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Signed Up April 20, 2015
Last Posted September 21, 2015 at 6:46 PM
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#35 What We're Up To in News
valveThis year, all newly selected Halloween-themed items will have NO restrictions put on them, and may be viewed year round. (So don't get too gross or out-there with your submissions.)

this implies it won't apply to the already existing halloween/full moon items so no need to worry about scouts with alien heads. my guess (hope) is the new items will not be in the same league as https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Mr._Mundee's_Wild_Ride

posted about 8 years ago
#53 TF2Stadium.com in Projects

so i caught up on all the drama (thanks reddit, teamfortress.tv) - yeah, ok the situation sucks.

but this is not an easy service to run. i know y'all think it's just "some code" but operationally sites like tf2center are difficult to maintain. hence my comment about stadium looking nice and all, but it's going to have to be so much more than that.

the competitive community in tf2 is small but instead of joining forces and working shit out, it is constantly splintering further and further. what should be personal conversations explode into public, self perpetuating scandals...

there need to be better, more diplomatic, and less hysterical (and i don't mean funny) ways to solve this. and who is to say that stadium is not going to have yet another bunch of shitheels behind it? maybe they're nice now... but the comp community doesn't exactly have a great track record in terms of management. (the top players still play in ESEA despite the fact that they fucking hacked your computers (twice now) and that the people who run ESEA have been laughing at the tf2 comp community while essentially holding it hostage...)

posted about 8 years ago
#38 TF2Stadium.com in Projects

everyone's excited about the *look* of it?

and apparently i missed something, but why the sudden hate against tf2c? do we really want to fragment the already small lobby community?

posted about 8 years ago
#85 UGC bans picking up dropped mediguns in TF2 General Discussion

in CS:GO when you die *all* of your stuff drops, not just the weapon you had out. including grenades and, if you're CT and carrying one, a defuse kit.

it makes little sense to only drop the equipped weapon in tf2 and i wouldn't be surprised if valve eventually adds that to TF2 as well (once they figure out how to not make the game freak out when the map is littered with dropped items - the mechanic works in CS:GO because when you die you stay dead (except in the deathmatch/ladder modes) until the end of the round - this is why there's no garbage lying around like you get on a tf pub since thursday)

i support the UGC ruling because this is a dramatic change to throw into the middle of a season.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 UGC bans picking up dropped mediguns in TF2 General Discussion
Queyhcmeso does this mean you can't pcik up ANY weapons? I understand the medigun thing, but i was really looking forward to picking up other peoples weapons off the groundOnly medi-guns are affected. Picking up any other weapon is fair play.

well, not if you use the cvar with sourcemod which is what i'm doing on my server and asking our opponents to do as well.

sm_cvar tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0

posted about 8 years ago
#23 TF2 Custom Whitelist Generator in TF2 General Discussion

i <3 whitelist.tf - fantastic stuff

when do the preset whitelists get updated? UGC seasons start in a few days. do you need someone to generate a list?

posted about 9 years ago
#273 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

first, i love that #42 will be the most listened to Fully Charged episode ever :D

2nd, for those who still claim TF2 is dead, go back to LoL or whatever your current fad is. the facts show that TF2 is just as much played today as it was 3 years ago: http://steamcharts.com/app/440#All

with esports becoming mainstream, many tf2 players would love to get more into competitive. i believe competitive is one of the primary reason why cs:go and dota2 became so popular. this could boost the numbers of players to the highest in the history of the game.


posted about 9 years ago
#9 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Kids Next Door in Events

ibby - that is all

posted about 9 years ago