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pre-ripped jeans
posted in The Dumpster
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cute thighs tbh

cute thighs tbh
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it's a fashion statement
why should I go through the effort of doing hard work to look like I do hard work when I can just be a faggot and wear pre ripped jeans

it's a fashion statement
why should I go through the effort of doing hard work to look like I do hard work when I can just be a faggot and wear pre ripped jeans
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Not as disgusting as your mug at least.

Not as disgusting as your mug at least.
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flyingbuddyNot as disgusting as your mug at least.

i know im ugly but thats going a bit far

[quote=flyingbuddy]Not as disgusting as your mug at least.[/quote]

i know im ugly but thats going a bit far
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ripped jeans are for skinny people

ripped jeans are for skinny people
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safrixripped jeans are for skinny people

fat shaming in 2017 smh

[quote=safrix]ripped jeans are for skinny people[/quote]

fat shaming in 2017 smh
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All_Over_RSflyingbuddyNot as disgusting as your mug at least.
i know im ugly but thats going a bit far

m8 I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about ur cooked jeans

[quote=All_Over_RS][quote=flyingbuddy]Not as disgusting as your mug at least.[/quote]

i know im ugly but thats going a bit far[/quote]

m8 I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about ur cooked jeans
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why not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.

why not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.
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Frogglestewwhy not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.

Generally because allot of people fat shame people who look a little fat but are actually healthy. Especially when they go to a dietitian or a doctor and they say that the person is at their target weight yet they get ridiculed among their peers for being fat. Not to mention that some people get to eat way worse and still be skinny than others. Its a fucking privilege to eat pizza/candy everyday of high school and not gain weight especially when the exact same people ridicule others for being fat. All the while the "fat" people are cutting meals and feeling both physical and emotional pain day in and day out to please some retard who doesn't know what hes talking about. I think you should reconsider what you are saying.

edit: im not talking about people who are clearly eating tons of junk food and are very very fat.

edit2: im not even going into how the food industry has practically gotten us addicted to sugar and fat, and how many people cant resist the urge because they got hooked on it from a very very young age. I watched a documentary called "fed up" where they talk about obesity problems in america. one of the things they speak of is 5 month year old babies who are obese, how the fuck is a 5 month year old baby supposed to control what he eats or exercise.

[quote=Frogglestew]why not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.[/quote]

Generally because allot of people fat shame people who look a little fat but are actually healthy. Especially when they go to a dietitian or a doctor and they say that the person is at their target weight yet they get ridiculed among their peers for being fat. Not to mention that some people get to eat way worse and still be skinny than others. Its a fucking privilege to eat pizza/candy everyday of high school and not gain weight especially when the exact same people ridicule others for being fat. All the while the "fat" people are cutting meals and feeling both physical and emotional pain day in and day out to please some retard who doesn't know what hes talking about. I think you should reconsider what you are saying.

edit: im not talking about people who are clearly eating tons of junk food and are very very fat.

edit2: im not even going into how the food industry has practically gotten us addicted to sugar and fat, and how many people cant resist the urge because they got hooked on it from a very very young age. I watched a documentary called "fed up" where they talk about obesity problems in america. one of the things they speak of is 5 month year old babies who are obese, how the fuck is a 5 month year old baby supposed to control what he eats or exercise.
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Frogglestewwhy not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.

because it's a rude thing to do? a little empathy lol

[quote=Frogglestew]why not fat shame people? put yourself in a caloric deficit or suffer from a verbal flogging and heart disease. your choice.[/quote]
because it's a rude thing to do? a little empathy lol
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if you're fat trying to please some "retard" then you wont end up losing any weight at all because you wont want to please some "retard." Typically obese people who actually care about losing weight are doing it to better themselves first and then pleasing the "retard" second because they don't want to die

Also I was referring to people who fall into the upper part of overweight/obese range. These types of people are absolutely killing themselves and I am aware how the food industry engineers food to become addicting. Nobody has to stop eating junk food but they should at least acknowledge that they are overweight and attempt to exercise and slowly change their diet so that they aren't eating the same shit for breakfast lunch and dinner.

To tell people that they don't look healthy is perfectly fine in my eyes and I won't "verbally flog" them like I said and I apologize for my wording I can sound more harsh online. Going up to the point where someone loses their confidence is bad but if you tell someone they are fat and they just laugh it off thats where it begins to become an issue, because they are accepting that they're fat and that they cant change it and thats what happened to my dad until I had a long talk with him about it and expressed my concerns.

