Account Details
SteamID64 76561198058645995
SteamID3 [U:1:98380267]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:49190133
Country Israel
Signed Up December 2, 2013
Last Posted April 23, 2018 at 12:30 PM
Posts 22 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity sniper 1.5,scout 1.2
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Chroma
Keyboard Razer BlackWidow 2013
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK+
Headphones Razer Kraken 7.1
Monitor Samsung S24C350
1 2
#64 Item giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

Really nice of you two to be doing this.
Good luck in the future!

posted about 6 years ago
#54 sports injuries in Off Topic

Broke my clavicle bone playing football (soccer) at my highschool.

posted about 6 years ago
#1790 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Well Setsul I got my PC yesterday, so far everything's working pretty great and up to my expectations in every aspect.
I even got my dual monitors working although since I didn't have a dvi to hdmi/dp adapter I had to connect my second one to the motherboard, which required a change of the internal graphics setting in the bios.
I'm not sure if this situation is good for the long run or weather I should get the adapter and have the both connected to the gpu, what would you suggest?

All in all just wanted to thank you for the really useful and insightful help, probably would've been a lot harder without it.

posted about 7 years ago
#1744 PC Build Thread in Hardware

1. Acknowledged, I'll ask to change to the box.
2. I see, this is one of the things I know least about though and his talking about the peaks getting over 450W and blue screening the PC are kind of intimidating and considering the price difference is not all that huge I am unsure about this part yet.
3. The Sharkoon one in white looks great to me (both specs and actual looks) so I think I'm going to go with that one.
4. Great, ty.

So far so good I'll ask again if there is any other problems but hopefully I won't be bothering you anymore untill I thank you after I get the pc.

posted about 7 years ago
#1741 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Okay Setsul so I went to KSP to consult with them and to order the assembly, and after reading your part list with the guy that helped me we made some changes to it.
I would like to get your opinions on the changes and on the new build in general.
I should note I'm okay with adding some money to the budget as long as it's for a crucial / important / safer change.
After making the changes I ordered the assembly from them, but it's gonna take some time meaning I have until probably sunday to make changes to what I ordered or withdraw his changes which is why I am bothering you again.

The changes are as follows:
1. According the the KSP employee the i5 6600 Box doesn't include a cooler so he replaced it with a tray and added a fan - Arctic Freezer 7 Pro Rev.2 this seems a little weird to me though and I think he might have confused it with the K series which doesn't come with a fan so I want to hear what you think. It's also worth noting that even if the box does include a fan and he was wrong the temperatures in israel are relatively high and the default fan might not be enough so it might be worth getting a tray + CPU Cooler anyways.
2. He also said the 450W PSU might not be enough and fail at peaks so he replaced it with the 550 one, I don't know much about what that means but I'm okay with adding money to the budget if it means being safer/improving. If you don't agree maybe a 500W is an option?
3. He said the case doesn't have enough room for the GPU so he replaced the case with Antec P9 WINDOW ATX Mid Tower, I think he was wrong on this one too because looking up the GPU I found it does fit in the case. Regardless of the mistake he said the antec one is better. Should I just stick to the CoolerMaster one?
4. I decided to go with only the 500 GB SSD instead of getting both a SSD and a HDD. If I ever need more space I will add to it.

I will also note going past the budget by not too much ( as much as the new build does) is okay.

The new part list considering I don't change it:
CPU: i5-6600 Tray
CPU Cooler: Arctic Freezer 7 Pro Rev.2
Mobo: GA-B150M-D3H
RAM: 2x G.Skill 8GB 2400MHz CL15
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming
SSD: 850 Evo 2.5" 500 GB SSD
PSU: Corsair CX550M
Case: Antec P9 WINDOW ATX Mid Tower

Total cost: 6385 NIS on KSP including OS which is 401.71 NIS.

posted about 7 years ago
#1737 PC Build Thread in Hardware

A few questions I already have:

