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Signed Up March 16, 2020
Last Posted January 13, 2024 at 6:57 AM
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#2040 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Also I've noticed that you're using map.cfgs (ctf_foundry.cfg, ctf_gorge.cfg, ctf_hellfire.cfg, ctf_thundermountain.cfg) to exec comfig/mannpower.cfg. However these get exec'd only when you're the one hosting the game (listenserver tested, dedicated I assume), not when you join it.

posted about 4 years ago
#2038 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

save_replay CTD
Tested with clean install. Attempting to save a replay (on a server that supports them) crashes the game. Remove the mastercomfig .vpk and it works fine. Friend tried it with the same result. Should be replicable.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 Extract voice chat audio from demo recording? in Q/A Help

You can replace all game sounds with a blank file, so that all that's left will be the voice chat.
#13 is way cleaner tho try that first

posted about 4 years ago
#37 blessed videos in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#8 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization
reakoSince this switches loadouts, doesn't this mean that it relies on the item server updating in time, or am i missing something?

Switching loadouts is not instant, there's a 0. something seconds delay between pressing it and respawning. You get around that by pressing it a bit sooner, as with regular b4nny bind. I've also heard it doesn't work with item servers down but haven't tested that myself.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization
Collaidehow do you set it up as to execute loadout & class-specific commands and save them in the active loadout?

You alias your commands to loadouX_cfg (X being A, B, C, or D) as explained in step 6. The script automatically calls an alias of the loadout you're on.
If you want these class specific you have to set them in each class config. If you want these only on some classes you set them to blank on the other ones.

// no loadout specific settings scout
alias loadoutA_cfg "" // will do nothing
alias loadoutB_cfg // works same as ^
alias loadoutC_cfg
alias loadoutD_cfg
exec loadouts/scout // always has to be AFTER those four!

If you want the same loadout settings for all classes you can do this in autoexec, but after the exec loadouts/load.

Collaide removing my hud & configs?

loadoutX_cfg gets first called with exec loadout/class, so if you put commands after the exec line, they will override your loadout settings (until you change loadout and it gets called again). That's about the only thing that could cause issues.

A conflict with another script might occur if it uses a same alias name. That's not very likely to happen but here's a list of aliases I used:
loadoutX, loadout=X, loadoutX_class, loadoutX_cfg, loadout_class, old_loadout_class, and l1X to l9X (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
Underline means theres one for each loadout/class.

posted about 4 years ago
#21 Forward spawn script with item presets in Customization
if you know any way of saving it between game launches let me know

made just that, thread here :)

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization

A script that remembers which loadout you have active on which class, even between game lauches.
Also it lets you execute different commands for each loadout, useful with maybe mediguns idk.

+ single resup key that always works
- you have to use binds to switch between loadouts

github (download and setup instructions there)

posted about 4 years ago
#6302 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ScoutmanjuniorUnable to change text color of charge meter's label?
HudItemEffectMeter.res > ItemEffectMeterLabel
I remember huds doing this but it doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
Looking around and it looks like it's broken where it once worked.

the meter itself also seems to have fgColor locked

you have to set enabled to 0 and visible to 1 for ItemEffectMeterLabel and it will be black

that works ty
also you can then change it's color with DisabledFgColor2_override and Label.DisabledFgColor1 (_override doesn't work with this one you have to change it in ClientScheme)
still no luck with the bar's fgColor tho

posted about 4 years ago
#6300 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Unable to change text color of charge meter's label?
HudItemEffectMeter.res > ItemEffectMeterLabel
I remember huds doing this but it doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
Looking around and it looks like it's broken where it once worked.

the meter itself also seems to have fgColor locked

posted about 4 years ago
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