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Last Posted May 14, 2024 at 5:17 PM
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#85 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
klassyA problem that was brought up with these types of plugins in the last thread was also that we're just making it harder for teams from different regions to adjust to different rulesets in the case of international lans. EU and NA players already complain about 30 min timer vs 2 half system and reckoner and bagel etc etc.

You're comparing a change in the game that does not affect conscious decision making (you're still aiming and dodging pipes the same way) and the settings that rule the entire gameplay flow (win conditions).
Can you see that the first one is pretty much not making a difference?

Also, if this was so important, would have whitelists diverged? I believe there was a point in which every league used the global whitelist.

klassyMaybe you'll be able to somehow come to an agreement that every region implements twiikuus plugin (looking at the global whitelist discussions a few years prior i doubt this will happen) but with RGL actually seeing some type of growth in prizepool, sponsors(?) and LAN playoffs now, i think the chance of NA using these kinds of plugins decreases.

All major leagues already use and require the plugin.

posted about 2 years ago
#80 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiei dont have any data to back this up but in my experience if youre getting hit by a pipe its more likely going near the middle and the ones that barely hit you are much rarer

Let's consider solely the cases in which you see an IB pipe coming, maybe you manage to dodge a little, it looks like it might not hit you but does anyways, I imagine that's what is inducing frustration in players.
Obviously, the solution here is to keep your tilt in check, but because the cat is out of the bag and everyone knows that the IB pipes are bugged, it's much harder to rationalize those situations.


fair fair

posted about 2 years ago
#77 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion

I don't have a massive math brain but I have a hard time considering those funny equations, I'm not seeing complicated integrals anywhere, which I would expect considering the game simulation happens over time, and in 3D.
It feels like an easy way to either make it seem like the difference is small because the resulting number is small, or the difference is huge because number is huge.
Even the difference in volume is not properly evocative if you forget/don't know how volumes scale.

If you really cared to have a good measurement, I think Pheaa's got the right idea about it: "I would love for someone to create a plugin that checks if an iron bomber pipe that hit would have hit if it had the stock hitbox."
However, you could only easily find which default-sized pipes would have collided if they were IB-sized, so either with the resize feature already enabled, or by checking non-IB pipes (which may skew your data, as people mention that IB pipes are harder to spot mid-air, so harder to dodge). This is potentially a resource hog.
You could find the opposite if you managed to simulate the game as if IB-sized pipes were actually default-sized, and check whether they would still collide over their lifespan. This is pretty much only feasible as post-processing analysis of demos, and a huge amount of work.

At this point though, it feels like we're doing a lot to find whether a bugfix should be applied or not, is this the right criteria for inclusion?

posted about 2 years ago
#66 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Makif IB gets fixed you cant meaningfully practise with the same gun u would use on a 6s server in pubs/mge/dm unless they all run that plugin too.

Obviously, can't do anything about pubs (do you really practice in pubs?), but for MGE and DM, this is something that can be fixed, if it's not already fixed, talk to the owners.
This is the only point you manage to make in all of this post.

MakOn top of all this, and i dont know how to put it in a less confrontational way, the people making these decisions have very half baked ideas on the game

This sentence especially sucks considering you hardly manage to put into words what you actually think. I don't deny that you have more experience and understanding of the game, but extracting any of that through your posts is literally impossible, they critically lack any substance. That was also the case when giving feedback about the medic attach speed tests/season!

No hard feelings, but you can do better.

posted about 2 years ago
#44 twiikuu's technology in Projects

ANN: v1.13.0 of tf2-comp-fixes introduces a cvar to inhibit `extendfreeze`, I invite league admins to consider adding it to their configs. The update has been deployed to serveme.

When enabled with sm_inhibit_extendfreeze 1, clients will not be able to use the extendfreeze command.
This prevents some information leak, players can use this command after dying to spectate their killer in third person.
This slightly alters the handling of freezecams and may result in reduced spawn timers of at most 2 seconds across the board.

Here's a demonstration of the info leak, at 6:10

Thanks to JackyLegs for bringing this up to me

posted about 2 years ago
#62 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
MakThe top part is the problem I have with plugins :P Not really playing tf2 if u can tweak things so massively. Yea u can say 6v6 tf2 isnt really tf2 either (wrong) because of whitelists, fixed/pro versions of maps etc, but I just find this a step too far.

