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Last Posted December 13, 2019 at 1:34 PM
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#32 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
Knuckles_How do you not know the path of the loose cannon? It's easier to see and has a shorter range. And 85% of the time you get hit by a loose cannon it does 60, not 100. Don't say "they only do 100 damage" like that isn't the highest mid to long range damage in the game besides the lucky double donk

It's true that a demo will be weaker in a 1v1 while using the loose cannon and that it is mainly used for mid-range and you're pretty defenseless at short range. But I think you would also agree that most demos that find themselves in a 1v1 or allow themselves to be over extended to that point will generally lose that 1v1 and are already pretty defenseless. Most demos tend to play mid/long range spam and avoid unnecessary fights/damage taken, furthering the advantage of using loose cannon. The pipes also have a smaller splash radius and are easier to dodge while coming through a choke, whereas the donks themselves are just as easy but the splash radius from them is much greater. So although it might only do 60~ damage, it's more common to get hit by them and lose 40-60 hp on 2-3 players coming into a fight instead of being able to dodge the pipes and the only way to get hit by them is to take a direct 100 damage pipe or walk into rollers which is far less common.

Also disregarding all the damage/defense issues that are being spoken of, my main point is that it doesn't even fully follow its own weapon description. It will randomly launch people forward after getting donked. The weapon is undeniably broken in that sense and needs a fix.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

Are people for it or against it? I'm personally against it. Randomly spamming chokes or corners and being rewarded with a 1 hit kill on a medic with uber can be devastating. The weapon description says cannonballs push players back on impact, this is partly untrue and I'm sure most of you guys have experienced this while playing. There will be random times when you get hit by the weapon and launched forward out of choke into the enemy instead of being pushed away to safety. Overall, I feel the weapon is considered broken if it can't even follow its own weapon description. It should be removed from competitive play until that mechanic has been fixed and then reassessed afterwards.

Thoughts for/against it in ESEA S20?

posted about 8 years ago
#145 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion

Apologies, I can't fit all of this on to 1 post.

kosI really doubt any of them give a shit. If you can't get 6 that day for whatever reason then that's fine. But if you gave a shit about the tournament and how outsiders perceive tf2 in general then you would determine whether or not you could play early (i.e. not the night before), prepare for the tournament or contact the organisers so that you don't just no show and make the tourney look like a complete fucking joke. This coupled with their reluctance to play showmatches for a fundraiser that would give them money for a free holiday (as well as hyping up i55) just makes froyotech come across as arrogant dickheads.

Again, really dude? You know NOTHING on any of these situations, yet somehow you feel the need to post and we're the bad guys? Clockwork reached out to kaidus to set up a showmatch with them and he messaged clockwork back telling him he forgot to talk to his team. Thats where we're at dude. What do you want from us? Clearly OTHER people, everyone included here, makes mistakes. Yes, I can't wait for my free holiday where the Canadian dollar is $0.49 there and I'm going to be fucking broke. Great holiday. Thanks again for all your kind words.


Clockwork signed us up for the tournament 3-4 weeks back and told everyone.. no one agreed or disagreed with it. Honestly nothing was really said at that time. 2 weeks ago he brought it back up and we talked a bit. I had said that I wanted to play and shade, duwatna, ash, and grant also said they would like to play, but there might be complications. Shade had said that if it went past 1-2pm he couldnt play because he had to go to work. Duwatna had said that he needed to check his schedule to see if he was working. Another week goes by and nothing is said, so I bring it up this time in mumble before scrims and ask everyone whats happening. Steve had said that he can't play because he has work and won't be able to make it and shade is still in the same boat as before. We said we would talk after scrims, but no one says anything again. So I message b4nny the next day over steam and I say so are we playing or whats happening? I have work but I can call out or switch my shift around but I need to know whats happening. I don't want to call out of work if we're not going to play. Thats where I left the conversation and finally at 11 pm Friday night I was told we're not going to play. Thank you for all the insults directed towards us and the praising of b4nny, makes me feel great to contribute and be a part of this community.

posted about 8 years ago
#143 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion
AlkalineDavidTheWinGeknaiirim waiting for b4nny's wall of text to justify everything and then make everyone look like a jackass
Thing is, b4nny was awake and available to play even after streaming until 2am. I don't blame b4nny at all aside from not looking at a roster sooner.

