Account Details
SteamID64 76561198033396021
SteamID3 [U:1:73130293]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:36565146
Country France
Signed Up July 9, 2015
Last Posted March 9, 2024 at 12:12 PM
Posts 183 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
Headphones Plantronics Gamecom 380 (unbreakable)
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 13
#63 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion

Is product gonna be played in groups/are points equalized with cp maps? Don't really want to have the same situation as last time

posted about 4 years ago
#15 ETF2L S33 W7: top5rocket vs. Ora Elektro in Matches

me walking to 5th place like


posted about 4 years ago
#22 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion

How did rentals already run out? Never knew there were so few of them. As far as I can remember, last year I got mine much later than now. How likely are we to get more? Don't think Aph, Lukas & myself are the only ones without hardware.

posted about 4 years ago
#23 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Hi, finally some good news.
Turns out my CPU was indeed faulty all along, as soon as I swapped it fixed everything. I'll return what I don't need asap and contact AMD. Thanks for helping me through this Setsul, think I owe you a drink next lan.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

First time I've seen this screen, however it flashed extremely quickly and I easily could've missed it during testing, it took me several tries to get the picture.
I'm gonna follow your previous advice and use return policies too in order to get something up & running asap, I don't want to play an official on a laptop ever again.
As well as contacting AMD support ofc.

posted about 4 years ago
#20 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

The new GPU has arrived. After I installed it, I did not get the "No signal" screen anymore, however by trying to boot on a linux key with the motheboard on a non-conductive surface it first failed and then showed me this screen: http://fr.tinypic.com/r/15wf1as/9
Any idea on what it could mean?

posted about 4 years ago
#18 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

I ran memtest86 for 9 hours the other night and had no errors. I can probably find some other sticks. I'll give my GPU to someone to try out. If all of this comes out negative I guess I'll just buy another CPU and eat ice cubes for the rest of the month..

posted about 4 years ago
#16 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Found the strength to double post.
I just tried what you told me, taking out my mobo from the case, ran it with a Linux key. Direct HDMI feed from the motherboard was giving me no signal, I then plugged my GPU and a Displayport cable, got an image and managed to get to the Ubuntu loading screen but the same usual crash shortly after. No components were hot btw.
About to swap with the spare motherboard right now.
Edit: same issue with the spare motherboard (same model I probably should've tried with a different one but w/e)
Running out of ideas :(

posted about 4 years ago
#15 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware
SetsulI see you're still avoiding double posts.

Haven't had time yet to get my motherboard out of my case and test it, although I built a Linux key already and ran it with the mobo still in the case: I don't get past the Ubutu loading screen.
So far my computer doesn't crash once I'm in TF2 unless the map changes so I just disconnect while the server is changing level.
A friend of mine offered me to borrow some of his HDDs to try and run W10 on it. The spare motherboard arrived but I'm waiting to get around the non-conductive test and my friends' HDDs to try to swap.

posted about 4 years ago
#13 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Just for the record the Windows I use now is a non activated 8.1 version installed on the SSD I ordered after I figured something might have been up with my HDDs. i checked, everything is plugged correctly. I'm suspecting my motherboard to be faulty and I've ordered a spare one, I'll return the original one if it turns out to be the problem.

SetsulSetsulUnplug the HDDs, remove the mobo from the case, place it on a non-conductive surface and try Linux again.
Also upgrading to W10 usually breaks things so I'm not surprised.

First step is to figure out whether or not this is a hardware problem. See the quote above

I will try tonight on a non-conductive surface with the SSD unplugged. Gonna give a try to Linux with the motherboard in the case too.

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware
_KermitHave you tried only using one stick of RAM? Swap sticks if the problem persists and see if any stick of RAM works individually. Probably won't work, but worth a try.

Just tried it, didn't work

FakeDouble check your PSU cables are plugged in correctly at both ends (PSU side and components). Also, if you didn't plug the AC wall cable in properly at the back it can cause problems on some PSUs from my experience. If you can use a known good power supply to test

Double check you plugged things into the motherboard correctly (fans, front usb, power/reset etc)

Double check your graphics card to see if it is plugged in all the way into the PCI-e slot and the power is plugged in properly too.

Gonna properly double check everything

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Hi again,
When I thought my problems were actually fixed, it turns out they weren't. I no longer have the freeze issue, but my computer restarts at random times (the screen just goes black, and then returns to the bios screen).
I tried to find a pattern for when this actually happens, but couldn't. Some of the moments that are very likely to make my computer restart are listed below:
-opening a new program (although steam & mumble are 2 of the less likely programs to crash it)
-closing a program
-exiting a full screened video (this one is very odd but very consistent, if I leave a video in full screen for more than a minute my PC crashes the moment I press escape or return to desktop button)
All of the vents are spinning, CPU temps is around 45 degrees on average, Motherboard 30 degrees. I tried to take down the vent and re-apply thermal paste, didn't work.
I also tried to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, and the installation crashes during the final restart, while giving me the 0xC1900101 - 0x20017 "Install failed during the SAFE_OS phase with an error on the BOOT operator".
Looking for suggestions on how to fix this once and for all, any help is appreciated.

posted about 4 years ago
#20 2019 Prem / Invite mouse settings in TF2 General Discussion

Zowie FK1 @1600 DPI, G-SR mousemat , sensitivity 0.9

posted about 5 years ago
#8 CHILLWAGON rolls into Premiership Qualifiers in News


posted about 5 years ago
#6 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware
SetsulAny news?

My issue was solved very randomly, I found a couple of flashes for my BIOS, applied them, and it worked. I have no idea what caused it in the first place, when I was done with the flashes it was still giving me the same freeze. It randomly started working the next day, witchcraft basically.
Sorry for the late notice

posted about 5 years ago
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