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Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 6:28 AM
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#245 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
MenachemWhy would that even be a rule, though? Seems unlikely that there's no fine print in the workshop agreement that says "the shit you submit is ours after you submit it"

Otherwise it's just a dumb rule that they have no reason whatsoever to adhere to. Even if there is some legal reason it would take all of 30 seconds to send those content creators an email and get permission

I mean when they buy the map to put it into the actual game they very much do own it, that's how that works.

I assume the rule is there to stop people going "oh btw now that my map is in the game this texture/model/whatever my friend made is vitally important to the map can you give out some money to them and put it in the game?"

I'm not defending the rule or anything here, just saying what I know from talking to people with maps in the game.

posted about 7 years ago
#183 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
TsarbucksMap pool got heavily updated. ...

oh fuck i better get back to work on this artpass

posted about 7 years ago
#238 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
nopeso exactly how many ugly hats and cosmetics are currently in the game that valve is perfectly willing to pay creators for but as soon as it's something competitive related it's not happening? what a joke. fuck valve seriously :/ they've been screwing competitive over for 9 years and counting this week

It's absolutely nothing to do with competitive, it's straight up just their rules on adding assets/contributors to previously accepted content.

posted about 7 years ago
#236 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
uberchainWhat were their reasoning for not including the custom content? I honestly was really hopeful for at least the competitive-related decals movement to start becoming a thing in TF2 to help strengthen competitive presence.

From situations I've heard before, Valve want all assets to be paid for properly, but changing the way money is distributed is a big deal and they don't want to have to do it if they can avoid it.

There was an issue in Vanguard where some textures weren't properly credited and Fubar had to make a personal deal with the artist because Valve couldn't (or wouldn't) change the distribution by that point.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Here's an alt version with the old circular cap and an 8s captime: koth_bagel_a10_alt

posted about 7 years ago
#33 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

I'm not totally sure on what would make an appropriate length but if someone suggests one I'm totally open to doing a test version for that.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

A10 Update
Download: koth_bagel_a10

Based on feedback from IM+ pugs.

- Removed underground route (Didn't contribute anything to the map)
- Added larger platform in its place, moved pickups from underground to there.
- Halved cap time
- Enlarged capzone (Replaced the Bagel shape with a square minus two corners)
- Lowered highest platform entrance to mid (intended to nerf sniper but might mess w/ things, trying for a version to find out)
- Added a little hazard strip to highlight a jump in lobby

Haven't yet addressed concerns over complexity of lobby, it's intended to facilitate forward holds and I wanna let it settle for a bit before I can determine whether/what changes need to be made.

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posted about 7 years ago
#29 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Thank you all so much for the feedback from that game, this is feedback that'll lead to some much larger changes and I'll look on addressing as much as I can for next version!

posted about 7 years ago
#61 Ways to discourage stalemating in 5cp in TF2 General Discussion
FUNKei've got it guys

we need to add a dragon to snakewater

clearly a basilisk or hydra, i mean its snakewater

posted about 7 years ago
#26 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

A9 Update
Download: koth_bagel_a9

Mostly making the underground route more appealing and viable while still being contestable.
Also replaced the rock with geometry, allowing some jumps to be more obvious and less reliant on weird collision models.

Underground route
- Widened Undeground route entrance, added some platforms and moved the pickups, as well as lighting it better.
- Rotated central column 90 degrees, allowing combat longways across the underground route.
- Added window to central column and raised obstruction for better visibility across it.
- Replaced rock with small house and vent to make the jumps and platforms more obvious.
- Also improves visibility to the underground route exit.
- Changed some small ammopacks to medium around mid.
- Fixed some sightlines all over.
- Removed or raised a couple doorway arches where they interrupted rollouts.
- Misc. visual changes.

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posted about 7 years ago
#25 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Thanks, I've fixed the sightlines ready for next version but I'll see what I can do with the underground route and other feedback.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Thanks for the continued feedback and support, I've been fixing the weird sightlines today and will have them out in a future version.

I'd like to get some more changes in before I put out the next version, though, so if anyone's able to get some pugs on it to see how the current version fares please do!

posted about 7 years ago
#17 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

A8 Update
Download: koth_bagel_a8

Most changes made in response to feedback.
Rather than band-aid fixes, I've attempted to solve underlying issues that caused the reported problems (i.e. sightlines and openness).

- Made pipe route a straight line, fixing some sightline issues
- Added a wall to lower Main platform blocking view of valley
- Replaced small pipe in lower lobby with a lip and added a bigger, sloped pipe to make climbing to upper lobby easier
- Widened valley and added some small high ground to make holding there more possible
- Expanded rock to seperate mid and valley more, valley now cant be spammed from the point
- Misc clipping
- Moved some pickups in the underground route

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posted about 7 years ago
#16 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Thanks for the feedback so far, I'll definitely look into some of the issues raised for next version.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

Download - koth_bagel_rc9b - Current


Vote on the workshop!

Bagel is a unique King of the Hill map that started development in 2016. You may recognise it as the base for "Cauldron" from Scream Fortress X.

Designed around a raised central capture area, flanked by side buildings, the goal was to provide many different strategic options to both take and hold the point. Development was driven by both competitive feedback and frequent casual playtests, to make sure the map was enjoyable in both contexts.

This version incorporates a lot of the gameplay and visual updates made for Cauldron, as well as some new visual elements and further improvement and polish.


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Legacy Versions

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2019-2020 version: b5, b6, b6a, b7, b8, b9, rc1,
rc3, rc4a, rc5, rc6, rc7, rc8, rc9, rc9a

2017-18 version: a7, a8, a9, a10, b1, b1a, b2, b3, b3a, b4, rc1, rc2, rc2a
posted about 7 years ago
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