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Signed Up October 7, 2013
Last Posted May 12, 2024 at 9:42 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 180
#13 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordtrying to remember the first team to run double gunboats soldier, that would've been big too

I believe this was mihaly’s flow, who also pioneered the renowned “double scout uber” among other things

posted 2 months ago
#18 best player in tf2 if you only saw their frag vids in TF2 General Discussion

Real ones know its quik

posted 2 months ago
#79 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

RGL im sure you can still change this, its not like it was decided before the season started, if you can change the playoff structure in week 5 you can surely change it again in week 6! just copy the invite one it wont be hard!

alternatively, you could just figure this out and release it in the preseason like every other league ever. there are only like 3-4 choices for how to do playoffs, just pick one.

posted 2 months ago
#7 post good video essays in Off Topic

Binged this fellow in one fine evening

posted 3 months ago
#9 why do people play on the UGC servers???? in TF2 General Discussion

you can make the servers feel 100x better by disabling html motd before you join

posted 4 months ago
#3 Mousepad ideas in Hardware

Qck is pretty outdated now. a lot of people will recommend artisan mousepads, generally the hien or zero? I got a hien myself and it was a big upgrade over my old qck. Artisan mousepads are expensive and ship from japan so they take a long time to arrive. personally when it came time to replace my hien i bought a razer strider instead, and the razer strider actually feels almost the exact same for a fraction of the cost ($30) and shipping time, so i would recommend getting that one if you want a more modern pad.

posted 4 months ago
#3 What did you all get for christmas? in TF2 General Discussion

i got a bunch of awesom manga

posted 4 months ago
#19 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion
CAP_CREATUREarcadiawe announced a cup two days ago feel free to check it out
What I was clearly talking about is something that has been talked about by others in a way for cups to replace real seasons in the 6v6 format. Personally I'd rather play seasons than cups but there seems to be a big sentiment held by players who wish to lower time commitment. Won't ask how you ignored my notes about RGL's financials, or didn't deny that you are keeping seasons going for that reason.

not everyone wants cups to replace seasons, but I think a lot more people agree that 8 weeks regular season + playoffs sometimes going for over a month drags on

posted 4 months ago
#4 old ESEA news articles in TF2 General Discussion has been using for this kind of thing since 2014. For example, the old i55 splash page on Insomnia's website is archived here. There's probably better apps than out there which might be worth switching to.

I started by archiving TF2 Storylines: compLexity TF2. From there, these links could be put on the corresponding ESEA season pages on Team Fortress Liquipedia or as external links/media.

As for, we could go a step further and copy the text and create an article for each ESEA article. That way if goes down, we still have copies. Not sure if Liquipedia would allow that kind of content but hopefully they do.

Not sure if there are better solutions elsewhere, but I can start working on archiving these. Would be a big shame to lose them.

I'm working on archiving every article right now, once I'm done with that I'll see if I can get them on as well

unfortunately esea seems to block from working with its cloudflare settings or something, so I was using which does work just fine

posted 4 months ago
#1 old ESEA news articles in TF2 General Discussion

Hello my friends on,

I have recently become aware that the ESEA news articles that I grew up reading and considered to be "lost media" are still up; at least some of them. When you go on the ESEA website and go to the old news archives, most of the old articles are actually not shown. I thought this meant that they were removed, since the ESEA website removed basically all ties to TF2 years ago.

IF, HOWEVER, you go to the search bar on the top right and search for "TF2", then go to advanced search and filter to "News", you can see a bunch of the old power ranking and prediction articles. (link:

These appear to be unsorted, or sorted in some random order of relevance, so it's hard to see what exactly is there, but not everything that I remember to exist shows up in the results. I suspect this is because they aren't showing up in the TF2 search result, maybe they didn't have it in the article anywhere.

basically, I want to have a backup of these articles so they don't get lost, and organize them in a way that makes sense and allows tf2 Historians to go back and read up on them. I don't know what would be the best way to do this yet, and I also want to make sure that all the articles are accounted for (hopefully none have actually been deleted). I'm making this thread for any other boomers who might want to go back and read them.

posted 4 months ago
#2 1st place Jimmy! in TF2 General Discussion


posted 5 months ago
#8 Does anyone have any tips for aiming as scout in TF2 General Discussion

honestly one of the best videos that helps to this day

Bro is getting absolutely cooked in mge in every clip DO NOT follow this video you will have bot movement

Imo your movement should be the primary focus unless youre shooting dudes in the back or ubered. playing the right distance in fights to abuse any advantages you have is also important. you want to be able to aim at someone no matter what movement you are doing so just play the game while considering aim as the LAST factor and you will eventually develop the muscle memory you need for small accurate flicks.

^^ this applies unless you have some bad aiming habits, like doing big mouse spasms for every shot or not moving your mouse in straight lines. If you notice these try to minimize them and focus on controlled, straight line mouse movements on your flicks. IMO mouse control is not the primary reason why people miss shots in TF2 and reading your opponents movement takes far more practice, but mouse control is still sometimes a limiting factor for newer players

posted 5 months ago
#18 wat song is stuck in yr head rn in Music, Movies, TV
Seniorsodasticking out your gyat for the rizzler

your so skibidi…

posted 6 months ago
#14 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion


posted 6 months ago
#3 Best season possible in TF2 General Discussion

MAL has happycool and kev scout. please revamp the list

posted 6 months ago
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 180