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Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 8:35 PM
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#36 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
yoonabecome better than everyone you have to face so you can shit talk and win at the same timefrenzy_Practice game sense, for example, positioning, remembering what Uber Charges are on each team, try to survive or get out earlier then you think if you are getting caught out. I think game sense is the most important aspect of being a good player. You can always train your aim, and you will notice that even though you could have mediocre aim, you can win fights depending how your positioned in every fight.

glhf :>


posted about 3 years ago
#31 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
Potchyou are the future

Well this is probably the ego talking but I think I might be the future.If we were thinking reasonably I think I would an iconic person in the future of this game.

posted about 3 years ago
#27 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERIf this game is by some miracle of god still alive in 5 years, I am very excited at the prospect of speaking with Old_Sanity and asking him about these threads
posted about 3 years ago
#24 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
Rebitetbh you might just be too immature to have a consistent mental state. Taking emotion out of what you do can be hard and take a while.

I might be wrong but something tells me that you have you have outbursts outside of the game too. Something that helped me is to be conscious of when i was starting to hype myself up/lose control and purposefully bring myself down. It might differ between people but deep breaths, closing my eyes and shit talking myself all helped bring myself down from the high. Remember that every death is a learning experience and try to analyze why you died/made a mistake rather than get all razzled up.

Most of the time I know why I died its either by being over aggressive or body blocking for my medic or by sacking.Or I just get destroyed by a scout.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
BlobfishYoung_SanityvTailorTFDon't join our team pregame and tell us that "Your shit boutta get rocked" and "How does it feel to be 4-7" in voice chat. Also stop acting like you're god's gift to the soldier class and play around your team instead of overextending to kill our med.I was trying to play around my team. Also we dint get blown out so that's all that matters.Sorry for toxicity but I do hope you realize how much it triggers a 13 year old when you say you don't have I'm talent that will trigger someone for years.You blaming our entire team for something that one person said, from what I’ve been told he was trying to be as nice as possible. Just relax and don’t let things get into your head

I'm not blaming your entire team at all. I'm not saying what I said was right at all.

posted about 3 years ago
#17 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
TailorTFDon't join our team pregame and tell us that "Your shit boutta get rocked" and "How does it feel to be 4-7" in voice chat. Also stop acting like you're god's gift to the soldier class and play around your team instead of overextending to kill our med.

I was trying to play around my team. Also we dint get blown out so that's all that matters.Sorry for toxicity but I do hope you realize how much it triggers a 13 year old when you say you don't have I'm talent that will trigger someone for years.

posted about 3 years ago
#15 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIWhen I’m playing matches that I really care about I type the following commands into console

unbind y (my chat key)
hud_say_text_time 0 (don’t see people potentially BM’ing - keeps the mental game smooth)
unbind tab (I have the match hud enabled at the top of the screen, so I don’t need to press it to see who’s alive. It also prevents me from seeing my K/D ratio, and where my teammates are on the scoreboard - keeps mental game smooth)

Speaking of K/Ds, one thing I see you do a lot youngman is look at your teams stats on the scoreboard by right clicking on their names or whatever. You need to turn this setting off IMMEDIATELY. IMMEDIATELY IMMEDIATELY IMMEDIATELY. Looking at your teammates damage and kills and deaths is a fast track way to push blame onto them for underperforming when there can be a multitude of TEAM factors that can cause them to underperform. If you’re looking at their stats and going “man my demo is feeding”, “man my combo scout can’t frag for shit”, it will cause you to lose motivation in the current match if your team is struggling, or even worse, make you lose confidence in your teammates for the weeks to come which is the WORST thing that can happen on a TEAM where you need to perform as a singular unit.

That’s all the advice I have youngman go chase those dubs

Yeah I'm testing a no chat and tab button theory and its working out so far.

posted about 3 years ago
#13 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
Dr_SpamomanPlay with a playstyle that is effective even if you dont hit every shot. If you are dependent of hitting every shot to be effective you will not be helping your team if your aim is off one day. If you play roamer, look at Seagull demos. He was really good at being valuable to the team, without hitting insane shots. He puts himself in situations where he has the advantage going in to the fight, so his DM does not need to be perfect to win.
long story short: If you cant depend on your aim, depend on your brain.

What if you don't have a brain?That isn't that smart at knowing when you have advantage or if you have hp advantage or anything.Or knowing when to agg and when not to.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 sodaman lft main s5 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Great PIck up for a playoff team in main.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
Crayonturn chat off, hats off and dont do things that you wouldn't in a scrim in terms of decisionmaking

the decisionmaking thing becomes easier if you have set plays on certain parts of the map bc then if ur brain fucks up u have something decent to fall back on... but it seems like ur pretty new so i think it's fully normal that you'd be inconsistent tbh

You have a point but most new players in the recent seasons are more consistent then me.I want to be their for my team I don't want them worrying ok young sanity isn't going crazy this game fall back all the time.I just don't know what the difference was with me in my first 3 matches compared to now.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
tojolike extine said try to train emotions out of your play. Being able to think about the game with nothing else clouding your judgement will definitely help your focus

But how does one do this.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion
ydnaThe more you play the less specific instances will matter to you. You build up a tolerance to the things that people do and say because you've experienced it so much before and it loses its effect because you've "been there, done that, don't care".

Emotional aspects aside, consistency with performance also comes with more playtime and for similar reasons. Especially if you are newer to things your muscle memory relies a lot not only on good practice but a large quantity of it. The longer you've been doing something, generally the less variation you'll see with it. (If only I could learn from that and stick to a damn class). It also helps to try and be consistent yourself. If you really want to improve, rather than binging a bunch of tf2 and then not playing it for a while it would be better for your skill if you adhered to a somewhat coherent schedule.

It also helps to play with the same players for a while. Looking at your rgl page, you seem to bounce around teams too much to really get a consistent environment.

Just my thoughts though

I cant help with some of those teams.I was just subbing for atkaski before they died I've been with lunacy for like 2 weeks.But I get why some of them cut me.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you extine.Will be noted.And seven1.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 How does one become consistent in matches? in TF2 General Discussion

I keep having huge outbursts in one game then the next one I just do straight trash I want to learn how to become a lot more consistent with performance.

posted about 3 years ago
#11100 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ⋅⋅ 72