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SteamID64 76561198127639913
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Country United States
Signed Up July 27, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 11:06 PM
Posts 41 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.2
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Raw Input 1
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Mouse Logitech G PRO X Superlight
Keyboard Filco Majestouch 2
Mousepad Glorious Element Air Pad
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT 770
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#42 queen dead in Off Topic

posted about a year ago
#12 tips for teaching a future ultiduo med/comp med? in TF2 General Discussion

have them play the game. everyone who's good started off by playing the game and learning what stuff was, if they don't know the basics of the game then the best way to teach them is to play with them and maybe answer any questions, it's not complicated and should not be difficult, it just will undoubtedly take time.

posted about a year ago
#50 NA Fantasy Draft!! in TF2 General Discussion

where is slin

posted about 3 years ago
#19 people who dont use auto reload in TF2 General Discussion

auto reload is default on there's no excuse for having it off anymore

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Is the "+strafe" command useful at all? in Q/A Help
Gritomaim fairly certain that +strafe defaults to left alt

Yeah, it's default bound to ALT, and it's very, very useless.

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Little FPS tip :) in TF2 General Discussion

this works for me: type


into console, it makes ur fps better by unbinding all unnecessary buttons :) I do it every 5 minutes and my fps more than doubles (20->45)

posted about 3 years ago
#2 help!! in Off Topic

send pics

posted about 3 years ago
#28 Toxic 14 Y/O Team Leader in Q/A Help
Brolywho is he? i want to meet him and congratulate him on somehow pissing you off so much that you had to make an angery thread on a 14 year old

"Even though this thread was made as a complete joke it does reflect reality in many ways and has helped me with this situation overall."
I was in a call with him while writing this, my original intention was to make it sounds as much like a copypasta as possible. I think I succeeded with that as well as my secondary goal of getting actual help here. This thread still seems more and more regrettable over time. I still think it's fucking funny.

posted about 3 years ago
#20 Toxic 14 Y/O Team Leader in Q/A Help
illyawhy did you post this here instead of talking to him

talking is usually unproductive as he tries to argue with what I'm saying instead of absorbing it and trying to actually improve himself from this criticism, turning it into an argument more than a discussion about how we can improve as players, or alternatively turning to whataboutism and saying
"What about you? What about how bad you are!"
instead of actually trying to improve. Anything I try and say to him is always countered with a statement from him trying to defend his undeniably stupid and shitty actions instead of trying to improve himself. Sometimes, though, he comes back some hours later and apologizes for his actions, and then changes completely absolutely fucking nothing there-on-out.

From this thread, I've gotten real answer(s?) as to what I can do. Even though this thread was made as a complete joke it does reflect reality in many ways and has helped me with this situation overall.

posted about 3 years ago
#16 tips for ultiduo soldier? in Q/A Help
carnaticumbefore I add u do u have a dick


posted about 3 years ago
#8 Uni_Wizard LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

+rep good aim

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Toxic 14 Y/O Team Leader in Q/A Help
Isohe'll probably find this thread soon anyway lol

you are right, he has found this thread.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Toxic 14 Y/O Team Leader in Q/A Help
turbochad692 advices:
dont drop so much

i drop like once every 2-3 scrims

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Toxic 14 Y/O Team Leader in Q/A Help

My team leader is like b4nny but 14 years old. He loves himself like nobody else, he's too invested in becoming an intern for daddy Elon musk to realize that this behavior is worrying, and he constantly goes heavy offclass, how do I make him stop being a cocky little b4nny wannabe and make him a normal person? Or, since I'm technically the rgl team leader, how do I tell him he's cut from the team without all of my other team members being like
"dude uncool"
and leaving the team?? I like the rest of my team but this little gay baby little bitch motherfucker is worrying me and I don't want to play a season with somebody who thinks the quick fix is underpowered and that you should literally always go an offclass even when your flank scout has other duties and so there's no way to build when you're defending last and you don't have uber when they push even though you should have and you lose the game because that happens 3 times!

Whenever I say that I have more experience than him (5 more seasons) he just says "MGE me, I will beat you right now" and literally actually fucking intentionally forgets the times when I beat him and remembers the times when I say "I really don't want to mge right now" so he fucking destroys me (20-15) because I'm tired and fucking sad.

It's his second season but he always acts like he knows more than me and starts an argument about why I shouldn't have dropped in that fight like i get it bitch I have 120 ping, go eat a dick.

Good god, he's always trying to argue about something. I feel like my fucking uncle right now. My aunt and my uncle meet in like china or some shit, they date for a while, fuck, have a child, get married, and argue. Now they are constantly arguing and it's tiring to be around them. Even though it's obvious that both of them are to some extent to blame, they both blame it on each other, and it's unproductive. My aunt now says she doesn't even like my uncle despite having like a fucking 1 year old child with him (for me this is our team, which he originally started as a ugc steel team but I thought of the name and brought over to RGL for its second season).

It feels like all friendships sometimes have these moments (similarly with all marriages) but this isn't fading. It's almost every time we talk. He's this existential 14 year old who thinks he's perfect all the time (apart when he apologises for being a toxic asshole in a call and then proceedes to change nothing about his behavior).

I try and be nice and I really, really, really try to tell him to chill out, that everything is alright, nobody is threatening him and his pure masculinity (he also likes jordan peterson) but he just yells and says "shut the fuck up, you're the one who's mad.". I don't know what to do. Since I am technically the rgl team leader I could cut him from the team and there's nothing that really holds him in this team anymore except the fact that all of my team members (all of which I recruited) would either leave the team or permanently think I'm just a sensitive little bitch because all they see is him yelling at me for dropping when 4 players consecutively bomb me AND MY FUCKING COMBO SCOUT (he's combo) IS ACROSS THE FUCKING MID! God damnit. God fucking damnit.

help me.

tldr; in one week I will be lft open/im medic, 5 seasons of experience, first season of medic

Edit: extreme toxicity continues "who the fuck is 5'4, how can you be 5'4 and not fucking kill yourself?"

posted about 3 years ago
#14 tips for ultiduo soldier? in Q/A Help
carnaticumhit every direct and dont miss your shotgun thats it
if u want more advice tho just lmk ur meds discord

finman#8312 (think he needs to nail down the "don't miss your shotgun" stuff still)

posted about 3 years ago
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