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Last Posted April 25, 2024 at 8:06 AM
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#2 Intel CoffeeLake cpu in TF2 General Discussion


It's pretty much the same as Kaby Lake. 8700k can even be worse due to Windows 10 thread scheduling, although something might have been done about that recently. Good luck finding one though, they were out of stock at most if not all major retailers last time I checked.

posted about 6 years ago
#31 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion
CallumSLGJust give Pyro a lightning gun already fuck

I wonder if Valve would be able to tell the difference between "give demo a glock" and "give pyro a lightning gun". Would they think both are memes? Both serious suggestions? The wrong way around?


posted about 6 years ago
#23 who has the most swag to their frag? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#33 modern art in Off Topic
funhaver1998now whats genius about that is the simplicity. i've been watching some cooking documentaries and something that marco pierre white said that stuck out for me was 'you have to realize that mother nature is the true master and you are just the chef' in the context of making complex food. the best chefs are those that make good food in the most simple way possible. now if we apply that to art, the best artists are those that say what they want to say simply, and what better than one simple stroke of yellow, charged with emotion and imagery against a blank canvas. colours, especially yellow being a primary colour, are the most simple tools that an artist has, the same way a chef uses a potato and a writer uses language, and to say something while respecting these things, in its most purist form, is genius.

The point is that when you go to a restaurant and you're given a soup which consists solely of boiled water, you would not think it's delicious; you'd leave without paying because you can just put the kettle on at home. There is a difference between minimalism and non-existence. It's also not impressive to tell someone something in a vague and laborious manner which requires all sorts of background checking, that's just failing at getting your message across.

In the end, meaning is different for everyone(everything in the universe means fuck all until you decide for yourself that it has meaning), but within the framework of our society, if you put something on display or up for sale in a public place, you do have to try to communicate with that very same public in their framework. And even if you fail to do so, people might still appreciate your artistry without comprehending your message. But there is very little artistry in one stroke of paint or monochrome surface. This is also why someone can think a painting is ugly, but still appreciate it. With some modern art, if you don't understand the message there also isn't any artistry to fall back on that you could still appreciate. Hence the strong reactions people have to it compared to older art.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy a monochrome surface. You should just be cognisant of the reason why the vast majority of the public is not in a position to enjoy it and perhaps shouldn't be expected to put in the effort to be able to at the very least appreciate, let alone enjoy, what the artist was trying to communicate in a highly abstract and arguably incompetent manner.

posted about 6 years ago
#3478 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#28 good live albums? in Music, Movies, TV

Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio.

posted about 6 years ago
#72 ETF2L S27 GF: Se7en vs. Arctic Foxes in Matches

It's all very exciting until you realise that the grand finals of the top division were contested by what is essentially a mix team and a team who never play outside of match days.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Is nvidia g-sync worth it in Hardware


On a slightly related note, do you have any idea how long the input lag is on a modern 144Hz display, say something like a BenQ XL2411Z? I'm specifically referring to the gap between the display receiving the signal and the moment the pixels begin changing on the panel.

Or to phrase it differently: If you turned on V-sync, how much of the input lag would actually be additional, and how much of that lag would you be experiencing even with V-sync turned off?

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Physical punishment in childhood in Off Topic

I think there is one specific case in which it can be acceptable to spank a child and that is to instill fear where there is none, but there should be.

For example, a daughter of a friend of mine would bolt off onto the street and it had been explained to her in various ways that she could be hit by a car and die. A lot of people talked to her at length(her parents, grandparents, friends of the parents like myself), punished her by taking things away every time she did it, etc. We even threw a melon in front of a friend's janky old car to demonstrate what would happen to her. Eventually she was nearly run over and we thought she learnt her lesson, but the next week she did it again and my friends(the parents that is) had decided that if she did it again they would spank her just to the point where she would fear the spanking because she didn't fear being run over. She never did it again and never had to be spanked again.

While this may seem crude, I think that sometimes as a parent you are essentially choosing between letting your child kill themselves or instilling what is basically a "replacement fear" because their brain somehow can not (yet) make the link between action and consequence in spite of exhaustive efforts to get them to understand the risk. If you're feeling more angry than worried when you feel the need to spank your child, something is wrong with you as a parent. Beating a child is always wrong, in my opinion. You don't need to hurt them; just scare them enough to save them.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Dane's Proposed Engineer Changes in TF2 General Discussion

I think it would be interesting if teleporter exits built near-instantaneously and had entry portals in each spawn so they don't become irrelevant when you spawn further back or forward. As a trade-off, they would only get three teleports before the exit blows up and upgrading to level two and three would add three extra teleports each time and only marginally decrease the spin-up time(10-8-6 seconds for example, instead of the 10-5-3 I think it is currently). You could even leave teleporter entrances as an extra option so you can still do sneaky things, both the entrance and spawn portal would just lead to the same exit.

But I think Zesty is right in saying that you would have to fundamentally change the class and consequently piss off a lot of players to make the class more interesting and less annoying to play against outside of last. This would probably involve making it worse at last defence in some way or another, which kind of destroys its specific niche.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 ETF2L S27 W5: nerdRage vs. Lowpander in Matches

Is there anything Beater doesn't do for this community?

posted about 6 years ago
#11 RPG games in Other Games

If you can get it to work and you don't mind atrocious graphics, Soulbringer is a forgotten treasure. Excellent voice acting, quirky combat system and controls(in a good way), great lore, very fitting music and sound design. It's one of those games which would have been a classic if the publisher didn't rush the devs during the last 25% of development. I always felt they cut off 20% of the end-game even though the storyline was already written, just because they weren't given more time. The story still makes perfect sense though. There are also some bugs and oversights as a result of this rushed late development, but they can all be overcome in five seconds if you know what to do(feel free to PM me if the game breaks).

posted about 6 years ago
#18 E3 Thread in Other Games


Aaaaaaaaaaaand then it was revealed it will be exclusive to the Windows Store. Anyone want some sulphuric acid to drink with that?

posted about 6 years ago
#383 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
KonceptAny idea what format it's being played in?

There will be duel, but we have no idea if it's going to involve the champion selection thing that's in the beta or if it's going to be a different system. The team tournament for this year(it's been a different game mode almost every year) is going to be 4v4 Sacrifice, which is the new CDTF(capture & defend the flag) mode where you get to pick which "base" you want to be yours at the first "flag" capture.

BethesdaWe have too much money and not much patience, so let's throw $1 million at a product which is still in beta in a waning genre and has not seen a single professional tournament yet!

I hope the players enjoy lobbing wet toilet paper at each other, because that's what shooting rockets feels like in Quake Champions at the moment. That game is still very far from being in a competitively playable state with such high stakes. And what's worse is that they've now given themselves a deadline to release it this month so the players can get some practice in(Quakecon is end of August this year). That gives them about three weeks to fix some relatively major technical problems. Yikes²

posted about 6 years ago
#65 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
yerbthe people who make up the actual tf2 community are people who play pubstraders and never had a competitive thought in their life.

Fixed that for you. I wish I was kidding.

posted about 7 years ago
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