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SteamID64 76561198002155937
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Country England
Signed Up January 19, 2013
Last Posted June 5, 2024 at 7:52 AM
Posts 494 (0.1 per day)
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#4 in Off Topic
MR_SLINlooks just like twitch? haha

probably not a bad thing

posted about 10 years ago
#1 in Off Topic

so it's a new streaming website similar to Twitch but without the horrific amounts of lag.
Seems to be a nicely put together site, with little features here and there that are a nice improvement over Twitch, and the video player is a lot nicer too.
and competition is healthy, either way

would be cool to see more tf2 streams on here, as well as possibly stream list support?

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Need help editing? Ask away here. in Q/A Help
baltiWhat do you think about using AfterEffects as main edit tool?,do you think it's reliable or is better to combine for ex. Vegas + AE. I dunno, cuz with AE you can do some woopas 420 easy and nice effects, but at the same time some people say that the final result is not that great. I would like to know your opinions.

Sorry for bad english hu3hu3,ty.

It entirely depends on what you want to do with the finished edit.
If you think you can do everything you want to do in Vegas, there's no need to use AE.
If you want to use camera tracking and add 3d elements to the scene such as text that "sticks" to a wall or the floor, you should do your stuff in vegas first (velocity control, clip cutting, arrangement, sound, so that everything is how you want it to look) and export to lossless with resampling disabled -- then use AE to add your colour correction and other elements. At least, that's how I do it, because I have years of experience using vegas but only a couple months with AE.

Of course, if you're more comfortable with AE than Vegas and you think you can achieve a better edit by using AE alone, go for it. Experiment!

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Youtube founder first YT comment in 8 years in Off Topic
boppetPeople just dislike it because their friends are not on it.

No, I dislike it because it's being forced on me. I refuse to use the fucking thing out of principle.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Wanna buy 120hz monitor in Hardware
DrewYou can configure color settings like every other monitor in the world. Don't factor in color accuracy when you're buying a TN monitor.

Also keep in mind it's going to make the colours extremely shitty with lightboost on either way.

posted about 10 years ago
#1087 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Benq XL2411T issue(lightboost) in Hardware

I get the same issue on my XL2420T. Scanlines present in the top right corner of the screen when Lightboost is enabled, most easily noticeable in the killfeed.

posted about 10 years ago
#1061 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#1022 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#138 Warsow in Off Topic

i recommend some of you try out bipbeta2 instagib servers, they are amazing for when you want to chill out/unwind with some open space and some fun movement tricks to go with your insta.

also i got used to newmovement before finding out about old. and even though i play cpma just as much as wsw, i prefer newmovement for this game. so shoot me.

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Online ColorIQ Challenge in Off Topic





posted about 10 years ago
#948 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Help Really Scared! in Customization

its hero brien

posted about 10 years ago
#50 Lawena v4.0 is out. in Videos
DavidTheWinI hope you're monitoring this because I've had one hell of a confusing night. First, Lawena was telling me it couldn't replace the custom folder, so I checked the permissions on it, it was read only so I turned that off. Same error. Turns out I have a fairly common bug with Windows where it sets read only permissions on folders and nothing can change it. In the end, I replaced the custom and cfg folders manually with the vpk's and HUD I wanted, but there was still the problem of Lawena trying to replace the newly filled custom/cfg folders again. I suppose this is where it becomes LWRT relevant. Before I found the read-only issue, I tried resetting the recording settings I was using and I found that if I didn't save the changes to the settings then I could launch TF2 without the "cannot replace custom" error but I wouldn't have any LWRT configs/files. After replacing the cfg/custom folders manually, the tool works like normal.

I got "cannot replace custom"

Restarted steam

Tool worked

posted about 10 years ago
#932 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
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