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Signed Up September 23, 2014
Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 3:10 AM
Posts 3228 (0.9 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ⋅⋅ 209
#3 Looking for team advance S11 soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)
aieraused to be good too.

i believe in S
ive always believed in S

posted about a year ago
#34 Scratchh LFT (FOR REAL THIS TIME) in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about a year ago
#52 book megathread in Off Topic

heavily thinking about getting the entire witcher book series after i finish witcher 3 and its dlc

posted about a year ago
#4! in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 community is retarded

posted about a year ago
#8 wat is ur least fav comp map u have played in TF2 General Discussion

gravelpit 6s being my first ever official match left a terrible taste in my mouth

posted about a year ago
#20 Day 1 - Update on RGL PUGs in TF2 General Discussion
ghadilliindecencyMaybe eventually newer players can bring a more healthy & unified culture to the top of the game and this will stop being an issue. I'm not holding my breath, but a girl can dream :)

this problem wont end cause its a personnel thing, with a majority of ppl playing game being babies and refusing to play with x y and z person cause they dont like them or they find them annoying, or whatever other flimsy reason its hard for ppl to realize they r being dumb, cause thats the chief reason people make pug groups every other month, that or not getting picked

"i dont like (this group of people)/(this person) so come to my pug group/service i just made!"

posted about a year ago
#17 Day 1 - Update on RGL PUGs in TF2 General Discussion
ghadilliRoLI'm not even siding with either web development team, the entire situation just seems petty/pointless and I think reading this would be more well received in my own mind if it didn't read like someone not actually saying what they want to say in order to seem professional or appease.
personally idgaf about manchildren fighting on the internet, I just wanna play my favorite video game with some cool people. if the thing stopping that from happening was some irreconcilable 3 year beef between a bunch of emotionally stunted internet goons, then I'm just happy that (new) RGL is committed enough to the idea that they're willing to give it another shot. If you or anyone else wants to air out the particulars then go ahead I guess, but it doesn't really matter to me. I'm just happy to see any evidence of progress at all.

rains not even saying that, hes just saying that all it takes is a few people or group to not cooperate with eachother and there will be some new pug group dumped on top of an already existing one and so on all cause said people or group dont like eachother, sectioning and separating ourselves more and more for watever reason, hence the time loop which is absolutely right lmfao

also the release date for this is a meme at this point its been like 10 years.

posted about a year ago
#6 Day 1 - Update on RGL PUGs in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#5 Jimmy/rktGOD LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

pouty medic #3758

posted about a year ago
#5 VScript Gamemodes for 6's in TF2 General Discussion

very small but would be cool : adding the shitton of voicelines for the competitive gamemode in regular comp and pugs

edit : nvm i seen this is map only stuff

posted about a year ago
#14 All time best player per role in the world? in TF2 General Discussion

i dont watch streams for a long time but im completely habib pilled
he is going down as the best demo of all time

posted about a year ago
#12 Favorite Albums of the Year in Music, Movies, TV

pavilion Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers - Kendrick Lamar necessary kdot mention

Heroes & Villains - Metro Boomin all bangers

heroes and villains literally just dropped chill out now

posted about a year ago
#70 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
crackbabydumpsterElenaManettaI had a pug group where I personally invited you to join every time I announced for people to add up and you denied it 70% of the time to play PugHub. The group also had strict fat kid rules where I made it so you only got fatkidded once a day and you couldn't get fatkidded again-- but you still often picked PugHub over them.

I'm going to guess you denied it because it was mostly Main with some Advanced players, and you wanted to play with mostly Advanced+top level players, and that's fine, you can choose to play with higher level players. But a lot of Advanced want to play with Invite players, and Invite plays with b4nny.

I'm not even in PugHub, and I'm betting that he's at least 65% of the reason why pugs fill up so frequently at night. You can't just ban him without the trickling effect of, "Now less Invite players join, which causes less Advanced players to join, which means the group needs to pull in Main players just to fill up" and we go right back to the situation of you not wanting to join those pugs, either.

what lol youre so close to understanding it but it's not that everyone wants to play with banny its just that most people wanna play the best pugs they can and since he's the bestest tf2 player or whatever he's always going to be in the best pugs if he's playing.

you cant be mad indecency doesnt wanna drop down to ur main level pug group where bad players cant even get fatkidded when he adds up to pugchamp very clearly to play demo against the best people he can

just piggybacking off what he said, but thats literally all it is and the crazy part is ive said this like 10 separate times already, i just wanna play the damn game man so obviously im gonna go to wherever more people are, theres so many times ur pugs would have 3/12 and pughub would have 6/12 but everyone would rather just not play instead of coming there, idgi, not to mention i personally have no prob with main players but i notice a trend with most of them where it just seems like they refuse to get better from feedback i give them and their definition of fun is either throwing or doing plain dumb shit which im not with at all such as winning 4-0 and now the 15 min roll turns into a full 30 min game cause some retard wants to go DH or airstrike and die constantly and hearing "im just havin fun man :D" or just simply give of the vibe of not trying not saying this doesent happen in pugchamp because it does which is why im a pug leaver but its WAYYYYYYY more common in main and lower

my first priority is to play the fkn game and win yes of course, but my second priority is having it not be a waste of my damn time, like im bad and given the time ive played but one thing is that i dont throw and that was the main demographic of ur pugs most of the time

posted about a year ago
#54 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
kawaif you guys don't wanna play with banny then don't add up for 8 hours straight playing with him every time he adds lmao

very silly thread

ya lol just dont play lol when we literally have one central pug server and the owner refuses to do anything about the guy lol, nobody is adding up for 8 hrs straight, niggas literally have no choice.

this shit is so tone deaf as if ur not in the damn pug group yourself and more often than not pugs only really get going at midnight or something and you get 1 pug before b4nny and his yes men join and u have one of two choices if you dont get fatkidded, play and have a chance of being on a team with the nigga or stop playing since there are no alternative pug groups or services or anything

talking about a silly thread when this is a goofy ass comment in itself

posted about a year ago
#26 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
RoLbut even less receptive when streaming or someone's angry or throwing harsh words at him because it's harder for really most people to understand, talk about, or accept their own vulnerabilities in that situation

yet one thing is common with every time someone mentions b4nny in this light when a situation like this is involved, hes almost always the initiator and the problem

posted about a year ago
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