1. Why 2x 8GB RAM and not one 2x8GB RAM or something else is it just because of price or something else I'm not aware of, or maybe it doesn't make a difference at all?
2. I'm not sure what you meant with "2.5" version isn't available", although it's probably not very important.
3. If I were to go with a 500GB SSD or a 120GB one like the options you listed would they be the same model like the 250GB only with a different volume or would they be another model/brand?
4. Is there something special about the case or is that changeable by me? If I can choose another one then what properties does it need to have, if any?(type, etc.)

posted about 7 years ago
#1736 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Looks great on first sight, I'll look deeper into it and let you know if there is a problem.
Anyways thanks a lot for your help I'm pretty sure this would've a lot been harder without it.

posted about 7 years ago
#1734 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Probably once I'm done and sure with everything, I'd like it to be before the end of the month.

Since I'm still not sure about getting a 500GB SSD alone or a smaller SSD + a HDD I'd appreciate it if you could do both options when making the partlist.

posted about 7 years ago
#1731 PC Build Thread in Hardware

The budget is excluding the monitor, monitor's a different budget which is pretty much around the price of the XL2411Z.

Also I just want to mention that if there's an improvement that is good/important but exceeds the budget by a little I'll probably be able and willing to fill the gap.

posted about 7 years ago
#1729 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Thanks a lot for the build offer I'll look into it.
Still looking to continue the discussion with Setsul though, having more than one option for a build is only going to make things better and easier.

posted about 7 years ago
#1727 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I will most likely send the build to either Ivory or KSP but I just wasn't sure how to approach this with you since these are shops in Israel and Ivory doesn't even have an option for english on their website.

1. So to sum it up for my needs it's generally better to get an i5 just because it costs less and doesn't make much difference?

2. On my current computer I have about 300 GB being used as of now, and I'll probably be using more/want to have more on the new PC. From my understanding though there is also a difference in reliability and speed between SSD and HDD so that is also a factor I suppose.

3. So if I add the need for the build to get me good fps on most games I can just go with that decision?
Also what about the dual monitors, will I be able to use both of them together no problem regardless of the different refresh rates?

Lastly, anything else you need to know for coming up with a build?

Edit: Just in case you can't find this on your own, in the KSP site in order to get the prices of components you go to Personal Computers > Custom Computers > Build Intel PC.

posted about 7 years ago
#1725 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hey Setsul and other PC building enthusiasts. I'm planning on getting a new PC and I was wondering if you can give me some advice and maybe hook me up with a build you think fits my needs.

So basically the plan is to come up with a build and then send it to a store I know for them to build it for me, the budget should be around 5000-5500 NIS which is ~1300-1450$. One problem is that the price and availability of components might differ from where you look parts up, thus making my budget worth less then it would be in $.
I would like you to try to fit the budget in $ and if there's a component that isn't available for me or that costs a drastically different amount for me I will write back to you after seeing your idea for the build.

My needs for the PC are mainly:
1. Gaming - Including but not limited to Overwatch, Rocket League, GTA V, etc. In which I would like to get good performance on pretty good settings.
2. School work and programming (probably not really worth noting here but whatever).
3. Overall casual PC use and video/stream watching.
4. I might branch out in the future to other sorts of activities/hobbies involving PC use.

Now some things regarding the components I would like to learn about and get advice either from you or from sites you know and can link me are:
1. How crucial is the difference between i5 and i7 CPU's and what comes in factor when choosing between them and between different models.
2. Getting a HDD storage + a SSD or just a SSD.
3. Monitor - My current most likely purchase is the Benq xl2411z, and then using my current Samsung S24C350 as a second monitor, though I don't know much about the different types of dynamic frame control and screen taring fixes such as G-sync/S-sync and about the rules of dual monitors, so I would like to get advice on that too.
Budget for monitor is around the price of the xl2411z, and I am looking for around the same level of specs for it as well.

Thanks a lot in advance and if there's anything else I can do to help you help me or anything I should know tell me.

P.S. Regardless of how much I benefit from asking here I just want to say I really appreciate the effort and support you give for people here.

posted about 7 years ago
#95 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#64 huntsman giveaway in CS2 General Discussion

I love this guy

posted about 8 years ago
#15 TSM Katowice 2015 Holo Sticker giveaway in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
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