My dad has been overweight since I was a child and I recently have gotten him to watch his calories and bike to work instead of driving his truck and eating shit food and do you know what? That conversation hurts because truth hurts. Now he's down about 30lbs and hes continuing to lose more weight and I will be with him every step of the way because he CHOSE to change the way he lives his life. Though I had to suggest it to him because there is no way he would've done it himself, I basically told him he was fat and killing himself and he already has type 2 diabetes.

So no I wouldn't be as harsh as you're envisioning and its probably because of my terrible wording in my previous post, but what I will say is fat shaming is only going to hurt someones feelings, but fat acceptance will kill them. IF someone is fat you shouldn't say oh you're disgusting but rather say you're overweight/fat and need to make life changes quickly. Even if you put it nicely they might still view it as fat shaming because they dont want to hear the truth.

Those are my views, they might conflict with yours.

if you're fat trying to please some "retard" then you wont end up losing any weight at all because you wont want to please some "retard." Typically obese people who actually care about losing weight are doing it to better themselves first and then pleasing the "retard" second because they don't want to die

Also I was referring to people who fall into the upper part of overweight/obese range. These types of people are absolutely killing themselves and I am aware how the food industry engineers food to become addicting. Nobody has to stop eating junk food but they should at least acknowledge that they are overweight and attempt to exercise and slowly change their diet so that they aren't eating the same shit for breakfast lunch and dinner.

To tell people that they don't look healthy is perfectly fine in my eyes and I won't "verbally flog" them like I said and I apologize for my wording I can sound more harsh online. Going up to the point where someone loses their confidence is bad but if you tell someone they are fat and they just laugh it off thats where it begins to become an issue, because they are accepting that they're fat and that they cant change it and thats what happened to my dad until I had a long talk with him about it and expressed my concerns.

My dad has been overweight since I was a child and I recently have gotten him to watch his calories and bike to work instead of driving his truck and eating shit food and do you know what? That conversation hurts because truth hurts. Now he's down about 30lbs and hes continuing to lose more weight and I will be with him every step of the way because he CHOSE to change the way he lives his life. Though I had to suggest it to him because there is no way he would've done it himself, I basically told him he was fat and killing himself and he already has type 2 diabetes.

So no I wouldn't be as harsh as you're envisioning and its probably because of my terrible wording in my previous post, but what I will say is fat shaming is only going to hurt someones feelings, but fat acceptance will kill them. IF someone is fat you shouldn't say oh you're disgusting but rather say you're overweight/fat and need to make life changes quickly. Even if you put it nicely they might still view it as fat shaming because they dont want to hear the truth.

Those are my views, they might conflict with yours.
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I also highly recommend people check out chazz weaver's documentary it would be a great example of how someone could eat mcdonalds a few times a week as long as they watch their calories and exercise. Obviously not eating it for every meal like he did but he did it to prove a point. I recommended to my dad he could eat mcdonalds and shit as long as he keeps an eye on his intake.


sorry for hijacking the thread

I also highly recommend people check out chazz weaver's documentary it would be a great example of how someone could eat mcdonalds a few times a week as long as they watch their calories and exercise. Obviously not eating it for every meal like he did but he did it to prove a point. I recommended to my dad he could eat mcdonalds and shit as long as he keeps an eye on his intake.


sorry for hijacking the thread
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trippa it must take a lot of restraint to get over a food addiction, but blaming it on genetics is wrong. the most "luck" involved in staying at a healthy weight is having parent figures who raise you with acceptable eating habits

I was with you until here.

Absolutely 100% its calories in/calories out (some people quibble over the idea that fat calories vs carb calories determine how the body ultimately processes excess caloric intake and effects like insulin resistance and metabolic syndromes caused by carbohydrate overconsumption. I agree with this research but you can still overeat the 'right' calories and end up overweight) but the genetic basis and heritability of addictive type behaviors is pretty well established by the medical literature.

Food is good [citation needed] and consumption of fatty or carb rich foods is known to stimulate the dopamine pathways via the D2 dopamine receptor, which is one of the primary reward pathways in the brain. These reward pathways emphasize and accentuate "good" behaviors, or ones that we have evolved to favor. There is a certain polymorphism of one of the regulatory genes that control how these D2 receptors are formed and how many are formed. These polymorphisms have strong relationships to addiction of other substances (tobacco, alcohol and opiates are the most commonly studied) and in Stice et.al (2010) they were shown to have both an effect on activation of parts of the brain either known or thought to have an effect on decision making and reward pathways AND was associated with downstream weight gain.

