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Signed Up October 11, 2015
Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 5:59 PM
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#23 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic
Alfieline of ket

It’s within reason

posted about 3 years ago
#22 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic

Made a bootleg Irish car bomb so I’ll count that as gasoline.

posted about 3 years ago
#19 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic
JWBask them for a glass of ligma, preferably served by joe

Joe mama?

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic
_KermitA hot chocolate and a tennents

Solid choice

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic
BumFreezeask them for just ice

I asked them for the kritzkast special and then was kicked out

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic

Okay lads, the glass of water is finished

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic

Like to point out, there’s two of us here

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Spoons choose your own adventure pt2 in Off Topic

Hello lads, as punishment for current issues I’ve decided to let you choose my drinks (within reason)

Have at it

posted about 3 years ago
#144 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumAnyone thinking that KritzKast will die from the drama in this thread is delusional, but I do hope the community taking a stand here might tip Agro off to the fact that he's actually not always in the right.

posted about 3 years ago
#133 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
sacflyingbuddyyttriumsacwho would put in the work agro and wiethoofd does when they're gone?ah yes, the dashner argument.
Extreme comparison but honestly so true....

Doing a lot for the community should never grant immunity towards wrong doing. It’s how a lot of fucked up people get away with their bullshit because people constantly cover for them....just look at how many celebrities have gotten away with rape, murder, violence etc etc....

Hold people accountable, no matter their my point.
dude its a chatban on a private twitch stream, not a rape.... as long as its not proven they are molesters or did something else criminal, chill the fuck out before u drama queens burn out another community volunteer...

like, i dont care that im banned what dont you understand about that? i want to know why agro thought it was a good idea after multiple mods telling me to speak to him directly then him ignoring then blocking and banning me. the comparison is extreme and i dont really want agro gone i just wanted to speak to him

posted about 3 years ago
#126 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
DCSplunkive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story
Fair dos, but please don't put it out there that everyone has had issues working with him. It is simply false.

so is me "undermining" kritzkast but here we are

posted about 3 years ago
#124 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
DCS[I just want to pick this quote up because it has been repeated in some shape or form in this thread.
I am not a direct member of KritzKast (anymore, I used to cast but I finally had to admit to myself that I was terrible at it so I simply stopped), but I am yet to hear anyone talk shit about Agro or his ego from the people that worked with me on projects where Agro is involved. Not to say those people do not exist...
I just wanted to point this out. Agro, like everyone here, has his weaknesses. But it is not true, that "everyone who works with him knows he has got a massive ego".
He, as well as anyone else on PhoenixRed, has been nothing but remarkably professional in all projects (Copenhagen Games 2018-2020, Lockdown Throwdown 1+2) that I have been involved with in recent years.

glad to see something like this. i expect nothing less than professionalism from phoenixred and they seem to be very so from just asking around which is great as well as the shows (whatever their issues are) they put on are great such as LAN.
ive had people privately air their grievances towards agro who work with him to me in DMs and if they dont want to post publicly thats fine for a multitude of reasons but that is one side of the story

posted about 3 years ago
#111 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
Adnurakplunkyou can post all of this about some time you posted in twitch chat with some egirl yet you still cannot give me a reason why you blocked me to stop discussing this with you in private. again, you can keep sweeping this under the rug but every post you have made in this thread has made you look oblivious and inept at handling this situation.Let's be real man he just thinks he shouldn't have to explain himself to you because you're beneath him, all of his posts in this thread scream either superiority complex, social skill deficiency, or (my guess) both. What normal dude tries to chat up random girls on twitch by bragging about his 7000 hours on pyro and "mansplaning" surfing to them. lol

Amazed this wasn't posted btw, maybe I was early in declaring Agro not-a-sex-weirdo?

i know that, everyone who works with him knows he's got a massive ego and now hopefully everyone who looked at this thread knows that. on one hand i genuinely wanted to find out why he closed off communication after being told to contact him directly but then subsequently i was blocked but on another hand it sortve served as a reminder to everyone, that this man is 40-odd-something manchild who won't directly speak to someone half his age over some petty forum drama and plays victim and acts like i ruined his org.

posted about 3 years ago
#97 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
Agro_Kermitlast night I realised that the Kritzkast channel, which to be fair is agro's channel that he owns, was literally being used as his own channel and being used to chat in random streams, Yeah I often go around the low number streamers, saying "hi" and helping out if I can with audio settings and what not. Just being a human. To be honest I don't know why she was struggling with the concept, I think she was on tier 4 pub, would have thought she'd heard of surfing by now. But some some people only ever play one map or one class for the entirety of their TF2 lives. _Kermit You don't see enigma popping into channels as tftv or arch as essentialsNo, you're right. I've never seen that either. Maybe the grand community would seem a friendlier place if we all made the effort to help out streamers without being afraid of being seen.

I didn't see you talking in her chat. She a friend of yours?

FYI I also use the account to go to larger streamers and to watch streams of people who've previously been associated with TF2 but aren't anymore. Same with the KritzKast twitter. It's one of the huge advantages KritzKast has over pretty much all of the other streaming groups, we came from community so going back out there and interacting with the wider world gets our name seen by more than just hardcore players. Hopefully, we occassionaly bring someone back to the game and in doing so their fans get to see that TF2 is still alive.

edit; and not as toxic as it's sometimes portrayed to be

you can post all of this about some time you posted in twitch chat with some egirl yet you still cannot give me a reason why you blocked me to stop discussing this with you in private. again, you can keep sweeping this under the rug but every post you have made in this thread has made you look oblivious and inept at handling this situation.

posted about 3 years ago
#78 Drama Thread - Kritzkast in TF2 General Discussion
AgroplunkI take issue with YOUIf this is the crux of it then we're at an impasse. I can't muster enough effort to have any opinion of you and there's nothing more to be gained from this conversation for either of us. Good day to you sir.

you are so petty its unbelievable. i'm glad you can show your true colours here with your incessant passive aggressiveness and condescending tone rather than actually discuss such issues.

posted about 3 years ago
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