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ask a moron who's procrastinating doing schoolwork anything

ask a moron who's procrastinating doing schoolwork anything
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are traps gay

are traps gay
-20 Frags +
Encreare traps gay


[quote=Encre]are traps gay[/quote]
25 Frags +
pyxelizeEncreare traps gayyes

that's so transphobic omjesus

[quote=pyxelize][quote=Encre]are traps gay[/quote]

that's so transphobic omjesus
32 Frags +
TaostpyxelizeEncreare traps gayyes
that's so transphobic omjesus

shut up

[quote=Taost][quote=pyxelize][quote=Encre]are traps gay[/quote]

that's so transphobic omjesus[/quote]
shut up
7 Frags +

whats ur opinion on b4nny

whats ur opinion on b4nny
8 Frags +

do your schoolwork


do your schoolwork

1 Frags +

What should I add on my poster to attract more people?


What should I add on my poster to attract more people?

6 Frags +
jojiWhat should I add on my poster to attract more people?


add a wiener

[quote=joji]What should I add on my poster to attract more people?


add a wiener
0 Frags +

What's the unladen air speed velocity of a European swallow and how does that compare with that of an African swallow?

Also? Sash or Chicane?

What's the unladen air speed velocity of a European swallow and how does that compare with that of an African swallow?

Also? Sash or Chicane?
0 Frags +

Is morality objective to all humans and the universe? If so, where are moral rules defined, and who defined them? If not, can morality be partly objective and partly subjective? If so, which parts are the objectively, pre-defined parts and which parts of morality are left to the eye of the beholder?

Show Content
Also are damneasy and morrow going to win the cup?
Is morality objective to all humans and the universe? If so, where are moral rules defined, and who defined them? If not, can morality be partly objective and partly subjective? If so, which parts are the objectively, pre-defined parts and which parts of morality are left to the eye of the beholder?

[spoiler]Also are damneasy and morrow going to win the cup?[/spoiler]
-10 Frags +

how triggered are the slack retards by the word fag

how triggered are the slack retards by the word fag
1 Frags +

how tall are you?

how tall are you?
2 Frags +

how big is penor

how big is penor
5 Frags +
Kratatawhats ur opinion on b4nny

I think his optimism about the game is goofy and he doesn't know how to manage himself so he comes off as a tool

[quote=Kratata]whats ur opinion on b4nny[/quote]
I think his optimism about the game is goofy and he doesn't know how to manage himself so he comes off as a tool
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Re4lityhow tall are you?

just under 6'

[quote=Re4lity]how tall are you?[/quote]
just under 6'
17 Frags +
saamhow triggered are the slack retards by the word fag

how fat are you saam

[quote=saam]how triggered are the slack retards by the word fag[/quote]
how fat are you saam
0 Frags +
AdebisiWhat's the unladen air speed velocity of a European swallow and how does that compare with that of an African swallow?

Also? Sash or Chicane?

one goes zoom the other goes vroom

can't comment on sash or chicane

[quote=Adebisi]What's the unladen air speed velocity of a European swallow and how does that compare with that of an African swallow?

Also? Sash or Chicane?[/quote]
one goes zoom the other goes vroom

can't comment on sash or chicane
2 Frags +
SnackIs morality objective to all humans and the universe? If so, where are moral rules defined, and who defined them? If not, can morality be partly objective and partly subjective? If so, which parts are the objectively, pre-defined parts and which parts of morality are left to the eye of the beholder?
Show Content
Also are damneasy and morrow going to win the cup?

idk i feel like all morals are in the eye of the beholder but since were social creatures people sway toward similar morals with relation to the group's that they're in

[quote=Snack]Is morality objective to all humans and the universe? If so, where are moral rules defined, and who defined them? If not, can morality be partly objective and partly subjective? If so, which parts are the objectively, pre-defined parts and which parts of morality are left to the eye of the beholder?

[spoiler]Also are damneasy and morrow going to win the cup?[/spoiler][/quote]
idk i feel like all morals are in the eye of the beholder but since were social creatures people sway toward similar morals with relation to the group's that they're in
13 Frags +
hekshow big is penor

see #16

[quote=heks]how big is penor[/quote]
see #16
3 Frags +

Why are you doing this gay shit again?

Why are you doing this gay shit again?
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why are you doing this ama

why are you doing this ama
-4 Frags +

how big is your dick

how big is your dick
-1 Frags +
KiNGwhy are you doing this ama

to avoid doing schoolwork I need to do

dishsoapWhy are you doing this gay shit again?

this one has nothing to do with tftv

[quote=KiNG]why are you doing this ama[/quote]
to avoid doing schoolwork I need to do
[quote=dishsoap]Why are you doing this gay shit again?[/quote]
this one has nothing to do with tftv
0 Frags +
Brolyhow big is your dickpyxelizesee #16
[quote=Broly]how big is your dick[/quote]
see #16[/quote]
-2 Frags +

You didn't answer my question. I never asked why are you making a TFTV ama again I was asking why are you making another ama if your last one was so shitty (It being a 'tftv' ama or not has nothing to do with my question).

Do something good for once and kill this thread please?

You didn't answer my question. I never asked why are you making a TFTV ama again I was asking why are you making another ama if your last one was so shitty (It being a 'tftv' ama or not has nothing to do with my question).

Do something good for once and kill this thread please?
0 Frags +

are you ready to bring out the roamer

are you ready to bring out the roamer
0 Frags +

dont't worry guys, he will have to do his hw real soon cuz there is only like a week left of school. he can only procrastinate for so long.

dont't worry guys, he will have to do his hw real soon cuz there is only like a week left of school. he can only procrastinate for so long.
-5 Frags +

what did you do to hurt my friend dishsoap

what did you do to hurt my friend dishsoap
6 Frags +


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