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1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15
b4nny v thalash
19 Frags +
flufnBaBsflufnBaBstheoxandmoonBaBsWhat do all the -frags mean on my comments? Does that mean next time I play I will get that many less frags or is it just an e-penis way to rank members here based on popularity like prom queen?
"you guys think i care about internet points? let me show you how much i DON'T care about internet points!!!"

Wow, you are good at reading my mind since clearly my finger do not type what I really mean because I am scared of people on the internet. Thanks buddy, please feel free to tell everyone what I am going to say next, I gotta go watch porn now.
You literally made your tftv account today to defend banny. Clearly an idiot

100% correct, good job reading my profile, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies or gets closed I will never log in again......Now what exactly is your point?
Good job defending banny on this thread, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies no one will remember you

This is a stupid argument no one will remember this in a week

[quote=flufn][quote=BaBs][quote=flufn][quote=BaBs][quote=theoxandmoon][quote=BaBs]What do all the -frags mean on my comments? Does that mean next time I play I will get that many less frags or is it just an e-penis way to rank members here based on popularity like prom queen?[/quote]

"you guys think i care about internet points? let me show you how much i DON'T care about internet points!!!"[/quote]

Wow, you are good at reading my mind since clearly my finger do not type what I really mean because I am scared of people on the internet. Thanks buddy, please feel free to tell everyone what I am going to say next, I gotta go watch porn now.[/quote]
You literally made your tftv account today to defend banny. Clearly an idiot[/quote]

100% correct, good job reading my profile, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies or gets closed I will never log in again......Now what exactly is your point?[/quote]
Good job defending banny on this thread, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies no one will remember you[/quote]

This is a stupid argument no one will remember this in a week
-15 Frags +

why was i such a faggot

why was i such a faggot
-16 Frags +


-11 Frags +
flufnBaBsflufnBaBstheoxandmoonBaBsWhat do all the -frags mean on my comments? Does that mean next time I play I will get that many less frags or is it just an e-penis way to rank members here based on popularity like prom queen?
"you guys think i care about internet points? let me show you how much i DON'T care about internet points!!!"

Wow, you are good at reading my mind since clearly my finger do not type what I really mean because I am scared of people on the internet. Thanks buddy, please feel free to tell everyone what I am going to say next, I gotta go watch porn now.
You literally made your tftv account today to defend banny. Clearly an idiot

100% correct, good job reading my profile, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies or gets closed I will never log in again......Now what exactly is your point?
Good job defending banny on this thread, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies no one will remember you

I hope you all forget me right after reading this post. I am clearly not hear to make friends to "get rep" because honestly this internet life means fuck all to me. I am actually a happy person when around real people, not keyboards. I will give credit where credit is due however. Your comeback was highly original and well thought out. GG

[quote=flufn][quote=BaBs][quote=flufn][quote=BaBs][quote=theoxandmoon][quote=BaBs]What do all the -frags mean on my comments? Does that mean next time I play I will get that many less frags or is it just an e-penis way to rank members here based on popularity like prom queen?[/quote]

"you guys think i care about internet points? let me show you how much i DON'T care about internet points!!!"[/quote]

Wow, you are good at reading my mind since clearly my finger do not type what I really mean because I am scared of people on the internet. Thanks buddy, please feel free to tell everyone what I am going to say next, I gotta go watch porn now.[/quote]
You literally made your tftv account today to defend banny. Clearly an idiot[/quote]

100% correct, good job reading my profile, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies or gets closed I will never log in again......Now what exactly is your point?[/quote]
Good job defending banny on this thread, mom must be proud, and when this thread dies no one will remember you[/quote]

I hope you all forget me right after reading this post. I am clearly not hear to make friends to "get rep" because honestly this internet life means fuck all to me. I am actually a happy person when around real people, not keyboards. I will give credit where credit is due however. Your comeback was highly original and well thought out. GG
87 Frags +

The reason b4nny became an asshole... is because he became a scout main

The reason b4nny became an asshole... is because he became a scout main
27 Frags +
waterThe reason b4nny became an asshole... is because he became a scout main

I know you all hate me here but....on a funny side note...my grandma mains scout...no joke hahaha she has 9 hours played lol

[quote=water]The reason b4nny became an asshole... is because he became a scout main[/quote]

I know you all hate me here but....on a funny side note...my grandma mains scout...no joke hahaha she has 9 hours played lol
39 Frags +

One of the dumbest thread that I've ever seen. I've witnessed the whole stream myself from start to finish and as much I didn't like B4nny much before my respect for him actually grew. He went against a troll like Thalash that was VERY RUDE in B4nny stream and because he stood up and showed some Ego that is well deserved and is backed up by the results and wins (facts) he gets all the blood on his hand.

I'm a proud European myself but many Europeans took it so personally when he said that Europeans are bad that all that SALT blocked the common sense in that argument.

You may not like his Ego and personality, okay fine but his points are PROVEN with results and facts all around the web so don't go around being butthurt and making excuses why you are not as skilled player like him by making him look bad due to his Ego and calling him names...very childish act.

