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this thread again lfg!!
it's the stv lag, he just has good tracking, dont post evidence on a public forum even though nothing has been done for weeks, etc.
drain the pugchamp swamp, make pugs great again!!!!


this thread again lfg!!
it's the stv lag, he just has good tracking, dont post evidence on a public forum even though nothing has been done for weeks, etc.
drain the pugchamp swamp, make pugs great again!!!!
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It's the stv lag

It's the stv lag
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def stv lag

edit: also unironically 3:37 is pretty blatant and very unnatural target selection for any player lol

def stv lag

edit: also unironically 3:37 is pretty blatant and very unnatural target selection for any player lol
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POV demos from someone else without their exact net or interpolation settings but using your own, not using POV viewheight correcting option in STV by using CastingEssentials, not showing damage numbers, slowmo only and not mixing the clips in with clips which aren't suspicious.

And I'll just link this thread here again too: Cheating threads and TFTV.

POV demos from someone else without their exact net or interpolation settings but using your own, not using POV viewheight correcting option in STV by using CastingEssentials, not showing damage numbers, slowmo only and not mixing the clips in with clips which aren't suspicious.

And I'll just link this thread here again too: [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/57533/cheating-threads-and-tftv]Cheating threads and TFTV[/url].
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Wiethoofdcheating rules lol

feno isnt playing rgl (as a starter) this ssn, he only plays pugchamp so there isnt a league to submit it to

more clips below (120 fps and highish quality)

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[quote=Wiethoofd]cheating rules lol[/quote]
feno isnt playing rgl (as a starter) this ssn, he only plays pugchamp so there isnt a league to submit it to

more clips below (120 fps and highish quality)
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The music fucks

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SpadesImagine cheating in TF2
The music fucks
[spoiler][quote=Spades]Imagine cheating in TF2[/quote] [/spoiler]
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as someone who was in this game i can tell you this was not clock work, this was fenomeno. you can even search the name on logs.tf and youll see its feno. please do your research before you accuse someone :)

logs: https://logs.tf/2741680

as someone who was in this game i can tell you this was not clock work, this was fenomeno. you can even search the name on logs.tf and youll see its feno. please do your research before you accuse someone :)

logs: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]https://logs.tf/2741680[/url]
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there was already a thread with feno cheating and nothing happened so not optimistic lol

there was already a thread with feno cheating and nothing happened so not optimistic lol
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WiethoofdPOV demos from someone else without their exact net or interpolation settings but using your own, not using POV viewheight correcting option in STV by using CastingEssentials, not showing damage numbers, slowmo only and not mixing the clips in with clips which aren't suspicious.

And I'll just link this thread here again too: Cheating threads and TFTV.

if only i had this guys exact net settings and damage numbers on fuck guys hes innocent



[quote=Wiethoofd]POV demos from someone else without their exact net or interpolation settings but using your own, not using POV viewheight correcting option in STV by using CastingEssentials, not showing damage numbers, slowmo only and not mixing the clips in with clips which aren't suspicious.

And I'll just link this thread here again too: [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/57533/cheating-threads-and-tftv]Cheating threads and TFTV[/url].[/quote]

[url=https://i.imgur.com/2H84Qj0.mp4]if only i had this guys exact net settings and damage numbers on fuck guys hes innocent[/url]


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SpadesThe music fucks
[quote=Spades]The music fucks[/quote]
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