There's a lot of variable settings that leagues make use of and I don't see complaints about it?

posted about 2 years ago
#59 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure if this is established in the current conversation but it might be worth mentioning:
The plugin allows overriding the dimension of the hitbox (which is forced to be a cube) to any value, 4.0 being the one of default pipes, buffing all pipe launchers to be as big as IB is a possibility, so is finding a middle ground

Now that I think about it, the cvar should be called `sm_override_pipe_dimension` :(
(IB pipes are over 9 times bigger in terms of volume hehe)

Makwhy use a plugin when u can ban it. this is why i was against plugins that arent fixing things that should obviously be fixed (think ramp bug etc, where the fix is essentially free and very hard to argue against). before plugin meta we just banned/disallowed shit that was clearly broken/abusable.

Would you make the point that using this feature introduces potential differences between regions? I don't buy that, banning a weapon has the exact same effect, the difference is that the plugin lets you play with the weapon, which is a positive in my book

posted about 2 years ago
#27 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
moralexeitwiikuu made a fix for the pipe size a while ago its just not used


GitHub user bodolaz146 did implement this actually, but yeah it was ready for ETF2L S40

posted about 2 years ago
#8 crypto in Off Topic

the only thing ur holding is this fat L

posted about 2 years ago
#1036 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickValve should not have used an IDE-dependent build workflow (Visual Studio Project files) for the Source Engine; instead they should have went with a dedicated build tool that is accessible, like Makefile, CMake, meson, ninja, etc. It would reduce expenses going to Visual Studio.

those build tools are all dog shit.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 TF2 update for 11/15/21 (11/16/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Here is an update for tf2-comp-fixes, v1.11.1 is probably very broken

Sorry for the delay

posted about 2 years ago
#21 hacked, change your passwords in Off Topic
RoLxqc prob had 2fa

TOTP will not protect your account in this situation, the hashed password would
TOTP relies on a secret key to be shared between the authenticator (the app on your phone) and the validator (the twitch servers), both use that key to run the algorithm (described in RFC 4226 and 6238), because of that, the secret key must be accessible in some lossless way by the twitch servers, and in the case of a compromise, you have to assume that this secret key has been compromised. Hashed passwords remain safe for a finite period of time after a compromise because the actual password isn't stored anywhere, and the only way to get in is to crack it using a large amount of computer power.

Hunter_2_0who the fuck is subbing to esl_csgo
field                       sum
ad_share_gross              2488615.89
sub_share_gross             25591.69
bits_share_gross            3923.25
bits_developer_share_gross  0
bits_extension_share_gross  69.96
prime_sub_share_gross       48650.59
bit_share_ad_gross          25.56
fuel_rev_gross              0
bb_rev_gross                0
posted about 2 years ago
#7 i63 and cpg2019 lan demos in TF2 General Discussion

what's her name

posted about 2 years ago
#2 looking back, being a pyro main was a great fun in TF2 General Discussion

i dont see the logic linking "pyro can take skill" and "hate against playing pyro is not warranted", the reason why people vent that out is because pyro has the ability to inhibit the mechanical freedom you have and the choices you can make during an encounter, which is not fun. calling out people who enjoy this position of privilege is fine, because it's just that, a call out (assuming you don't start harassing them or whatever)

posted about 2 years ago
#135 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickThen that's more the fault of bad anti-cheats, not really the fault of the open source philosophy.

Here, you attribute value that you don't define to a hypothetical anti-cheat that does not exist
To my knowledge, there are no anti-cheat solutions that do not rely on security by obscurity, there are also no open source games that manage (or even attempt) to combat cheaters via anti-cheat
Yes, in this case, it is absolutely the fault of making a game open source that makes it impossible to defend using anti-cheat solutions

AimIsADickAlso open source only really enables amateur cheaters; most cheaters just use reverse engineered code, so unless if there's not that many dedicated cheaters, a game going open source is not really going to be the cause of more cheaters.

Ignoring that you conflate cheaters and cheat makers, here you fail to understand that providing users with the 4 freedoms ascribed by the libre software movement removes guarantees that anti-cheat solutions build upon: when any player can run their own build of the game (as per freedom 1), a specific build *cannot* be established as authentic, and any anti-cheat therefore cannot compare against it to detect illegal behavior
Even if we make the assumption that you did not mean to talk about the libre software movement, giving access to the source code enables a much wider toolset when developing cheats: running static analysis, building the game and debugging it, seeing commits over time. It is simply impossible to argue that the quality of cheats would not raise sharply with that.
It's incredibly bizarre to try gatekeeping cheat making when you're clearly not in any position to talk about that at all

AimIsADickthese two philosophies are merely different exposures to the source code.

You should read the Wikipedia article you linked earlier until you understand that "libre software is when i can read the source code" is not true.

AimIsADickI just merely said 'and that's why FOSS games are superior to closed-source, proprietary games' which was half-hearted; of course FOSS isn't superior

"I was merely pretending"

Please stop posting misinformation! Thank you

posted about 2 years ago
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