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Signed Up October 14, 2016
Last Posted January 2, 2023 at 7:53 PM
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#12 Ape Index LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

Just a quick story.

In a pug sketchy got demo first, but I wanted it. I said I would be his best friend if he gave me demo, and he agreed! I was filled with joy. I hadn't gotten the "I'll be your best friend" trade to work since 3rd grade! Then, the next pug, sketchy got picked on medic. I immediately volunteered myself to play medic, since we were best friends.

This is the type of solidarity we are looking for on this team, which I am not on, because I knew nothing about this until people starting messaging me.

Sketchy, you're no longer my best friend.

posted about 3 years ago
#164 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster
mustardoverlordactually, I'm upset because, and call me a loser for caring about this, when your group of edgelords show up all the racist posts suddenly go from -5 to +5 and the anti-racist posts go from +5 to -5 and there are prolly a bunch of other impressionable kids who might be affected by that

If some idiot kid is going to turn into a nazi because they saw an edgy post on teamfortress.tv go from -5 to +5 "upfrags" I'm not sure what future there was for them to begin with.

posted about 4 years ago
#158 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster
Bob_MarleyfxfxfxfxThe reality is there are far more likely reasons (none of them justified) that cops abuse their powers -- like them being petty little shits that aren't very good at their job. Or maybe they are just scared shitless that they have to be surrounded by people that hate them. Or maybe they had their little ego hurt and want to get a few digs in. Or maybe Karen took the kids.
"Far more likely"? (Not that all or even most cops are racist, but) do you expect a bunch of often poorly educated people in a historically super racist country to not be frequently racist? You're ignoring the near unanimous experience of black people. If those were the actual causes for abuse of power, which seem unrelated to race, wouldn't white people have more stories to tell about it? The worst I've heard is when my dad got a ticket on Christmas Day for driving too slowly...
There's even been a bunch of stuff where machine learning algorithms were trained on historic data and end up being super racist, even when race isn't included as a data point because stuff like zip code is correlated with race (I hope you can figure out why!) This is a real thing that smart scientists are studying! (just mentioning that to affirm that there are people who recognize and care strongly about racism besides 19 year old liberal arts majors) Like... It is categorically undeniable that there are still massive race issues in the U.S.

It seems more likely to me that the cop in tojos video acted the way he did not out of racism, but for some other reason. You seem to disagree. Fine.

My point was that if Person B defends the cop, please don't label Person B as racist. Although you might assume the cop is racist, Person B might not share that assumption. From the perspective of Person B, he is defending the cop, not racism.

posted about 4 years ago
#135 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster
mustardoverlordfxfxfxfxGranted that the cops' actions were not justified, and that the punishment may end up being unjust -- I don't think it's fair to call Doom1 racist for trying to defend the cops.
look at the guy's post history lol

including in this thread:
Doom1There are videos of blacks & antifa beating white business owners in the street & raiding their shops but yeah sure let's all pretend it's because of police brutality.

What's your point? That Doom1 makes the same mistake Tojo does? (Namely, assuming that the motives of people are primarily racial.)

posted about 4 years ago
#132 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster

He's clearly resisting arrest, weird how often this is completely ignored and accepted
Also apparently he punched a cop? The video starts recording at a very convienient time
ya man that justifies putting a weapon in his hands so you can punch his head over and over and over, THEN charge him for assault on an officer with a weapon that he framed him with. But he resisted arrest so it was deserved.

just admit you’re racist and fuck off jesus christ people like you are disgusting

Granted that the cops' actions were not justified, and that the punishment may end up being unjust -- I don't think it's fair to call Doom1 racist for trying to defend the cops. Sociopathic and heartless, yeah, but there is nothing in the video, or in Doom1's post, that suggests the cops acted this way due to race other than your own assumptions about that interaction.

The reality is there are far more likely reasons (none of them justified) that cops abuse their powers -- like them being petty little shits that aren't very good at their job. Or maybe they are just scared shitless that they have to be surrounded by people that hate them. Or maybe they had their little ego hurt and want to get a few digs in. Or maybe Karen took the kids.

