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Signed Up March 20, 2017
Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 12:57 AM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 38
#3 logs.tf down in TF2 General Discussion

it's been extremely spotty lately even requiring reloads outside of peak hours

posted 4 months ago
#142 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Mong Something more comparable would be if a native american group wanted to own the US and started waging war and committing terror attacks (lol at any nutjob who would support this).

native americans did violently resist US settlers & expansion and it was justified

posted 4 months ago
#37 what does pocket soldier DO? in TF2 General Discussion

bearish: shotgun soldier nostalgia, slow medics nostalgia, gpit nostalgia

neutral: loch n load hating, market gardener hating, badlands nostalgia

bullish: pre-xbow heals nostalgia, granary nostalgia, calling it "viaduct",

just bought a few shares of "teams today are too scared to run kritz"
pretty unknown stock but i could see it skyrocketing once people catch on

posted 4 months ago
#74 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

tag yourself, im antisemitic terrorist sympathiser

posted 4 months ago
#63 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Chris_ I simply wish to know why people are so quick to make linear narratives and comparisons between Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Palestine

i actually agree that russia/ukraine doesnt really make for a good parallel to israel/palestine. there are far more apt examples of settler colonialism such as the aforementioned apartheid south africa, the jacksonian united states & the trail of tears, or nazi germany's lebensraum

Chris_Care to give me your take on how Hamas or the PLO benefits in any way the Palestinian people or cares about the civilians in Gaza?

this ones easy, theyre the only real resistance against israel. if you dont like that, and there is plenty not to like about hamas, then take it up with the israeli government for not only assassinating leaders and destroying more secular resistance movements, but actually supporting hamas exactly so that people like you can look at the flawed resistance as a reason to continue oppression

posted 4 months ago
#59 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

You have this idea that there is loss on both sides, that you know of people that both died defending their homeland and who died serving in the idf, and as a result both sides are suffering and a peace needs to meet in the middle. this is no more nuanced an idea than claiming that apartheid south africa is actually "too complex" because both boers and indigenous south africans suffered death, and what really needs to happen is for south africa to "free" the bantustans from anc terrorism. otherwise the very real genocide of white south africans would happen, unlike the "buzzword" genocide of indigenous south africans
Its easy to understand how ridiculous this sounds because of the benefit of hindsight, but the power dynamics in israel are nearly the same, as theyre both settler-colonial apartheid states. So why is it so difficult now?

posted 4 months ago
#13 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
aieraOnly the most recent genocide matters though as per usual because discourse is really good!

are you implying that people should care equally about the arab conquests of the 7th fucking century as they should an ongoing ethnic cleansing? do i even need to explain why one of these warrants protests, words, and actions and the other maybe not so much?

posted 4 months ago
#10 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

unironic stonetoss comics 9 posts in

posted 4 months ago
#2 Former Valve writer Chet Faliszek - "I miss TF2" in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 is a strong indictment of valves "go wherever you want" structure because its still clinging to semi-relevancy despite being nearly unplayable unless you know where to go but a shitty codebase, annoying community, and age just doesnt give it the clout of more cutting edge stuff
im not sure what other companies could have made tf2 but i definitely know which one would suspend it in a shitty limbo half-death because they dont want to just assign devs to their massively successful ip

posted 5 months ago
#2 RGL S14 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


things really do move fast in the off season, we were all waiting to see what b4nny put together with so many people leaving froyo and i gotta say he delivered

posted 5 months ago
#23 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion

would be nice to have a survey format thats a little wider than just having played enough matches on the past season because it kind of just filters out many of the people who were too busy to play the status quo season format or just people that didnt pay that still have important feedback there
makes sense to only let the players answer the specific questions that only pertain to their experience in that season but for more general "should rgl do x" stuff many more people could have some input

also while im here i just have to bring up the projectile blocked by players plugin because to my understanding 6s and highlander players were polled together? i see no reason why the plugin should be standard between the formats when there seems to be a pretty big divide in what each community wants for themselves

posted 5 months ago
#13196 stream highlights in Videos


posted 5 months ago
#5 NAVI/GC/Bungalow lft in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hey guys,
Everyone is totally enjoying the combo! we all
Love the state of the team.
Props to

Macron for being such a reliable pocket soldier who is always bombing
Everybody and killing them too! cheers!

posted 5 months ago
#9 are you a sophisticated tf2 player? in TF2 General Discussion

high brow should be 1.00000 k/d 198 dpm

posted 5 months ago
#2 Smeefland: A 6v6 Casual TF2 Tournament (Face-it) in TF2 General Discussion

what does "casual rules" mean?

posted 5 months ago
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