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Did tf2 ever get you into trouble
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when i was 12 year old playing tf2 i played it for too long one night playing a mvm match it wasnt even mann up it was boot camp i caldnt affort the ticket but fucking the robots back on coaltown was too fun me and me team won. but i stayed up way too late it was 1 or 2 am and the next day i had to wake up early for school, i didnt get enough sleep and i failed my geography test. but the thing is lots of smartesses thought they could outsmart the system so they refused to do the test. they all failed it and me i still did the test the teacher was like welll everyone who resfued youll get an F and everyone who did it youll get a passing grade lol so in the end i wasnt even into trouble but still it was too close for comfort. since then i never stayed up too late to play games even to this day and ill always get enough sleep.

Has TF2 ever gotten you into trouble? Thanks

when i was 12 year old playing tf2 i played it for too long one night playing a mvm match it wasnt even mann up it was boot camp i caldnt affort the ticket but fucking the robots back on coaltown was too fun me and me team won. but i stayed up way too late it was 1 or 2 am and the next day i had to wake up early for school, i didnt get enough sleep and i failed my geography test. but the thing is lots of smartesses thought they could outsmart the system so they refused to do the test. they all failed it and me i still did the test the teacher was like welll everyone who resfued youll get an F and everyone who did it youll get a passing grade lol so in the end i wasnt even into trouble but still it was too close for comfort. since then i never stayed up too late to play games even to this day and ill always get enough sleep.

Has TF2 ever gotten you into trouble? Thanks
-1 Frags +

I used Team Fortress Two for money laundering purposes and hosted a shortwave radio broadcasting station which is still being run to this very day

I used Team Fortress Two for money laundering purposes and hosted a shortwave radio broadcasting station which is still being run to this very day
23 Frags +

In high school I forgot I had my gf added on steam and I missed her calls while playing tf2

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no regrets tho
In high school I forgot I had my gf added on steam and I missed her calls while playing tf2

[spoiler]no regrets tho[/spoiler]
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paging guyehh

paging guyehh
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My brother and I weren't allowed to play video games other than Minecraft growing up bc "violent video games" or whatever, but our friends got us into tf2 and we'd play late at night after they went to bed. One night after a month or so of this, my brother stayed up way too late and when asked why he was tired, fessed up the next morning (snitch).

But then we pulled out the pyrovision goggles and were like "see it's cartoon violence it's totally fine :)" and they let us keep playing lmao

Lowkey owe my career to that tho, bless pyrovision

My brother and I weren't allowed to play video games other than Minecraft growing up bc "violent video games" or whatever, but our friends got us into tf2 and we'd play late at night after they went to bed. One night after a month or so of this, my brother stayed up way too late and when asked why he was tired, fessed up the next morning (snitch).

But then we pulled out the pyrovision goggles and were like "see it's cartoon violence it's totally fine :)" and they let us keep playing lmao

Lowkey owe my career to that tho, bless pyrovision
18 Frags +

when i first started playing tf2 when I was in like 3rd grade I invited my friend over and showed him how to play. I was on my moms laptop and he was on my brothers PC. I ended up 1v1ing him on Hightower and airblasted him off the cliff repeatedly he got mad at me and punched me because he was mad so I punched him back then we started fighting and it ended because I bit him and my mom yelled at me :(

when i first started playing tf2 when I was in like 3rd grade I invited my friend over and showed him how to play. I was on my moms laptop and he was on my brothers PC. I ended up 1v1ing him on Hightower and airblasted him off the cliff repeatedly he got mad at me and punched me because he was mad so I punched him back then we started fighting and it ended because I bit him and my mom yelled at me :(
18 Frags +

i got death threats because i made a mod and valve got mad so they confiscated viewmodel animations from everyone and the casual tf2 mod community has a long history of being well-adjusted adults

i got death threats because i made a mod and valve got mad so they confiscated viewmodel animations from everyone and the casual tf2 mod community has a long history of being well-adjusted adults
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yeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school

yeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school
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led in part to me being academically dismissed from college for 18 months, something that still affects my job/grad school prospects to this day

led in part to me being academically dismissed from college for 18 months, something that still affects my job/grad school prospects to this day
-2 Frags +
Sale_boatwhen i first started playing tf2 when I was in like 3rd grade I invited my friend over and showed him how to play. I was on my moms laptop and he was on my brothers PC. I ended up 1v1ing him on Hightower and airblasted him off the cliff repeatedly he got mad at me and punched me because he was mad so I punched him back then we started fighting and it ended because I bit him and my mom yelled at me :(

You spelled sail wrong

[quote=Sale_boat]when i first started playing tf2 when I was in like 3rd grade I invited my friend over and showed him how to play. I was on my moms laptop and he was on my brothers PC. I ended up 1v1ing him on Hightower and airblasted him off the cliff repeatedly he got mad at me and punched me because he was mad so I punched him back then we started fighting and it ended because I bit him and my mom yelled at me :([/quote]
You spelled sail wrong
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enthrowyeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school

bro don't admit that online that's crazy embarrassing

[quote=enthrow]yeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school[/quote]
bro don't admit that online that's crazy embarrassing
5 Frags +
blakeeenthrowyeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high schoolbro don't admit that online that's crazy embarrassing

I'm literally thriving dude, weird for you to be embarrassed on my behalf.

[quote=blakee][quote=enthrow]yeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school[/quote]
bro don't admit that online that's crazy embarrassing[/quote]

I'm literally thriving dude, weird for you to be embarrassed on my behalf.
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