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SteamID64 76561198049312442
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Country Turkey
Signed Up April 15, 2017
Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Posts 1470 (0.6 per day)
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Monitor agon
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#2 Class ban order in TF2 General Discussion

engy is going first every time other than that u have a good order

posted 10 months ago
#66 PSA!!! dont let nursey into your pugs in TF2 General Discussion
DoughyIt's a hard thing to really talk or think about, especially if you don't experience it yourself, but it is because it's hard to break relationships instantly. It usually has to be something very catastrophic that directly affects the other party to instantly break it up. If person A grooms person B online, but the friends of person A never see this side of them, even after they're exposed, then it can be hard to accept that your friend does that stuff. People tend to need some time to process things like this.

People who are on the sidelines don't always deserve grief, they either are new victims, unaware of who they are talking to, are still processing emotions and are unsure of what to do, or they encourage the behaviour and are similar themselves (in which case it makes sense to hang around similar kinds).

this is why we're still chill with you after what you did to aph :')

posted 10 months ago
#38 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion

u mad bu gers u fuckint mad bros

posted 10 months ago
#28 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion
kn -

i know they arent straight upgradea, lnl wasnt either, its more about how they distort the base game to me. lnl gives demo too much pipe range, its stupid as hell.

beggars and dhit are wildly different from stock in a way that i reckon is unhealthy, even if stock is usually better. beggars is probably the stupider one to me because of the random variance + insane fire rate on loading multiples, but like u said 130 dmg rockets r a thing (and i dont think they should be in the environment)

tomislav is the one i have a weakest argument for but i just hate that it makes heavy silent. none of the other miniguns do dat and its stupid.

it basically comes down to my philosophy on how i'd rather the game be, which is minimised variables in this sense so thay everyone is playing with more or less the same kit and what differentiates you is teamplay, skill, etc. not that that isnt the case with these unlocks either, im not trying to cope about it or smth (i loved using loch, i like my soldiers equipping manntreads). i just think it makes for an objectively more competitive environment if ppl r using the same stuff.

posted 10 months ago
#21 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion

ban wrap assassin, dhit, beggars, manntreads, tomislav and loose cannon next, cheers! idc if the reasons on the forum are crap if these wepoinz are gone

posted 10 months ago
#2 Insomnia 71 (7-10/09/23) - incl a TF2 Esports Zone in LAN Discussion


posted 10 months ago
#1 ETF2L Highlander Spring 2023 Grand Finals in Events

holy ahit

posted 11 months ago
#15 how did this sticky kill meyy in TF2 General Discussion
kindredIf you put multiple stickies inside each other they do damage through certain surfaces. A pretty well known one is the first red spawn on upward which you can sticky from underneath, and the window on gully last.

dat bug is patched

posted 11 months ago
#59 i71 in September 2023 in LAN Discussion
kindredI’ll go if it’s not completely dead, especially if this discount is happening

same same, would like to take me team there if posible

posted 11 months ago
#50 i71 in September 2023 in LAN Discussion
HerpTimDCSWhipWandumafaik rcadia started doing major restructuring internally pretty much right after we were there in november and wont be doing more events for the forseeable futureah, that's unfortunate, I hope that the great folks involved in organising the november lan are keeping a relationship open with the venuedannythe only LAN event they've hosted in 2023 was the smash bros tournament, which was moved to a different location for unknown reasons (most likely to do with energy prices in germany sky-rocketing).

for what its worth, the very first talks about the first rcadia tournament started in april of last year, but now they know the drill they could put together a lan much quicker, so if they get their shit together i see no reason for there to not be a lan later in the year. last i heard they were pretty happy with the overall turnout and attendance from the previous one, so who knows

Appreciate the kind words but in all likelyhood there won't be another LAN at the RCADIA. Not only in 2023 but probably ever.
We (Phoenix Red) are always open for opportunities to fill the november slot, but nothing is imminent for 2023 atm.

We have been approached - especially during the RCADIA LAN last november - by many members of the community whether we would be interested in taking over the summer slot. Again, we are appreciative of the support, but despite everything we wouldn't mess or compete with insomnia (and as the current host, for that matter) due to its deep roots. Should they shoot themselves in the foot or there be no more traction for a TF2 event at the festival, it can be an intriguing option to look for something to fill the void in 2024.
That being said, we would also not touch and save insomnia if essentials were ever to withdraw from organising.

Personally, I think it is a massive mistake of Player1 Events to move the event to another date. Either their business decision is a bad one or they were indeed too late to book the weekend, which is outright embarrassing imo.
My desire to go there was low to begin with and now has dropped to almost zero.
What does DCS mean? Is it like an acronym?


posted 11 months ago
#16 Sooooo you don't know me Man-thing but- in TF2 General Discussion

posted 11 months ago
#11 Sooooo you don't know me Man-thing but- in TF2 General Discussion
Makadd me, i need to talk to you

posted 11 months ago
#6 Sooooo you don't know me Man-thing but- in TF2 General Discussion

add me, i need to talk to you

posted 11 months ago
#7 wats a game u wish u were good at in Off Topic

posted 11 months ago
#18 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

false positive?

posted about a year ago
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