That is just one example and the actual clinical picture of obesity is almost assuredly multifaceted and nuanced with a combination of multiple genes and environmental (including being raised with good eating habits). However, saying that there is no genetic involvement at all does not follow currently well established science.

I run into this problem at work where I see many opiate addicted patients. There is a strong empathy gap between care providers and addicts, many people are of the opinion that the users could "just quit". It isn't that easy and failing to have empathy for the unique difficulties that a very real disease like addiction presents will fail to capture huge parts of the population and increase overall morbidity and mortality of things like opiate, alcohol and yes, even food addiction. I try and remember "there but by the grace of God go I". What separates you and me from the crippling alcoholism and opiate abuse is tenuous and paper thin.

[quote=trippa] it must take a lot of restraint to get over a food addiction, but blaming it on genetics is wrong. the most "luck" involved in staying at a healthy weight is having parent figures who raise you with acceptable eating habits[/quote]

I was with you until here.

Absolutely 100% its calories in/calories out (some people quibble over the idea that fat calories vs carb calories determine how the body ultimately processes excess caloric intake and effects like insulin resistance and metabolic syndromes caused by carbohydrate overconsumption. I agree with this research but you can still overeat the 'right' calories and end up overweight) but the genetic basis and heritability of addictive type behaviors is pretty well established by the medical literature.

Food is good [citation needed] and consumption of fatty or carb rich foods is known to stimulate the dopamine pathways via the D2 dopamine receptor, which is one of the primary reward pathways in the brain. These reward pathways emphasize and accentuate "good" behaviors, or ones that we have evolved to favor. There is a certain polymorphism of one of the regulatory genes that control how these D2 receptors are formed and how many are formed. These polymorphisms have strong relationships to addiction of other substances (tobacco, alcohol and opiates are the most commonly studied) and in [url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987805/]Stice et.al (2010)[/url] they were shown to have both an effect on activation of parts of the brain either known or thought to have an effect on decision making and reward pathways AND was associated with downstream weight gain.

That is just one example and the actual clinical picture of obesity is almost assuredly multifaceted and nuanced with a combination of multiple genes and environmental (including being raised with good eating habits). However, saying that there is no genetic involvement at all does not follow currently well established science.

I run into this problem at work where I see many opiate addicted patients. There is a strong empathy gap between care providers and addicts, many people are of the opinion that the users could "just quit". It isn't that easy and failing to have empathy for the unique difficulties that a very real disease like addiction presents will fail to capture huge parts of the population and increase overall morbidity and mortality of things like opiate, alcohol and yes, even food addiction. I try and remember "there but by the grace of God go I". What separates you and me from the crippling alcoholism and opiate abuse is tenuous and paper thin.
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Frogglestewif you're fat trying to please some "retard" then you wont end up losing any weight at all because you wont want to please some "retard." Typically obese people who actually care about losing weight are doing it to better themselves first and then pleasing the "retard" second because they don't want to die

I specifically just said that the people they are trying to please don't realize that the individual they are fat shaming are not obese and that is what their weight should be. It isn't about their health. Its about not wanting to be made fun of.

Also leave telling people they are obese to their health care provider. Its not your business to be saying that shit to someone. All it does is make them feel bad. Chances are they already feel bad. Some might even be trying really hard but they are frustrated. Losing weight takes time. Rather than being a douche by constantly reminding them they are fat you should give them some positive encouragement if and only if they seek it from you.

edit: its a bit different with family. you helping your dad is completely different from being a peer in class and saying "hey you need to lose weight, you look fat"

[quote=Frogglestew]if you're fat trying to please some "retard" then you wont end up losing any weight at all because you wont want to please some "retard." Typically obese people who actually care about losing weight are doing it to better themselves first and then pleasing the "retard" second because they don't want to die[/quote]

I specifically just said that the people they are trying to please don't realize that the individual they are fat shaming are not obese and that is what their weight should be. It isn't about their health. Its about not wanting to be made fun of.