If you're going to make assumptions about the situation don't immediately think that everyone else shares those assumptions and then label them as racist because of their conclusion.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 fx is a psychopath in The Dumpster

this is purely a fabrication i would never say anything like that let alone actually do it. i dont have roaches in my apartment it is spotless. i spend 3 hours each and every day cleaning every corner of it to ensure no pissy-pests encroach on my oasis of peace and solitude. first i start with mopping and i like to use murphy brand oil soap. i have hardwood floors and it says it right on the front label: "safely cleans wood" so i use it. but let me tell you more, its also great for the linoleum tile in my kitchen and the tiles in my bathroom. i pour hot water into a bucket and i use an IR thermometer to measure the temperature (ive found through testing that 135F is optimal). anyway i mop everything then i go to the first room i mopped bc it will just be drying up and i dust it thoroughly. after dusting everything i replace all garbage bags in each trash bin i have and spray disinfectant in the trash bin. so you see there is no way that in my apartment there are scum of the earth insects that deserve to be terminated on sight that live kind of near me and whose ip address i have and have geolocated it to within 2 blocks and i know other stuff about them too

posted about 4 years ago
#9396 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#22 Frag Video Idea in TF2 General Discussion

Bump. I just had the idea of "reverse frag video" and searched it and found this, I think it's a great idea and somebody should do it. If it's been done, please link.

Some additional ideas:

  • group video by the frag victim, giving each one an intro like they do in team frag videos
  • show the fragger POV in a small picture-in-picture window so that there is some context
  • a montage of cheeky bs like victim turning corners into charge shots, syncs, reflects, stabs, and other unfortunate things
posted about 4 years ago
#539 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

running i5-6600k, on z170x Gaming 3, 16GB 2400 MHz RAM:

mastcomf-med-high, 3.9 GHz (stock): 126 fps
mastcomf-med-high, 4.5 GHz: 151 fps

posted about 5 years ago
#5 New Map Showcase! in Map Discussion

Was part of play testing for alamosa and prop and have to thank the map makers here. We'd bring up problems, ideas, etc, and the next version would be out sometimes in the same night. These maps play really well, and propaganda in particular looks really polished.

There's also something to be said for playing a map that you haven't already played thousands of times already.. you can invent meta and gameplay is generally more forgiving.

posted about 5 years ago
#67 a light riddle in Off Topic

a monk.

they walk quietly in their sandals. when they are still, they are making a loud statement of meditation. when they talk, it's usually about a bunch of spiritual crap nobody understands. but when they shut up, you understand they are just starving and sex deprived.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Anyone want to make a scrim-only team? in TF2 General Discussion
viperbreloombecause playing in an actual league takes a lot of timethe whole point of the "people need to make more teams" thread was for people to make teams that actually sign-up for a league

Just because a thread title exists doesn't mean it is true or that everyone should abide by it. Some people don't want to commit a lot of time, effort, drama, etc, into a league team.

A scrim-only team could be a good fit for the people on it... and in theory would result in more scrims and better league play.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Anyone want to make a scrim-only team? in TF2 General Discussion

I added more details.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Anyone want to make a scrim-only team? in TF2 General Discussion

Looking for other players that don't want to commit to an esea team, but want to get better by scrimming.

So far it's me and Ace, looking for a demo, soldiers, and medic.

Low commitment.

(I put this in general because I assume the type of players we're after don't visit LFT forum)

Edit: Additional details:

- Scrim schedule: from when pugs start to when they finish (~noon to 4 am utc)
- Goal: Improve as fast as possible
- Scrims > Pugs
- Benefits: No commitment, team can live and die whenever, we can make our own "season" by making scrims our "matches"
- Looking for: People with good mentalities and looking to improve
- Skill range: Intermediate

posted about 6 years ago
#39 "bind s kill" $500 tournament in TF2 General Discussion
SidularHey, I know this tournament sounds... odd. But I'd actually be willing to get in on this with TFCL, if you're serious about hosting it.
Hosting weird things that are potentially silly and fun to watch is basically one of my primary plans moving forward. So send me a PM or add me on Steam if you're serious about this tournament, and we'll talk about getting it set up.

Nice. Sent.

posted about 6 years ago
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