It also amazes me the maturity level of people in here...guess some people never grown out from their puberty here. If you can't see beyond your salt people then I'm amazed some of you people play competitive where you can't let salt cloud your judgement and game sense inside the game..

I realize I might...or should I say WILL get downvoted by Anti-B4nny childish group but I really don't care. My opinions has been shared.

And B4nny I still might not like your Ego but you've earned a big respect from me by standing up for yourself and proving the trolls wrong even if they are not smart enough to understand the facts not even when they are laid down in front of them.
And I do feel sorry for you if you have to deal with such childish trolls each stream.

One of the dumbest thread that I've ever seen. I've witnessed the whole stream myself from start to finish and as much I didn't like B4nny much before my respect for him actually grew. He went against a troll like Thalash that was VERY RUDE in B4nny stream and because he stood up and showed some Ego that is well deserved and is backed up by the results and wins (facts) he gets all the blood on his hand.

I'm a proud European myself but many Europeans took it so personally when he said that Europeans are bad that all that SALT blocked the common sense in that argument.

You may not like his Ego and personality, okay fine but his points are PROVEN with results and facts all around the web so don't go around being butthurt and making excuses why you are not as skilled player like him by making him look bad due to his Ego and calling him names...very childish act.

It also amazes me the maturity level of people in here...guess some people never grown out from their puberty here. If you can't see beyond your salt people then I'm amazed some of you people play competitive where you can't let salt cloud your judgement and game sense inside the game..

I realize I might...or should I say WILL get downvoted by Anti-B4nny childish group but I really don't care. My opinions has been shared.

And B4nny I still might not like your Ego but you've earned a big respect from me by standing up for yourself and proving the trolls wrong even if they are not smart enough to understand the facts not even when they are laid down in front of them.
And I do feel sorry for you if you have to deal with such childish trolls each stream.
8 Frags +
Hreidmar1423 It also amazes me the maturity level of people in here...guess some people never grown out from their puberty here. If you can't see beyond your salt people then I'm amazed some of you people play competitive where you can't let salt cloud your judgement and game sense inside the game..

what are the people in this thread salty about towards b4nny, most of them have never played with or against him

[quote=Hreidmar1423] It also amazes me the maturity level of people in here...guess some people never grown out from their puberty here. If you can't see beyond your salt people then I'm amazed some of you people play competitive where you can't let salt cloud your judgement and game sense inside the game..[/quote]

what are the people in this thread salty about towards b4nny, most of them have never played with or against him
20 Frags +
Pendawhat are the people in this thread salty about towards b4nny, most of them have never played with or against him

i'm sure most of the non-europeans in this thread have played a pug with or against b4nny at some point

he can be annoying in pugs i guess but i don't really see the reason for the hate? seems like people just don't like him because his stream is relatively big and he can make a living (however shitty) through tf2

[quote=Penda]what are the people in this thread salty about towards b4nny, most of them have never played with or against him[/quote]

i'm sure most of the non-europeans in this thread have played a pug with or against b4nny at some point

he can be annoying in pugs i guess but i don't really see the reason for the hate? seems like people just don't like him because his stream is relatively big and he can make a living (however shitty) through tf2
-2 Frags +

remember when b4nny was humble jesus in early lans? what the fuck happened

remember when b4nny was humble jesus in early lans? what the fuck happened
16 Frags +

its doritos all over again....

its doritos all over again....
17 Frags +

can i make the millionth nostalgic b4nny post

can i make the millionth nostalgic b4nny post
38 Frags +

What i like is that ppl are allowed to shit talk b4nny on the forums forever. upfrags everywhere if you diss b4nny (no matter how fucked up it is, i sometimes wonder why the admins here just let it go. cuz im p sure they'd lock shit if it was someone else) or put him down in any manner in any thread regardless of whether it's related to him or not. But god forbid if he decides to confront bullshit and lose his cool for once.

i like thalash and after the argument he had with b4nny, it appeared like they were putting differences aside, and b4nny said "i hold no grudges blah blah" and even thalash said something along the lines of " we seem to be making progress", (i was in the chat so i read what was said after stream was over.) But it appears thalash wasnt genuine doesnt it? with the snide remark of " oh i had no idea he was white girl wasted" once he's back in tftv, reminded that he's a hero here cuz this is the place where b4nny is so unpopular. Why thalash, i like you, why are you getting carried away instead of making peace for bullshit popularity.

I wish ppl scrutinized what the majority does instead of conforming mindlessly. ask yourselves. are you saying you dont have a single shred of mob mentality here? and is all this bs justified.

TLDR; Downfrag me motherfuckers see if i give a fuck IM EDGY Y0 IM FUCKING EDGY AS FUCK I DONT CARE HAHAH I DONT GIVE A FUCK HAHA.