Also leave telling people they are obese to their health care provider. Its not your business to be saying that shit to someone. All it does is make them feel bad. Chances are they already feel bad. Some might even be trying really hard but they are frustrated. Losing weight takes time. Rather than being a douche by constantly reminding them they are fat you should give them some positive encouragement if and only if they seek it from you.

edit: its a bit different with family. you helping your dad is completely different from being a peer in class and saying "hey you need to lose weight, you look fat"
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safrixripped jeans are for skinny people

lemme rephrase this
jeans should be the proper size cause she looks like she's cutting off her blood circulation

[quote=safrix]ripped jeans are for skinny people[/quote]

lemme rephrase this
jeans should be the proper size cause she looks like she's cutting off her blood circulation
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trippametabolism is also a factor but the variance is only a couple hundred calories per day iirc,

Only a couple hundred calories???? that's literally an extra meal or a bag of chips that someone can eat every single day that someone else cant. I have a bad metabolism, and I've dieting. I've found success in analyzing what one food will do to my weight and what I have to give up if I want something and keep losing weight. If I want to eat a bag of chips I literally half to skip out on a meal and half to compensate and run for like half an hour. Someone with a good metabolism doesn't. that's literally me waking up at 8 am and not eating until 3 o'clock where I eat the bag of chips. fucking insane what "a few hundred calories" means

[quote=trippa]metabolism is also a factor but the variance is only a couple hundred calories per day iirc, [/quote]

Only a couple hundred calories???? that's literally an extra meal or a bag of chips that someone can eat every single day that someone else cant. I have a bad metabolism, and I've dieting. I've found success in analyzing what one food will do to my weight and what I have to give up if I want something and keep losing weight. If I want to eat a bag of chips I literally half to skip out on a meal and half to compensate and run for like half an hour. Someone with a good metabolism doesn't. that's literally me waking up at 8 am and not eating until 3 o'clock where I eat the bag of chips. fucking insane what "a few hundred calories" means
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safrixsafrixripped jeans are for skinny people
lemme rephrase this
jeans should be the proper size cause she looks like she's cutting off her blood circulation

Don't be too mean.

[quote=safrix][quote=safrix]ripped jeans are for skinny people[/quote]

lemme rephrase this
jeans should be the proper size cause she looks like she's cutting off her blood circulation[/quote]

Don't be too mean.
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So no I wouldn't be as harsh as you're envisioning and its probably because of my terrible wording in my previous post, but what I will say is fat shaming is only going to hurt someones feelings, but fat acceptance will kill them. IF someone is fat you shouldn't say oh you're disgusting but rather say you're overweight/fat and need to make life changes quickly. Even if you put it nicely they might still view it as fat shaming because they dont want to hear the truth.

Those are my views, they might conflict with yours.

i agree with you here. if you know the person as a friend it's perfectly fine to say 'hey i'm concerned for your health man'. it happens all the time and can be good for the unhealthy person.


Frogglestewverbal flogging

is different from a polite/constructive conversation. especially if you don't know the person as a friend and are just talking to someone through the internet. remember there is a real person behind the screen.


So no I wouldn't be as harsh as you're envisioning and its probably because of my terrible wording in my previous post, but what I will say is fat shaming is only going to hurt someones feelings, but fat acceptance will kill them. IF someone is fat you shouldn't say oh you're disgusting but rather say you're overweight/fat and need to make life changes quickly. Even if you put it nicely they might still view it as fat shaming because they dont want to hear the truth.

Those are my views, they might conflict with yours.[/quote]
i agree with you here. if you know the person as a friend it's perfectly fine to say 'hey i'm concerned for your health man'. it happens all the time and can be good for the unhealthy person.


[quote=Frogglestew]verbal flogging[/quote]
is different from a polite/constructive conversation. especially if you don't know the person as a friend and are just talking to someone through the internet. remember there is a real person behind the screen.
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how did this thread turn into /fit/

how did this thread turn into /fit/
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its ok to shame short people (under 6 foot) but not ok to shame fat people apparently

its ok to shame short people (under 6 foot) but not ok to shame fat people apparently
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Maelstrom its not funny to make fun of midgets because they can change their height but because people aren't empathic to them they aren't able to change their height.

Maelstrom its not funny to make fun of midgets because they can change their height but because people aren't empathic to them they aren't able to change their height.
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what the hell have i started

what the hell have i started
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Holy shit lads, i think we've veered off topic here

Holy shit lads, i think we've veered off topic here
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