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SteamID64 76561198154627508
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:97180890
Country Mongolia
Signed Up September 15, 2014
Last Posted August 10, 2018 at 8:49 AM
Posts 314 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.5
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse i'm
Keyboard surrounded
Mousepad by
Headphones idiots
Monitor *sigh*
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 21
#3 MONITORGAMMA 1.6 IN WINDOW in TF2 General Discussion

yes it is. adding a layer that covers the entire screen with an opacity filter with hud modification. i'm not a hud expert so i don't even remember what was it exactly. but someone out here should be able to point you out that solution. i used to do it when i started playing windowed

posted about 7 years ago
#5 How can you make tf2 look like this? in Q/A Help

mat_showlowresimage 1 doesn't work anymore. if you try to use it. it crashes your game.

posted about 7 years ago
#65 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games

i'm sorry but this seems so bad lmao. i can't honestly see how an old quake player can like this game. it resembles nothing of the old cpma mechanics that made quake what it was, much less how the game looks. i guess they tried to convey to a modern look considering we're in 2017 already but at the same time keeping the old style looks, yet it looks like neither. this game simply doesn't look like quake, and probably won't feel like it either.

i also don't see how a newcomer will like this game either considering we're in a era of mobas and counter-strike and, reflex alike, new arena fps games simply don't raise the bar for the masses. they can add "skills" to the "characters" as much as they like. it's a gold but outdated game structure that people of today weren't raised to like.

so in the way i see it, this game doesn't please neither the old school players nor the coming of age kids and it will be nothing but a dead end. a gigantic fail.

you can disagree however you like thou, i really don't care. i'm p surre this game will be forgotten 6 months after its launch. do people even talk about reflex anymore? no they don't.

posted about 7 years ago
#727 I've updated some huds in Customization

don't know if you already did this cause i haven't checked the whole thread

but could you update evehud? much appreciated

posted about 7 years ago
#4162 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

how can i update an old hud to work rn

i just need a function menu that lets me actually click stuff and browse servers. if i try to use the old hud rn the menu is just stuck in default, with non-fuctioning buttons

what file do i need to get rid of
this is the hud

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Removing the sniper scope with HUD files in Customization

this has literally been out for like a year already.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 A team frag movie for eNERD's open debut in Videos

my god the cringe...

posted about 8 years ago
#754 post your desktop in Off Topic
custom rainmeter skins + taskbar eliminator + windows desktop slideshow
middle thing you'd type commands into like http://i.imgur.com/cdYhp47.png
now if only I studied for exams instead of working on this :B
need those rainmeter skins, taskbar eliminator and the middle thing please
I don't really know how to set skins up for the autoinstaller but here's the three used
As I put in the readme, it's for 1366x768 (think it only matters for one thing but still) and only has some basic commands for the middle thing included, but it's pretty easy to add more commands.

This is the taskbar eliminator I use, can't seem to find where I downloaded it from though so here's a dropbox link for it too. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1pgoiwwdz0ty750/Nobar.exe?dl=1

thanks. how do i come back with the taskbar when i want though? thing just disappeared, not even a guide, just an .exe and bam! gone.

posted about 8 years ago
#750 post your desktop in Off Topic
custom rainmeter skins + taskbar eliminator + windows desktop slideshow
middle thing you'd type commands into like http://i.imgur.com/cdYhp47.png
now if only I studied for exams instead of working on this :B

need those rainmeter skins, taskbar eliminator and the middle thing please

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Thoughts on Overwatch? in Other Games

Mei is the pyro of overwatch.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 froyotech stuns Ronin, wins ESEA Season 21 in News

staff making a big melodramatic bullshit deal about it when all you need to do is change a bloody title this is unfuckingbelivable.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 network settings in Customization

lerp 0 is a bug, it's a placebo lowest you can actually get in this 66tick game in 99% of the servers is 15,2. get over it, your current settings are optimal. people get lower-than-15.2 lerp by upping their updaterate to a crazy value like 100000 but it really doesn't change anything besides a number in your net_graph and the loose wires in your head for thinking that you're gonna play better with these things smh....

posted about 8 years ago
#8 sleep paralysis in Off Topic

it's interesting that when you have sleep paralysis it's always something like spawn from hell. it's never, uh, i'm stuck in this boat of wonderful little candies in this magic wonderland.

i've had them twice. my first one was pretty scary. was dreaming that i was dreaming, and then i wake in my dream, hear footsteps, they're getting close, they stop, then bam something fucky whispers in my ears and sleep paralysis. can't move, try to scream but no sounds will come out. don't remember now how long it lasted but yeah....it's intense.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 best way to stop eating in Off Topic

i love how every now and then in this sub there's these threads for the most obvious cliche things like "how to stop playing videogames, how to sleep, how to get over crush, how to stop eating"

like srs, are you guys expecting that some dude shows up and gives you this magical-unforeseen mind-boggling solution like jumping with one leg whilst singing a lemon jelly songg and them BAM, you don't crave for video games anymore, you sleep at the right time, you get over your teenage-melodramatic crush and you start eating regularly like a normal person.

you already know the best way to stop eating, you just don't have the guts enough to start doing what you're suppose to and i guess you need some false internet self-confirmation/self-assurance

anything people said like "stop eating junk food, don't go to fast food or for snacks just prepare your own health meals, get yourself distracted, drink water, etc"...you already know. every time you eat something and feel guilty about it you tell yourself in your mind "this isn't what i should be doing" yet you keep doing and it infuriates me that you think making a thread in teamfortress.tv about it will give you the confidence and self-respect and balls that you lack of

gonna get downvote because people have to be nice to others in this forum and pat on their heads instead of telling the plain truth but i had to say.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 Reaction time in Off Topic


average is high because i was, uh, just testing bro.

posted about 8 years ago
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