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SteamID64 76561198140608606
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Country Hungary
Signed Up May 19, 2017
Last Posted January 28, 2024 at 4:42 AM
Posts 51 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.1 ⋮ 1.5
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Keyboard Logitech G Pro X
Headphones Apple Earbuds
Monitor Aorus KD25F / Zowie XL2540
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#11495 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#32 Racism in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawThank you for coming forward catbowcar. Unfortunately racism is still deeply rooted in our community...

and this guy made the pugchamp rules...

posted about 3 years ago
#754 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

you should probably ask the guy who made the vid because i havent seen this explosion script before anywhere

posted about 3 years ago
#8025 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#745 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
Kidou hud?

posted about 3 years ago
#724 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
how do i get this hud

posted about 3 years ago
#7763 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#10623 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#10452 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#7511 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#10234 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Sorry in Off Topic

On behalf of the rest of my team i want to apologize to the tf2 community. My former teammates Ace and Swi were caught using cheats in this and past seasons. They were joking about using cheats in mumble but we would have never suspected that they were completely serious. Now with both of them banned we are not able to find suitable replacements in time and we will have to forfeit the season. Sorry guys.

The start
I started playing tf2 somewhere in 2012, not sure why I started playing but all I did was jump maps. I played on 1 pub called minepit (yeah it was minecraft payload lmao) and got my first friends there. I saw i46 and found it so interesting that I wanted to play as well. My first team was in steel (hl season 9 ugc) with one of my best friends (still is) breakfast_jr aka billy. I made a lot of friends there and I still play other games with them (they all quit tf2). It was honestly the most fun season I've ever had and we finished a close first against chessclub.

My first 6's team
Then I went looking for a 6's team and join foxing around (fenneks jr) as a demoman in d6 season 14. We won every game and finished first. Everyone in the team said they couldnt play the next season but wanted to play the season after. Me on the other hand wanted to play the season so I went to look for a new team again.

My 2nd team UCAP
I couldnt find a team anyway but I kept looking and kept practicing and joined UCAP in season 16 d4. They were all really nice guys and it was a fun season, we beat everyone except 1 team so we came 2nd. I thought I could do better (sorry) so I left the team and started looking for a team again. They kept on playing without me and found someone else.

The drama
This is where the drama happened. I join a team with hafficool and kaptain called phase. I used to be really toxic and complained about literally everything that went wrong. I really wanted to win so whenever something went wrong I said something about it (not always in the best way). But yeah I joined their team and played d2 in season 17 it was a really good team but we had some other toxic people as well and we were fighting a lot in mumble and it ended in them kicking me. I completely understand and dont blame them but I would say it wasnt just me being the problem.

Of course there were pretty popular guys in that team and they told other people how toxic I was. Everyone hated on me and started shittalking me. Every time I opened a recruitment I got shit on as well. So I couldnt find a team to finish season 17 with and neither season 18 or 19. I was getting sick of this so I thought I would try to play soldier.

My hero
Then came my knight in shining armour alle <3. I already knew alle pretty well from jumping and was a pretty big fan of him back in the day. He picked me up on roamer on his team called prtyboiz in season 20. I still didnt fix my complaining shit but there was a person who was even worse them me (probably why I didnt get kicked lol). It was a good season, we came 3rd in high (we should have at least came 2nd but 1000 poops beat us in playoffs).

My first prem team
The team kind of died but alle still wanted to make a team with me so we played the next season with a completely different lineup. Season 21 my first season in prem, with Dennia, Hank, T0m, Sparadrap, alle and me. Unfortunately something happened (private stuff) with Sparadrap so we got Condom instead. I was still complaining a bit too much (sorry) and so after like 4 weeks they also kicked me. No grudges against any of them, I understand completely. Still had a good time and got a lot of experience from it.

The teams continue...
So again I started to look for a team, my reputation wasnt the greatest but it was better then it was before. In the end I couldnt find a prem team for season 22 so I joined Gamsjaga esport. I didnt tryhard and stopped caring as much so I stopped (mostly) complaining. It was a fun season and we ended mid table in high.

Season 23 I got my chance again, sheepy's dog hand picked me up in his team called planet express. It looked like a good team at the start and some people thought we could beat the top teams. We choked most officials and ended 6th place. The team was pretty fun but was a bit annoying at times.

One of the most fun team
Then came one of the most fun team I've had since my steel team. Happy farmers, 5 germans + me. It had all the star players like schocky, brego, bash etc. I really wanted to tryhard and so did a few others, we thought we could really be one of the top teams. But some people just didnt put enough effort in it so the tryharding kind of faded away and we just played scrims + officials. We did get in playoffs but lost the games so ended up on 4th place. Thanks to them for this opportunity it was a great experience and shame it only lasted 1 season.

The end
Then my "last" season came, season 25. I still really wanted to get better and win, I joined a team called If I'm going to be completely honest, it was pretty horrible. The mumble atmosphere was terrible and we were always fighting. The only good that came from that team was Funs, a good friend of mine. I also met Chris and hobnobs because of him. They are the only people I still play with and why I didnt quit before.

After season 25 I said I was done with tf2. In reality I actually was done, I stopped playing I didnt have any motivation anymore and found a new hobby. I had work from 8 to 5, evening I did my hobby and I was going out more. I pretty much stopped playing for a while but then something happened.

A few months ago I found a new reason to play again, I still didnt play in a team yet (still no time) but played a lot of tf2 again. I also enjoyed ultiduo still so played that a lot as well. So I guess in reality I didnt actually quit. It was a lot of fun and I dont regret doing it.

Also an ultiduo cup came up, I really wanted to win that. I didnt know who I could play with untill I found this amazing medic called Morrow (the best ultiduo medic I've ever played with). We won the ultiduo cup together and it was great fun. I'd also like to point out alle and adysky, I've won a lot of ultiduo and bball cups with them and it was nice having you 2 as well. Then I found out about i61 and decided I wanted to go there, so I started looking for a team again and joined my friends team for this season (we dont really play, mostly just officials). Sorry that I cant play for that anymore.

No reason left
But unfortunately the reason that brought me back is now gone as well, everything that made me enjoy tf2 and motivated me is now gone. I'm not going to tell you what the last reason was (I know some of my good friends probably know and I would really appreciate it if you wouldnt tell anyone). So I have no interest in staying anymore, I want to continue with my life and move on. I will still play games occasionally, not 100% done with gaming yet.

The problem
Theres only 1 problem left, i61. I really want to meet everyone and I know a lot of people want to meet me as well. It's just that its still 2 months away and when I decide on something I dont wait, I do it right at the moment. I dont want to be stuck onto something, but i61 isnt just for tf2 i know that so if nothing comes up I will probably still go (dont quote me on this I might DODGE wowie :o). I did join a team for i61 and I dont want to disappoint them but like I said I dont want to be stuck onto something so I cant promise I will play right now. I honestly don't know what I will do atm, sorry.

posted about 4 years ago
#7381 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#7335 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#382 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization probably the one called thalashhs but it might be the other one im not 100% sure

posted about 4 years ago
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