Yeah, almost certainly wasn't b4nny's fault. He probably told his team, but then everyone just peaced or didn't show up. That's happened plenty of times before with Froyo (often screwing other gamers over in the process, like here), and it'll happen again. Pretty sad tbh

And don't even get me started about trying to talk to people on Froyo when writing articles. It took two months just for b4nny to accept my friend request on Steam, for gods sake.

Why do you always chime in so confidently while knowing so little on these topics? ... everything youre saying is speculation, it has no meaning without someone giving an official response. What is the point of you posting if its in a hostile manner and not at all constructive? You're just venting immaturely on a topic you know nothing about.

Charles32TevsclckwrkAlkalineDavidTheWinGeknaiirim waiting for b4nny's wall of text to justify everything and then make everyone look like a jackass
Thing is, b4nny was awake and available to play even after streaming until 2am. I don't blame b4nny at all aside from not looking at a roster sooner.

Yeah, almost certainly wasn't b4nny's fault. He probably told his team, but then everyone just peaced or didn't show up. That's happened plenty of times before with Froyo (often screwing other gamers over in the process, like here), and it'll happen again. Pretty sad tbh

And don't even get me started about trying to talk to people on Froyo when writing articles. It took two months just for b4nny to accept my friend request on Steam, for gods sake.

Yeah man you hit the nail on the head. SURELY that was what happened. The only thing that's worse than sensationalized titles are people like you who pretend they know exactly what's happening. Also, here's what you want to do if you want to contact me for something regarding an interview. You send me a PM through absolutely any service available (tftv, twitch, Twitter), tell me why you're adding me, then you send me an invite. Don't send an invite to one person and then get upset when they don't accept the request. You're purposely limiting the things you can do to achieve success in order to complain about it later. Getawhale added me on steam for a similar reason, noticed I wasn't accepting (because I don't look at them), and told me to accept it on Twitch. It's actually that easy.

PRETTY SAD TBH that a post like this was even made

you forgot to mention why you didn't have the decency to wake your sorry ass up in time, kid don't focus on getting tons of friend requests

Again, you know nothing about what happened or if it was at all his fault. What is the point of posting? Why do retards like you continue to post? What is the purpose of posting in a hostile manner while knowing NOTHING on the topic???

xhodzclckwrkCharles32TevsclckwrkAlkalineDavidTheWinGeknaiirim waiting for b4nny's wall of text to justify everything and then make everyone look like a jackass
Thing is, b4nny was awake and available to play even after streaming until 2am. I don't blame b4nny at all aside from not looking at a roster sooner.

Yeah, almost certainly wasn't b4nny's fault. He probably told his team, but then everyone just peaced or didn't show up. That's happened plenty of times before with Froyo (often screwing other gamers over in the process, like here), and it'll happen again. Pretty sad tbh

And don't even get me started about trying to talk to people on Froyo when writing articles. It took two months just for b4nny to accept my friend request on Steam, for gods sake.

Yeah man you hit the nail on the head. SURELY that was what happened. The only thing that's worse than sensationalized titles are people like you who pretend they know exactly what's happening. Also, here's what you want to do if you want to contact me for something regarding an interview. You send me a PM through absolutely any service available (tftv, twitch, Twitter), tell me why you're adding me, then you send me an invite. Don't send an invite to one person and then get upset when they don't accept the request. You're purposely limiting the things you can do to achieve success in order to complain about it later. Getawhale added me on steam for a similar reason, noticed I wasn't accepting (because I don't look at them), and told me to accept it on Twitch. It's actually that easy.

PRETTY SAD TBH that a post like this was even made

you forgot to mention why you didn't have the decency to wake your sorry ass up in time, kid don't focus on getting tons of friend requests

Oh, yeah, the Steam snooze option is actually just a clock linked to my sleep cycles and it tells everyone that I'm sleeping! Last night we found out very abruptly we couldn't play. We should've been more aware of what was going on as a team, but it was far too late to even contact someone like sideshow to tell him we couldn't play. The best we could've done was send a message to an offline representative, which would've given them only a few hours' notice regardless. I had family over today. I wasn't going to sit around and see if we could scrape together 3 ringers. Sorry! Call me anything you like, but finding out last night we weren't going to field the members meant I was going to dedicate 100% of the time to my family and friends instead of dangling in purgatory waiting for something to happen.

