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Country England
Signed Up June 30, 2014
Last Posted June 24, 2019 at 5:16 PM
Posts 51 (0 per day)
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Monitor ASUS VG248
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#1 SourceRuns Half-Life Jump Map Cup #2 in Other Games


It's back!

If you're interested in speedrunning/KZ/(Gold)Source games, be sure to tune in to this today @ 16:00 UTC.

1v1 race BO3 single elimination format except for grand finals which will be BO5

All runs are done in Half-Life multiplayer mod Adrenaline Gamer, on a server running HL KreedZ. The mod has uncapped bunnyhopping speed and a built-in autojump feature.

Brackets: http://challonge.com/SRHLJumpCup18/

Map pool:


Prize pool:

€356,18 guaranteed total, could be more depending on donations

1st place winner will receive 70%
2nd place winner will receive 30%

Watch here: http://twitch.tv/SourceRuns

posted about 6 years ago
#20 Conveying Meaning, "HOME or: A Frag-Film" in Videos
Eemes4:17 with this music sync you've managed to equate the heroism and sacrifice of the British military and the civilian fleet at Dunkirk with a demo doing a pogo to block middle. Not entirely sure how I feel about this.

EDIT: ok I watched the rest and there's no way this isn't a troll although admittedly an elaborate one lmao

Or he just enjoys the movie's soundtrack and wanted to sync the block with the music...

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Community Frags by Se7en DEMOCALL in Videos

STV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aafNDdWK0XOIYIKHZUZy8HR5DKWzjej1/view?usp=sharing
POV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KHc2d_U7DTXMrma7Ku7eCGkWADc0diWY/view?usp=sharing

posted about 6 years ago
#5861 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#5857 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#144 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but the way the reasoning behind these decisions is worded to me gives off the impression that the only goal is to preserve the current metagame. For example, the Panic Attack is unbanned because "it still isn't a standout weapon" and "does worse than shotgun in most cases". Does that mean then that if it ended up being better than shotgun it'd be banned?

I hope I am misinterpreting, because it'd be a pretty conservative and inconsistent direction to go in, however I find it hard to believe that I am, given that this seems to be the logic used for banning The Dragon's Fury also. For consistency's sake, using this logic would mean you'd have to ban previously introduced weapons like The Escape Plan, for example.

b4nnyAt this point, only game breaking items should be banned

Define "game breaking".

-protosomeone needs to setup a site where players can vote for what should be banned and allowed. It’s the only way to make fair decisions on so many weapons/items. a few people should not be able to change the global whitelist overnight and THEN ask for feedback that they could easily just ignore.

I don't think there's really a robust way of giving direct democracy to all "players".

posted about 6 years ago
#177 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

Despite having the HUD set to "Kill notices only" in Lawena, it now continues to show the spectator hud when watching STV demos.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Problem when joining MGE servers in Q/A Help

Same for me if I use the in-game recorder.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 SourceRuns Marathon 2017 in Other Games

In just under an hour, this year's SourceRuns Marathon will be going live. We're raising money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness with a goal of $750. If you enjoy (Gold)Source games and/or speedrunning (this year we decided to include some bonus games) then come watch and support us!

Watch here: https://www.twitch.tv/sourceruns
Schedule: https://www.speedrun.com/srmarathon/schedule
Donations: https://ifundraise.nami.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=1358

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Essentials.TF One Night Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Looking forward!

posted about 6 years ago
#35 ETF2L Season 27 Coverage Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion
DollyAny pairs of casters you'd like to see together or enjoyed last season?

HiipFire on play-by-play with either Beater or nuze on analysis.

posted about 6 years ago
#25 ETF2L Season 27 Coverage Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion
DarkdwarfWhere's this Gubbins video that I've seen referenced a few times?


posted about 6 years ago
#21 ETF2L Season 27 Coverage Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think the coverage is quite up to the standards of the days of Sideshow, Gecks, DavidTheWin, Admirable etc yet but I think it'll definitely get there eventually with the majority of casters/producers we have right now constantly learning and improving. Due to lack of star talent I think anyone who is volunteering and actually trying is doing a good enough job at this point in time, so I'll echo this:

WFlashTurboTabs, Beater, gemm, Nuze, zeFrosty, Hiipfire, etc... you all are doing God's work, keep it up please :)

Unfortunately as much as Gubbins was harsh in his analysis, I do agree with the vast majority of his criticism; casters should be held to account when they're not bothering to do their job properly and are just turning the coverage into a memefest. I really feel like it's quite disrespectful to the players, viewers and community in general when you're not at least trying to be as professional as you can. It also probably deters sponsors and other people from volunteering when there's a lack of professionalism.

I haven't watched much of ever_x so I can't really comment on his performance other than what I saw on Gubbins' stream, but there's definitely a few casters who should be really good but just don't seem to be putting in the effort. For example I think WARHURYEAH has put out really good analysis in the past but in the last few casts I watched it seems like he hasn't really taken it seriously. I don't know if Bren casted this season but I definitely saw one or two casts in the past where it didn't really seem like he was trying, even though he's probably the best play-by-play caster I can think of from this generation.

There's also an issue of caster bias; Lowpander and Se7en have had it pretty rough on that front. You may not like or agree with their playstyles but if that's the case I'd like to see why you think their playstyle is flawed rather than just making fun and shittalking.

I don't really have any criticism for the NA side of TFTV; in my opinion they're doing a really good job so shoutouts to Marxist, sandblast, cornpop etc; keep up the good work!

posted about 6 years ago
#16 ESEA S25 W3: froyotech vs. Gnomercy in Matches
SminKylo_rennot sure about EVL "crushing" FROYO as the match was like 1 hour long. But yeah in the meantime GO shadeSorry but I consider a 3 round difference a pretty significant margin of victory, especially between those two teams.

Number of rounds =/= closeness of a match

posted about 6 years ago
#63 who is the most toxic tf2 player of all time? in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
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