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Signed Up August 3, 2013
Last Posted May 26, 2024 at 3:39 PM
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#7 Roamer LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dude is super calm and fun to have in your mumble. Has good DM and plays with purpose, never YOLOs it just because he's the roamer.
His big area for improvement is to relax a bit when facing super passive play from the opposing team, which is pretty low-tier as flaws go, IMHO.

Will do well with a team that has good comms/calls because he listens and cooperates.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 plinko LFT Med/Scout Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, edited the original post with more recent information.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Majors and jobs and stuffs in Off Topic

I got my BA in English Lit a long time ago. Now I'm a corporate stooge.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 kimmieunni medic lft low-open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've pugged with Kimmi quite a bit, she's quite serious about improving and a lot of fun to be around.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 plinko LFT Med/Scout Open in Recruitment (looking for team)


I had a really fun time in S18 with No Homer's Club. Good teammate, good friends and I learned a lot, but I guess we're going our separate ways so I'll throw my name out there for next season.

I'd love to find a chill team to play medic for that wants to compete for a playoff spot. I still prefer not to maincall - but I would in the right situation. I think I got a lot better this season as time went on and would like to keep improving from here.

I would be happy to play scout as well - I need to work my DM back into shape after playing medic for the last six-ish months, but I think I could contribute well as a somewhat passive role scout on a mid-open team. It would be fun to click on people again.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Favorite Subway Sandwich in Off Topic

I worked at a Subway in college, it didn't scare me off the place for good but I do miss the old 'u-gouge' cut for the bread. Pretty much no one still works there that knows how to do it so I can't get my sandwiches that way anymore. . .

I get:
Wheat Bread
American Cheese
Onions, Lettuce (I ask for 'light' but it doesn't seem to affect how much they put on), Black Olives
Oil&Vinegar, Salt&Pepper.

I used to get the Turkey+Ham but one day I realized that the local Subway charges $4.25 for a Ham, $5.00 for a Turkey but also $5.00 for a Ham+Turkey and I've refused to order it ever since.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Open Bracket Tourney With Prizes in TF2 General Discussion

I'll bet a key on my inability to pick winners.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Been Wondering Where the TF2 Community Lives in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#14 what is your favorite nostalgic game in Off Topic

Crap you kids is young.

When I was a kid
Mega Man 2

Super Mario Kart/64
Twisted Metal

posted about 9 years ago
#44 I'm figuring out where to live next; suggestions? in Off Topic

If you're considering Chatt, I would recommend you bypass that for Atlanta or Nashville instead - at least as far as the Southeast goes.

Atlanta weather is much better, we're going to get Google Fiber soon enough and there's a lot more to do. The Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains are easy access on weekends anyway if that's important to you. Nashville is pretty superior as well.

Portland, OR, is our dream city if we can make the move someday, so as long as you can find work there I don't think you can go wrong.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 pocket open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Filled in on pocket for us the last two matches of the season on a couple days notice and did pretty good work for us. I didn't see much of what a few people complained about, maybe it was a low pressure environment and no big deal blah blah blag but I was impressed, fwiw.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Cereal Thread in Off Topic

Crispix, dry.

Cereal with milk is gross.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Unlocks in 6v6 in TF2 General Discussion

When it comes to "useless" weapons - I think the case for unbanning them is pretty strong.
That is, it would seem like fairly big concession to Valve if all of a sudden we opened up the whitelist with a bunch more items and might help bridge that gap a little bit at essentially no cost to the game or community.

Keep the really unbalancing/broken ones out, of course.

And to be fair to our indifferent overlords at Valve, I am pretty sure it's impossible to truly balance this game for 12 and 18 and 24 players in the game at once. It's inevitable the utility of many items are going to scale with the size/compositions of the teams.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 NFO Server Problems in Q/A Help


posted about 9 years ago
#12 TF2Center Archimedes Cup: Bronze & Grand Finals in Events

It's hard to judge since the key is how well it reached people that aren't in the community, right? And mainly for Europe?

It didn't seem to register at all with the non-competitive TF2 players I know.

posted about 9 years ago
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