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Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted May 8, 2018 at 5:39 PM
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#15 my aim sucks shit during matches [scout] in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#3 Looking for recruitment in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'd recommend you play some http://tf2center.com/ to get a taste of competitive. http://www.ugcleague.com/ is probably a better place to look until people know you. No one uses Skype.

Best of luck!

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Ultiduo in UGC? in TF2 General Discussion

ultiduo is fun
my partners must be able to hit the FATTEST arrows/rockets 8)

posted about 8 years ago
#10 High skill level pub server balance in TF2 General Discussion
What things out there that few (if any) servers use that would help alleviate this problem?

Class limits are a great start, also a rough skill system and automatic scrambling if there is a large skill/player gap.

What things out there that seem to be made to solve these problems do you feel not work well?

The closest thing I've seen would be Skial's ranking system which doesn't really give a fair estimate of someone's skill

What things out there that don't even exist yet do you think would help?

Stricter class balance, an actual rating system that isn't based off of rounds won, perhaps "forcing" certain classes to be played like medic

People will make the argument that they want to play what they want, but there are 9 classes and lots of other servers to play on

Some of the biggest problems I see in pubs is a combo wrecking the other team or all the decent players stacking the same team and going spec if they can't join it. Class balance is usually pretty bad and seems like medic is played less than 5% of the time.

I'd really love to play on a server that uses a more aggressive version of Gentleman Jon's ranking system and also has good class balance. I just want to play 2009-era pub TF2 when we had less unlocks, more people talking, and 3 competent medics per team.

posted about 8 years ago
#117 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

quickplay puts you onto 300 ping asia servers and the server browser is slow and clunky as hell
unreal engine is garbage
netcode is garbage (killing eachother with hitscan) and I swear half of the time I go to revive someone it just flat out misses
class balance is still bad
people still don't know what they're doing which makes pubs very frustrating (i know its beta)
f2p freemium model isn't so bad but I really wish they would use something more like csgo
community is still russian dota-tier

they havent really innovated or fixed any of the same problems the game had 8 months ago in the alpha

still probably one of the best pub games to play if you dont like battlefield

it has f2p going for it i guess

posted about 8 years ago
#63 biggest biceps in tf2? in The Dumpster

the actual reason (I think) that you tend to find a lot more in-shape/healthy players at the top end of competitive scenes is because competitive cs and sports are much alike, and what you're usually finding is players who are very competitive. they want to 'win' in whatever it is they're doing, in this case it's comparing your physique to someone else's. sure, you could get to the top by lounging around eating chips and playing all day, but there comes a point where your popularity get to be big enough that people will start commenting about how fat/thin/out of shape you are at competitions, which can get to some people and motivate them to change. many cs pros used to be pretty good at their respective sports, nothing insane but a lot players were involved in college ball/hockey/swim teams etc. there's also the fact that people who are in shape have a large effect on people around them who aren't, seen many top players who began going to the gym just because their teammates/friends do.

another one of my personal theories is that the more detracted from reality or 'niche' / hard to understand your game is the less you're going to find the kinds of people above. that's completely my opinion though and I have nothing to back it up

also I'd classify cs as very non-obscure, it certainly goes for the realistic setting and it's very easy to understand. a game I would consider obscure is something like dota, which as someone who has never played it but has played other mobas, I have no idea what I'm looking at or the strategy involved.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 biggest biceps in tf2? in The Dumpster

the avg fitness level is proportionate to the obscurity of your game

posted about 8 years ago
#35 scary tf2 stories in Off Topic

im on a team with cloudmaker

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Raja Trimp's While Eating Shrimp in The Dumpster

Haha That Was Funny! Please Post More Funny Vids!!

posted about 9 years ago
#95 muma alias or b4nny stream name game in The Dumpster

dad and dad are fighting again :(

what do you guys think of splatoon isnt that game great?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Mr.Robot in Music, Movies, TV

looks good

posted about 9 years ago
#18 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion

skin hype :D


posted about 9 years ago
#14 make a pickup line one word one post at a time in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#34 Saloon.tf and DDoSing in TF2 General Discussion

All I was saying was that you should make some effort in making your IP hard to obtain as #28 describes

posted about 9 years ago
#68 TSM Katowice 2015 Holo Sticker giveaway in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
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