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Signed Up September 3, 2015
Last Posted January 26, 2023 at 5:10 AM
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#12 Quckiebomb Launcher Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

i think the ability to destroy enemy stickies is not super broken, but being able to destroy mid-flight stickies is super dumb. a demo can completely counter a kritz just by spam detting in front of himself.
also the fizzle thing was cool

posted about 6 years ago
#63 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
- Ubercharge on death is too valuable of an effect to be passive
- Goal: Change the weapon in a way that requires skill and risk in order to gain this effect
- Changes:
- Added "Organs" collecting concept (... you know, hit someone with a saw, and out pops a vital organ which you then take, and hold). Each hit with the Vita-Saw harvests the victim's organs (shown on the HUD).
- Added: On-death, preserve 15% ubercharge per Organ harvested. This effect caps at 60%.

its like an ubersaw but in the future

posted about 6 years ago
#36 Biking help in Off Topic

A-plus solution: get a CamelBak or "hydration pack"
A good list of things to take with you is:
Spare tube
Repair kit
First aid kit( bandage and drugs)
A spare layer( like a thermal long sleeve top)
Raincoat - weather dependant
Multi tool
Snacks -like musli bars and pineapple lumps

posted about 6 years ago
#34 Biking help in Off Topic
michael- i highly suggest clipped shoes for mountain biking, too. since you go over a lot of bumps, rocks, and such you'll be thankful for clips. not to mention there's nothing worse than slipping off your pedals going up a steep incline.

I would disagree with clips for a beginner/casual rider. Flats are almost as grippy these days. I ride 510s with flats and barely ever lose grip

michael-a tube with a single hole is reparable from my experience, but something that's been pinched (two holes) is a goner. remember to keep a mobile pump on your bike as well as well as a lever and a spare tube. you get stranded without those then it's a long walk back carrying a bike.

???? You're saying that a pinch flat is unfixable???? Just use 2 patches.

posted about 6 years ago
#5317 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

ozfortress season 18 Highlights

posted about 6 years ago
#29 Biking help in Off Topic

Cool bike! here's what i would do to make it the most hassle free and best riding. lose the stand - its pointless. make sure the seat is easily adjustable, so its not too tight - you want to be able to shift it around while you are riding, a good rule of thumb is high for up and low for down. the reasons are when the seat is high you have more rotation and a higher pivot point in the legs making climbing easier and a low seat for riding downhill allows for a lower center of gravity and more movement on the bike. make sure the tires have a good amount of air in them, a track pump is a good way to find out this or a bike pump + a gauge, i normally have around 30 psi when i am riding technical and mud and nearer 40 psi for rock. tire pressure isnt a big issue but tires too soft will result in pinch flats and potential rim damage and to hard and you will just bounce everywhere. ideally you would buy a new stem ( the bit that connects the bars to the frame) as that one isnt ideal for mountain biking- you want a low one to give maximum control with minimal distance. check the brake pads, if its a second hand bike its a good chance that they are worn and you definitely dont want them to give out on ya- just whip out the wheels and look in where the brake disc runs. it should be pretty obvious if they are worn on not but a good thing to look for is and metal on metal, the brake pads sit on top of a metal plate which you dont want to touch the disc. DO NOT PULL ON THE BRAKE LEVER EVER IF THERE IS NO DISC IN THE BRAKE it causes a minor fuck up and requires dumb amounts of jiggling and realigning to fix.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Biking help in Off Topic
acbioooooooo. A full suspension is more effective but more expensive. On some rare trails , pro mtb racers actually use hardtails (weight , transfering pedalling power to the wheel much more efficiently) . so basically on non bumpy / technical downhills or sections , the hardtail should out accelerate/out run the FS bike if riders are equal .
It s kinda unfair to straight up say that FS bikes are more effective when that s not always the case , and honestly every beginner who wants to improve should get a hardtail then a FS when he gets the basics of technical riding down , instead of not learning anything and letting the suspension do all the work 0

oh i would totally agree with you, for learning the basics and getting the technical stuff down a hard tail is the right choice. Maybe i worded it poorly in comparing(dismissing?) a HT to a FS but all the mountain biking in nz is rooty, rocky goodness so i would all ways say a FS is king. I can imagine a HT would be right as rain for some trails but in my experience a FS covers the most ground.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Biking help in Off Topic

good on ya mate!
just learn how to keep it running and enjoy the riding.

this guy has some good advice on just starting up on mountain bike tracks, ep 3 might be most relevant to you

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Biking help in Off Topic

maybe i can shed some light on the old mountain biking scene,
basics you will need are: helmet, pump, puncture repair kit and a bike. Helmet is not an option regardless of the laws around the place, if you crash you will want the hit to got to the helmet not your head. pump and repair kit is useful if not essential, if you get a puncture from a sharp rock or dropping of something in the middle of nowhere, fixing the puncture there is so much better than walking out!
Bike-wise you have two types of mountain bike, hard tails and full suspension. hard tails are the go to bike for beginners and are much cheaper and easier to maintain. A full suspension is more effective but more expensive. tldr is hard tails have suspension at the front but none in the rear whereas the full suspension does. When choosing a bike you want to go for as much quality as you can for as much as you can afford. most cheap "warehouse" bikes (similar to the quality of wallmart i imagine) are no brand, 3 x 9 crappers with extra crap that is unnecessary and annoying to maintain. if you have the time/money look at going to an actual bike shop and buying one make for mtb, plus the guys there will be able to help you with all your questions.
and always, always tell someone where you are going and when you will be back by if you are riding alone!

if you have any follow up questions ask awayi know far too much about bikes

posted about 7 years ago
#5231 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

can i get my name changed to bioooooooo please, would be nice to have it consistant with twitch and ozf :)

posted about 7 years ago
#2609 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#16 OZF 18 GF: no safeword vs. Mad Men in Events

posted about 7 years ago
#3 OZF 18 IM GF: [BLK] vs Twig's Bundles in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#2468 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
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