I appreciate your concern with me though, kid.


that's so fucking condescending, it's not even funny.

I want to believe this isnt real. The guy insults clockwork in a demeaning way by calling him kid and being a straight dick... then he responds BACK sarcastically with kid, and you're mad at clockwork? ok.

AlkalineclckwrkAlkalineViperAlkalineIt took two months just for b4nny to accept my friend request on Steam, for gods sake.He probably gets 20+ friend requests a day.
Yes, and he was told through two different people to accept the request multiple times. I also asked b4nny on stream, again, multiple times. It wasn't like I just added him and waited lol

Add someone else. You're very free to add anyone from the team. The circle jerk surrounding this thread might make you content but I can assure you if I needed to get an interview from a team, I wouldn't add one person and sit like a hen on its egg for multiple weeks. You just have bad management skills.

b4nny was by far the best player to add from froyotech. he's well known and has been consistently the face of Froyotech as its leader. I chose to have Tery ask b4nny my questions (thanks homie), instead of gambling on another 4g player.

And you're calling my management skills poor right now? Really?! questionable

sigh... nothing to say. smh.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 LFT Med low-mid open! in Recruitment (looking for team)

lobby superstar looking to make the jump. nice and friendly, solid pick up

still want to know the meaning behind her name... and analflute, wherever that guy is.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Newbie Mix Coaching Incentives in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapni think some people dont want to coach newbie mixes because a lot of the players dont do their own basic research before joining. You should make all of the newbies take this quiz before they are allowed to play

This. When I coached the mixes I honestly could not tell if I was being trolled on an alt or not. Some of the questions people asked me and then proceeded to argue, players not knowing the general rollouts to mid, how to rocket jump, the basic role of the class that they're playing, and people purposely overextending to try and kill/melee the other coach, "because they wanted to kill "name" and take a screenshot" (direct quote) were probably the greatest frustrations. If you can weed these people out from the mixes or if youve already implemented a system in order to do that (it's been a while since i've done one), I'll come back and coach. You don't need to enter me into the raffle, I already have the best hat. Ellis' cap :)

posted about 8 years ago
#80 in Projects


posted about 8 years ago
#78 ESEA S19 GF – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

This is probably the worst season of esea I have had the displeasure of playing in. I'm completely mind blown with the somehow lack of communication, preparation, and overall fairness that has gone on throughout this season. I honestly feel bad for five dollar club, we were scheduled to play last week but the client was still not updated after 3~ days (somehow??). So we had to reschedule to next week and then we were forced to play one map today instead of a bo3 so that there would be enough time for whoever moved on from LBF to play grand finals out and now we cant even play the second bo3 of grand finals because the servers werent set up LOL???

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ESEA S19 LBF – froyotech vs. The Five Dollar Club in Matches

gonna be played on tuesday 10 30 est

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Ascent edges out FROYO, advances to grand finals in News

Dante was lagging out during snakewater as well, standing still and not building uber and dropping people during uber. On badlands we were up 4-1 while dante still had these issues until his internet finally went out and we got serv0 in. Needless to say, everyone was pretty frustrated and I don't think anyone wanted to be up too late so we just decided to play it out. I noticed Bdonski with 100 ping as well from time to time, so there were clearly issues on their side as well.

Unfortunate things happen online. LAN will be a lot of fun, the games will be close, glhf to everyone

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#194 showstopper AMA in Off Topic

what was wrong with my mod application?

posted about 8 years ago
#36 New comp players turned away by TF2C in TF2 General Discussion

this is the internet

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Spacewhale donation raffle results! in TF2 General Discussion

I'm also still out $750~ from that lan as well :'(

My ticket was ridiculously expensive that season. It was over $1000 to fly to dallas so I wasn't planning on going, but he said he'd help pay so i could at least break even....

posted about 8 years ago
#37 i55 Fundraiser: Ascent + Froyotech! in News
snowblindblazeI think it was more friendly banter than anything else to spark some rivalry..if that's the case then nevermind, not as overt as the i52 hype articles. to me the other responses seemed pretty genuine and the nature of the interview was more serious so i wasn't sure if that comment was meant to be serious too... just think it's going to discourage some people from donating when they see something like that

yeah, probably not the best way to go about it

posted about 9 years ago
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