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Last Posted May 15, 2024 at 11:50 AM
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#34 Why everyone is using original now? in TF2 General Discussion

My personal theory is that there was a major spike in originial use from when blaze started appearing more often in Twitch Experience highlights and beaters frag videos, peaking at time such as his 4k at rewind 2 and the "beast speedshot". Yomps' soldier (who if you watch, plays very similar to blazes roamer playstyle) also contributed to this spike, as froyo was often quoted as the best in the world during that time period (not tryna start another "best" argument here), and both of their soldiers used the original which easily led to speculation and imitation.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Laptop Purchasing in Hardware

First off, big thanks for the input from everyone. I did not even realize amazon warehouse existed (otherwise known as having a low iq). To answer #3, web dev, comp graphics, game dev

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Laptop Purchasing in Hardware

Wait wait, I know theres another thread in which people just yelled at the poster to research the tech himself. Let me just say, I've spent quite a bit of my time doing just that. The majority of youtube's "best budget laptops for students" are full of non budget laptops (aka, over 1k USD) or clearly sponsored tech "geniuses" that did little to no beforehand research - both cases being heavily blasted in the comment sections. Googling the same brings up several tech websites, many of which were again sponsored to say the best possible things about each laptop and downplay any cons creating a confusing jumbled mess of why the Macbook Pro is worse than an Asus Chromebook.

What I'm looking for in this thread:
- truthful experiences from a close knit and tech-savvy community pertaining to literally any laptop under the sun
- please note: I did ask a couple young gentlemen that played Overwatch/PUBG/COD but they called me a racial slur and I left it at that

What I'm looking for in a laptop:
- under 600 USD would be desirable unless posts made clearly point to committing to around 1k
- something primarily for school (and I take a lot of coding-heavy classes if that helps)
- I also like messing around with music and video editing
- I would almost definitely look to install TF2 on my laptop
- insertable into standard sized backpacks
- decent speeds but by all means, if something is $200 and runs faster than an $800...

What I really dont care about:
- looks, backlit keyboards, resolution, two-in-one

tldr: LF best possible power for dollar, need for school, need real life/relatable experiences rather than sponsored bs

posted about 4 years ago
#34 medic players in TF2 General Discussion

well since your scouts are slem and yight, might as well let them 2v6 the team and arrow laz or something

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Any lans/other TF2 events between now and I65? in TF2 General Discussion

Trying to get some travelling in before summer ends...

posted about 4 years ago
#9099 stream highlights in Videos
big thanks to ubrdrgn and friends

posted about 5 years ago
#9039 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 5 years ago
#12 good hitsounds? in TF2 General Discussion

Yoshi kill/hitsounds are the best but theyre hard to find

posted about 5 years ago
#1 fix for stuttering and teleporting mid game in Q/A Help

It is really frustrating when I get into a fire fight and as I'm about to hit that crucial meatshot, my game stutters and they kill me. Also whenever I'm trying to rocket jump and I shoot the ground but don't go shooting into the air, I just stand there. Then a second later I am in the air in a perfect pencil jump for a sniper to headshot me without pressing a button. And also when I go to det a trap, dropping the enemy med and combo players and then airshotting their roamer but when I right click for the det it does nothing and I get jumped and bounced into a triple airshot.

Bottom line, I need a fix for this stuttering and teleporting or I'm going to go insane.
- nothing else is running on my computer yet the problem persists
- usually only 2 other people are using the wifi and not even for streaming services yet the problem persists

Below are some net graph screenshots: - These were taken directly after a stutter


posted about 5 years ago
#8 Team based solely around highfive? in The Dumpster
crybabysee u next month grammy!


posted about 5 years ago
#1 Team based solely around highfive? in The Dumpster

No time period:
delpo (soldier)

Show Content
LOL: highfive, arekk, stark, blaze, habib, harbleu
This does bring up the fact that you cant get everyone but realize that not being mainstream doesnt mean youre bad.
posted about 5 years ago
#35 Create a team purely based on DM in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 5 years ago
#25 What makes a good player good? in TF2 General Discussion

I think its less about individual players and more about their abilities on a team.

For example you always hear about mike and shadowburns crazy airshots but you never hear about a blaze triple airshot. Thats because he doesnt need to airshot or make plays that have a large likelihood of not achieving anything - aka, hero plays. He knows his team is better off working together to win instead of flashy plays by one player - even though its the flashy plays that make them more "good" than others in the opinions of several people.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Possible save to competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

My friend read through the froyokiller team post and asked me if them always winning was a bad thing. Now that ESEA tf2 is shutting down due to not enough player growth, I think hes actually kind of right: people are good enough for invite as teams or individuals but they know they arent going to beat froyo so they dont even try.

Conclusion: froyo losing will stimulate confidenence and player growth in not only the upper tier competitive tf2 scene, but competivie tf2 in general.

Best case scenario:
1. Team gets very close to beating them, showing a potential weakness
2. Players realize and try to up their game
3. Using team cohesion > skill level (to some extent) a team beats froyo
4. The scene sees that the gods are defeated and previously impossible to obtain rewards are opened up (such as a hefty lan prizepool that everyone knew subconciously or not that the american team would win but since they are beatable...)

What this requires:
For step 1: sufficient motivation. Possible massive community prizepool, or even better, valve ingame item signifying "fall of froyo" (shows valve noticing community + reward)
For step 2: motivation possibly through some breakdown of froyo playstyle or current 6s meta (@marmaloo?)
For step 3: time and not turning the loss into ONLY a meme.

This is serious enough to prevent a potential death of the game. I know the 2 year olds of the community will activate their bm. Contain yourselves.

I also have piled together a way for the community to run the game rather than the developers based loosely on the US politcal system done right. I will post in the future.

posted about 5 years ago
#8768 stream highlights in Videos

4k cow mangler drop

posted about 5 years ago
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