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Signed Up January 8, 2017
Last Posted April 14, 2020 at 10:14 PM
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#14 FUNKe- What Team Fortress 2 NEEDS in Videos

Vary realistically the most important part of the video.

posted about 5 years ago
#194 What do you HATE about TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

80% of the playerbase is less then 14 years old and just want to watch stupid SFM videos and scream on the mic dumb memes that were never funny.

posted about 5 years ago
#22 Anime recommendations in Off Topic

Yuru Yuri has 3 seasons and an hour long Special

Lucky Star

Nichijou is the Funniest thing on the face of the planet

posted about 5 years ago
#15 Announcing RGL.gg - Highlander Season in Videos
messiahso ugc is dead now

Good riddance tbh

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Crab_f is Lord Sunday Δ Confirminati Δ in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#68 why do you hate anime in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#49 why do you hate anime in The Dumpster
Brimstonenah the pandering trash is unwatchable
just like the braindead shit on tv

anime has a very great deal of unwatchable unforgivably bad garbage
however there are a few gems in the rough that I enjoy taking the time to seek out and enjoy

its as simple as making the choice to not just click on the most popular shit the degens are escaping into
and watching something with an actual interesting story and compelling characters

this should be obvious but this is the same with tv shows movies or books
you dont just pick the shitty romance on the front page or in the front of the store/library
you take the time to go find out whats actually worth your time as a human being who doesnt need incest and loli shit in their lives. The only difference here is that the medium in question is animation produced in japan and colored by influences of that people’s culture and individual opinions and worldviews

so stop watching godamn little sister or socially inept male character has dicked suck by massive harem and start watching out for the megaloboxes, the samurai champloos, the 3gatau no lions, etc becquse theres plenty of high quality shows worth anybodies time.

the problem is when ur intellectually lazy, see the anime tiddie bursting out of the quick money grab show on the second splash panel of crunchroll, or see the stupid borderline illegal shit the insane number of degenerates in this community are into in private and think thats somehow representative of the medium, the country it is primarily produced in, and all consumers of said medium

Ah... I see you are a man of Culture as well. I'd personally add Steins;Gate to that list of shows to watch out for.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 why do you hate anime in The Dumpster

Anime nowadays is made by Otaku for Otaku. Its gotten to the point that you can just slap big eyes on whatever you want and have it barely move and people will still watch it. Because "the girls are sooooo cute xD" and "lol xD look at this .gif me_irl, am i right guys?! xD". It's like the entire industry is in a race to see who can cynically produce the cheapest, unfunniest, shitty slice of life, Azumanga Daioh rip-off they possibly can. It's bad enough we have shitty Herem Light Novel Adaptation every season, but now were just throwing literal shit against the wall to see what sticks.

"What's popular now? Moster/Animal girls? Ok, what hasn't been done yet? Horses? Bam. Horse Girls. What's that? Shitty Idol Shows are also Popular? Sure, lets make them Idos to. Fate/GO is really big right now? Sure, let's make it a Mobile game wile where at it"

^This is a real show that actually exists that is actually kinda popular. Because the freaking degenerates that like K-On! don't care about quality, they just want their shitty forum signature .gifs

Meanwhile an Original show, with a unique concept, by a good studio with high production value gets freaking ignored.

I actually hate Anime so freaking much.

posted about 6 years ago
#54 sigafoo was right in TF2 General Discussion
Getawhaleis anyone else secretly speculating that sigafoo brigaded reports to bring the guide down

I Doubt even Sigafoo is capable of that level of pettiness...

posted about 6 years ago
#32 ESEA New Map Veto System in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_#bringbackgpit so it can just be banned every week anyways

I will join you in that Crusade

posted about 6 years ago
#88 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion
TwiiKuuAnd made the TF2 team update the in-game voice codecs :)

Yeah, no kidding.

We can Post on TFTV, and Facepuch, and Reddit, and The Steam Community Forums; and we Bitch, and Scream, and Curse, and Complain, as much as we damn well feel about this or that change, or this or that feature; and Valve will never see it as anything more then a bunch of autistic screeching by a bunch of entitled brats. And yet FaceIT can discreetly send them one little E-Mail politely asking them to make 1 little change to the game and its updated in less then a week. DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND THE OPPORTUNITY BEING PRESENTED TO US RIGHT NOW?! We've been forced to ride around on a 3 legged, mangy dog for basically this entire's game existence and here comes along FaceIT with a beautiful Stallion and we aren't so much as looking it in the mouth as dissecting it into a bloody pulp...

lucrativeIm going to tell everyone a story, back from the days when TF2 had a brighter future and we collectively ruined it.

ever since ESEA's inclusion to league play in TF2, the community has constantly shot itself in the foot by frivolously creating our own platforms for literally anything at all instead of using platforms created for us by said big leagues (in this earlier case, ESEA), we want our own pug systems, we want our own forums, we want our own rules, we want our own leagues, we want we want we want. All TF2 has ever done is failed to cooperate with its only major chance at being successful and what is happening right now with this witch hunt on faceit's pug system is the exact same thing all over again.

It started 8 years ago when Torbull begged the invite TF2 players to encourage use of their pug systems (a major source of revenue for them) which if it gained popularity, would have directly benefitted TF2. it was attempted multiple times with the same issues as this; people complaining the system isn't good enough and their own system was better. But the question people need to start asking themselves is what is really better? A community run system that is a little better, or the system that is new and needs some work that is actually attached to some form of system that could benefit TF2 in the long run.

The reality is; PugChamp will not do anything for TF2 in the long run, Faceit will. I would really advise on not repeating the mistakes of our past when a major company has stepped into the light and attempted to help TF2 and put TF2 on their radar. This community needs a major culture change in terms of attitude towards league run systems instead of defaulting to short term relief for inferior pug systems, it has been the attitude that has plagued this community for almost 8 years now.

Please think about what you are doing.

^Read it. Understand it. Embrace it. Become one with it.

posted about 6 years ago
#82 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion

Reminder that FaceIT directly worked with Valve (and other tournament organizers) to help them do their Dota Qualifies, and has sponsored a Counter Strike Major.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 how 2 get yellow dmg numbers in Customization

Personally i prefer the soft teal color of 0, 255, 255. (RGB)

posted about 6 years ago
#132 Competitive Matchmaking Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINThat's so weird that you got rank 13 at 1862 MMR. I'm at rank 10 with 1760 MMR...

I am also 10-6. Does that help at all?

posted about 6 years ago
#127 Competitive Matchmaking Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
VisI need 1 more match to get a rank and I can't find one for a whole week, every day queuing for like 3-4 hours in total..

Having Similar Experience...

Edit: After several Days of being 1 game away and not being able to find matches i have Calibrated at the highest Rank with 1862 MMR


posted about 6 years ago
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