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Signed Up June 25, 2013
Last Posted September 18, 2016 at 3:07 AM
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#29 A good movie to watch in Off Topic

Top Secret (1984)

posted about 7 years ago
#40 the photography thread in Off Topic

Just a random selection of photos

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Star Wars in Music, Movies, TV
Show Content
I think the best way to sum up this movie is that it was fun - the visuals were great, the fights exciting and this was actually the first time the lightsabers didn´t seem like toys but actually had me felling "yeah i can see someone getting killed by that thing".

What i really didn´t like about this movie is that the only real new character is Fin. Besides him you have:

Rey aka Luke ( I mean really? Living on a desert planet, working a shitty job and then randomly having the force- sounds really familiar)

BB8 aka R2 ( just a comic relief droid, nothing much more to him )

Kylo Ren aka Darth Vader ( and a really forgettable one at that, the costume design, besides maybe the mask, is really nothing special and without the mask he just seems like an edgy teenager that is motivated by just doing the opposite of what his partents want him to do ; and tbh even hayden christensen made for a more convincing bad guy imo)

And then of course Han and Chewie

Besides the characters being reused, other parts of the original trilogy were reused to the point where its just not an hommage anymore ( similiar to Toy Story 3, good movie but its basically Toy Story 2)

Of course the Death Star scene, down to it being destroyed by an X-Wing attack

The mos eisley cantina scene where it felt like they where doing the excact same camera shots, from panning to close ups

The bad guy turning out to be a relevant of one of the main characters

Overall the movie was fun but you can really tell that they were just playing it safe, there was really nothing new, which is kinda disappointing
posted about 8 years ago
#133 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

I used to play a lot of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, if anyone remembers that game

posted about 8 years ago
#2 i55 LF – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming in Matches

Tomorrow, Sunday, 12pm cest

posted about 8 years ago
#73 live gunman kills reporter then himself in Off Topic

"Unless you can get rid of 100% of crime, it´s not worth doing at all?"

posted about 8 years ago
#71 live gunman kills reporter then himself in Off Topic

It´s not rocket sience, less guns= less people getting killed by guns.

If you actually do research ( which you don´t have to do much on considering even the daily show did three videos about that topic, comparing the us to australia) you would see that australia was in pretty much the exact same position as the us still is now. People were freaking out how their country would become a police state, how there would be no way of defending yourself without a gun etc., and also a lot of people that don´t understant that gun control isn´t the same thing as banning guns entirely. Since the government enforced gun control in australia, every statistics regarding people getting killed,killing others or killing themselves with guns has gone down dramaticly. Again, not suprising if you understand the simple concept of less guns=less people getting killed by guns. And even the people that were initially against it, and even protesting against it, now see that gun control is good.

And that whole process of enfocring gun control took three months. Three months, thats it. Now, frankly the US doesn´t only have more citizens but also more guns so it would naturally take a little longer then that, mabye a year or two tops.

Not to forget how outdated the second ammendment is.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 live gunman kills reporter then himself in Off Topic

On the topic of gun control

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Sigafoo leaving EVL TV in TF2 General Discussion
gecksAlong with TF2, I have also been casting a game called CrossFire for about five years or so

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Any worthwhile mobile games? in Other Games

Whenever I have to kill some time I enjoy playing Bubble Blast 2, very simple puzzle game where each level can take anywhere from a couple seconds to a couple minutes to solve, it´s not the most challenging game but it´s a fun and quick game to waste a couple of minutes on

posted about 8 years ago
#652 in Projects
kaidusI have a strange ullerpool caber that shows up as 76ref value. Knowing absolutely nothing about item values and trading but based on the list above; I assume this is some kind of bug?

Strange Caber is 4 Keys, a Key is 19 Ref, so 76 Ref is correct.
The list above is in usd, the knife is around 10 Keys, so more than the caber, thats why the caber isnt on there with the knife being the cheapest listed

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Best spy loadout for 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

I would use the default loadout.

In HL it´s okay to just sit around cloaked and tell your team whats going on but in 6s really all you do is get a pick and die and you should have enough cloak for that. Also if you mess up your stab you might as well put out as much damage as possible before you die and the reolver is definitaly better at that then the letranger.

posted about 10 years ago
#92 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
blinKHow about you stop crying about the rules and just use some common sense and show some sportsmanship. Last season in esea open finals we didn't have to wait 2 hours for seanbud to fix his client. We did anyway because it was the fair thing to do, then we still had to reschedule. We also lost the reschedule. But that's what you have to do in the finals. Nobody wants to win or lose on a technicality like that, especially in a championship game, it's just stupid and not what we play for. We play for the fun in competition.

But there are rules for a reason, and i don´t think the "let´s throw those rules out the window and use common sense instead" approach is the right one. If both parties accept to not follow these rules for one reason or another ( so if MF9k would´ve allowed GC to have more timne) then that´s alright but to "cry about" MF9Ks decision to follow the rules instead is stupid. Why have rules to begin with if you don´t want anyone to follow them?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Maxframes not giving more frames? in TF2 General Discussion

thank you, that actually seemed to have worked. Getting around 90 now and dropping to 70 occasionally from the few minutes that i´ve tried it now :)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Maxframes not giving more frames? in TF2 General Discussion

So i´ve been playing Tf2 on my laptop for about 1 1/2 years now and when i startet i got around 100fps no problem. Then updates came out and i kept dropping frames to the point where i decided to use Dx9 frames. I get around 60-70 fps with it now and it often drops to 30. Due to that I wanted to try out Maxframes, seeing as it is the next better option.
The weird thing is that i don´t seem to get any extra frames compared to Dx9 frames. Did i mess something up "installing" maxframes or is the difference between dx9frames and maxframes really not that big?

posted about 10 years ago
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