#173 ESEA-IM S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah Sally I agree with you...it seems like some people just didn't want to put the effort into keeping IM alive. Needed one more team and didn't ask open teams apparently to move up? 3 or 4 teams have said if they knew IM would die they would have moved up...so looks like someone just didn't want to put in the effort

posted about 7 years ago
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