What i like is that ppl are allowed to shit talk b4nny on the forums forever. upfrags everywhere if you diss b4nny (no matter how fucked up it is, i sometimes wonder why the admins here just let it go. cuz im p sure they'd lock shit if it was someone else) or put him down in any manner in any thread regardless of whether it's related to him or not. But god forbid if he decides to confront bullshit and lose his cool for once.

i like thalash and after the argument he had with b4nny, it appeared like they were putting differences aside, and b4nny said "i hold no grudges blah blah" and even thalash said something along the lines of " we seem to be making progress", (i was in the chat so i read what was said after stream was over.) But it appears thalash wasnt genuine doesnt it? with the snide remark of " oh i had no idea he was white girl wasted" once he's back in tftv, reminded that he's a hero here cuz this is the place where b4nny is so unpopular. Why thalash, i like you, why are you getting carried away instead of making peace for bullshit popularity.

I wish ppl scrutinized what the majority does instead of conforming mindlessly. ask yourselves. are you saying you dont have a single shred of mob mentality here? and is all this bs justified.

TLDR; Downfrag me motherfuckers see if i give a fuck IM EDGY Y0 IM FUCKING EDGY AS FUCK I DONT CARE HAHAH I DONT GIVE A FUCK HAHA.
-13 Frags +


0 Frags +

"streaming tonight for sure"
i just read all this and just want to have the full experience of white knighting please :(

"streaming tonight for sure"
i just read all this and just want to have the full experience of white knighting please :(
46 Frags +

hey guys, which cookbook do you think I should buy from amazon?

I'm between






what dyou guys think?

hey guys, which cookbook do you think I should buy from amazon?

I'm between






what dyou guys think?
19 Frags +
mustardoverlordhey guys, which cookbook do you think I should buy from amazon?


[quote=mustardoverlord]hey guys, which cookbook do you think I should buy from amazon?

22 Frags +

B4nny should have never cut his hair. It's what kept his sanity in place.

B4nny should have never cut his hair. It's what kept his sanity in place.
7 Frags +
kirbyB4nny should have never cut his hair. It's what kept his sanity in place.

it's growing back so...

[quote=kirby]B4nny should have never cut his hair. It's what kept his sanity in place.[/quote]
it's growing back so...
17 Frags +

Then here's to a brighter future

Then here's to a brighter future
31 Frags +

It was real juicy at first but in retrospect this thread was pretty mean

It was real juicy at first but in retrospect this thread was pretty mean
-21 Frags +
4 Frags +
Toasterb4nny has done nothing wrong, god bless

welcome back....

[quote=Toaster]b4nny has done nothing wrong, god bless[/quote]
welcome back....
54 Frags +

Ok, so I don't care about any of this "beef" but...

Fourteen fucking pages of this shit and not one person tries to turn this into a rap battle?

This is why tf2 isn't esports.

Ok, so I don't care about any of this "beef" but...

Fourteen fucking pages of this shit and not one person tries to turn this into a rap battle?

This is why tf2 isn't esports.
-4 Frags +

hi im new what is this

hi im new what is this
-5 Frags +

This is stupid.

This is stupid.
-2 Frags +

i can't believe this thread is still going, damn guys

i can't believe this thread is still going, damn guys
6 Frags +
sildeezyOk, so I don't care about any of this "beef" but...

Fourteen fucking pages of this shit and not one person tries to turn this into a rap battle?

This is why tf2 isn't esports.

I'M the motherflippin rhymenoceros

[quote=sildeezy]Ok, so I don't care about any of this "beef" but...

Fourteen fucking pages of this shit and not one person tries to turn this into a rap battle?

This is why tf2 isn't esports.[/quote]

I'M the motherflippin rhymenoceros
-11 Frags +

The fact that so many tf2 communities still name the b4nny as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" tf2 player ever only tells you how far tf2 still is from becoming a serious art. CSGO critics have long recognized that the greatest csgo players of all times are m0eTV and kittyplaysgames, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Hearthstone critics rank the highly controversial Kripparrian over hearthstone players who were highly popular in events around Europe. Tf2 players are still blinded by commercial success: the b4nny has more DPM more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. CSGO critics grow up reviewing a lot of csgo demos of the past, Hearthstone critics grow up watching to a lot of hearthstone vods of the past. TF2 players are often totally ignorant of the best TF2 matchups of the past, they barely know the best players. No wonder they will think that the b4nny did anything worth of being saved.

The fact that so many tf2 communities still name the b4nny as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" tf2 player ever only tells you how far tf2 still is from becoming a serious art. CSGO critics have long recognized that the greatest csgo players of all times are m0eTV and kittyplaysgames, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Hearthstone critics rank the highly controversial Kripparrian over hearthstone players who were highly popular in events around Europe. Tf2 players are still blinded by commercial success: the b4nny has more DPM more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. CSGO critics grow up reviewing a lot of csgo demos of the past, Hearthstone critics grow up watching to a lot of hearthstone vods of the past. TF2 players are often totally ignorant of the best TF2 matchups of the past, they barely know the best players. No wonder they will think that the b4nny did anything worth of being saved.
89 Frags +

you may be a lan champion but you'll never see your GXL lan trophy ever again


you may be a lan champion but you'll never see your GXL lan trophy ever again

1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15
This thread has been locked.