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Signed Up March 3, 2013
Last Posted October 22, 2014 at 12:26 AM
Posts 45 (0 per day)
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#40 game of thrones in Off Topic
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Purple wedding soon. Can't wait till he starts choking...

Not until next season :<


posted about 11 years ago
#36 game of thrones in Off Topic
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Purple wedding soon. Can't wait till he starts choking...
posted about 11 years ago
#9 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion

How about a taunt which is just the player model tipping their hat?

I get it would be kind of difficult to animate, but I still think it would be very cool.

Or it doesn't have to be a taunt. It could be an misc that adds something to the voice command list, except it's a small animation (still tipping the hat) and not a line of dialogue.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Steam overlay not working in only TF2 in Q/A Help
Not_MatlockbabbleI am having the same problem, but this hasn't helped. I've checked both boxes, but still won't let overly work. Any ideas?Some programs have their own overlays that can conflict with the Steam Overlay in some games. For a while the MSI On Screen Display would conflict for me and would disable the Steam Overlay. If you have something similar, you might want to see if disabling it fixes it.

Yeah, my desktop broke, so I've been using old/shitty laptop. Has a lot of popup notifications (HP software). I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Steam overlay not working in only TF2 in Q/A Help

I am having the same problem, but this hasn't helped. I've checked both boxes, but still won't let overly work. Any ideas?

posted about 11 years ago
#4 TF2 Update 5/13/13 in TF2 General Discussion

New robocrate desc. text- "The RoboCrate contains unusual effects that will only come from this crate."

No keys or anything new in store (aside from wilson weave and ham shank). Seems like valve is just messing with the tf2 economy now.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Dear TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion

Nothing positive is coming from this thread, only petty arguments and squabbling.

posted about 11 years ago
#73 quake live? in Off Topic

name: babble

flippersi will ask for an invite to the clan

Me too, probably.

Still kind of new.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Idea-Seperate Section for Demos in TF2 General Discussion

There have been a lot of people requesting demos for frag vids recently. That gave me an idea: Why don't we have a section where people post their demos, along with the info that would usually be asked for in the posts.

It would end up being something like a demo library, and once someone used that demo, they can make a post on it saying they've used it.

I just think the basic idea of having a large collection of things to choose from is a lot more efficient than giving things one at a time to a person who may or may not use them.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Quake Live and other Quake-like games in Off Topic

Yeah, I just started ql.

Definitely fun, and pretty challenging :P

Still kind of new to it, but it seems like there aren't a lot of people playing most of the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#269 stream highlights in Videos

dammit emma

posted about 11 years ago
#136 SLIN DAY in Off Topic

Can the people who's names got skipped make a new card?

posted about 11 years ago
#114 SLIN DAY in Off Topic

Can we go off the things based on who posts first. Like someone make s a post, signs pic, posts link via editing post, then their pic is used by the next poster, and so on.

posted about 11 years ago
#107 SLIN DAY in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#104 SLIN DAY in Off Topic
k done

posted about 11 years ago
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