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SteamID64 76561198070499160
SteamID3 [U:1:110233432]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:55116716
Country Pirate
Signed Up August 22, 2013
Last Posted April 13, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Posts 1507 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.6
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse superlight (PINK)
Keyboard Zealios KBDFans 75
Mousepad Razer Strider
Headphones Arctis Pro Wireless
Monitor 240hz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 100
#7 best posts of all time in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#3 FOV different in TF2 General Discussion

I think some servers run a fix to prevent ultrawide resolutions from giving increased FOV (rephrased)

posted about 2 years ago
#172 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion
aieraPeteI just find it hard to believe that sin karma is the one tf2 player that has successfully hidden his cheats on stream when every other cheater manages to accidentally show it on streamYes because the group of people caught cheating on stream is a perfect circle Venn diagram with the people who have cheated on stream right?

man i watched this guy try to link mumble channels for 5 minutes and he accidentally deleted one of the channels idk if he's really up to the task

posted about 2 years ago
#169 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion

I just find it hard to believe that sin karma is the one tf2 player that has successfully hidden his cheats on stream when every other cheater manages to accidentally show it on stream

posted about 2 years ago
#6 (rumor?) demos in /tf folder & performance in Q/A Help

Show Content
posted about 2 years ago
#12 Why the WMO is the best mouse on the market in Hardware

building custom wireless mice is so 2000 and late

posted about 2 years ago
#58 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Makwhy use a plugin when u can ban it. this is why i was against plugins that arent fixing things that should obviously be fixed (think ramp bug etc, where the fix is essentially free and very hard to argue against). before plugin meta we just banned/disallowed shit that was clearly broken/abusable.

valve also used to patch broken/abusable shit. There was a long time where the idea of using any fix was ridiculous but at what point do you just take fixing the game into your own hands

e: I don't care if we use a plugin or not just giving the counter argument

posted about 2 years ago
#28 Deteriorating quality of TFTV twitch experience in The Dumpster
det-glassit's almost like some of us want to read real sentences about the match we are all watching90% of chat is everyone going "LOL" when someone beefs on spy or "HOLYSHIT WTF [player]" when they hit an airshot/airpipe/4k

nah I personally browse twitch chat for the intelligent discourse.

posted about 2 years ago
#37 NA Invite Top 100: Hub Post in News
Dr_SpamomanThere have been old top tier players returning and preforming at a competetive level. I think TLR left tf2 for multiple years before joining froyo and playing on international LANs. Alfa has also had long breaks and instantly played in playoffs when returning. Raymon was away from prem for years before joining crowns (or se7en), and when he returned many people considered him the best medic in the world. There are also examples of people returning and not being as good as they used to. i49 Shocky was a beast that, and while he was still a prem playoffs contender when he came back, i can not see a maincaller say "Shocky go on flank and 2 vs 1 their roamer and flank scout" like KnoxXx said back in the day.

ya I mean that's fine and all but the point was that for people that never came back it is pointless for things like "if they kept playing" to impact their rank

posted about 2 years ago
#20 Pokémon™ BDSP rahthread in Other Games

seems like there's a lot of stuff that people hate but i never played gen 4 and i'm having a blast

posted about 2 years ago
#26 Which invite TF2 player would win squid game in TF2 General Discussion

How come in all of these "name a player that would ___" threads its just people coming in and naming people that quit the game when they started playing

posted about 2 years ago
#7 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events

posted about 2 years ago
#14 Gunz: The Duel in Other Games
joshuawnget ready to fight
let's rock
crackbabydumpster@dolphin rider
hi saam how are u doing

i miss u

posted about 3 years ago
#6 dylan lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Oh Hell yeah Dylan TF2 Twitter is back

posted about 3 years ago
#59 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
AimIsADickPeteAimIsADickyo DNS info is cached your computer doesn't ask for the IP every time it sends a packet. if you connect to a server with a hostname it will only be looked up once

you have no idea what you're talking about and it shows

That's why I stated ignoring caching in my previous post. Besides there is still a noticeable difference even with caching.


posted about 3 years ago
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